6 Proven Benefits of Senna Tea | Organic Facts (2024)

    by John Staughton (BASc, BFA)last updated -

    Senna tea is an FDA-approved nonprescription laxative. Its top health benefits may include aiding weight loss, treating constipation, reducing inflammation, and detoxifying the body, among others. However, this powerful tea does come with possible side effects, and should only be consumed in a moderate amount to avoid weakened bowels, low electrolyte levels, liver damage, heart conditions and dependency on the herb for your gut to function properly.

    What is Senna Tea?

    Senna tea is derived from the leaves ofCassiaplants, which comprise more than 250 different species. Senna has been traditionally used as a laxative as well as to clear the bowels before tests such as colonoscopy. The senna plants are small shrubs that bear yellow or green leaflets; these can be cultivated and dried to makesenna tea. The two mostpopular senna leaf varieties areCassiaangustifoliaandCassiaaccutifolia,which are exported around the world due to their unique health effects. Senna tea has a sweet flavor but has a slightly bitter taste in the end. [1]

    Health Benefits

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    The major health benefits of senna tea are as follows:

    May Aid in Weight Loss

    Senna tea can help to flush out excess toxins and residual waste matter out of the body, which may promote weight loss. However, much of the weight that is “lost” is water weight. So, consuming the tea should also be paired with dietary restrictions and exercise to have a full effect.

    May Act As A Laxative

    The sennosides that may be found in this tea may stimulate peristaltic motion and rapid detoxification through its possible laxative effect. This helps treat constipation. Senna is approved by the FDAas a nonprescription laxative. [2]

    6 Proven Benefits of Senna Tea | Organic Facts (1)

    Senna tea is a popular herbal treatment made from the leaves of the senna plant. Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    May Treat Hemorrhoids

    Senna may help in reducing swelling and quick healing of anal fissures and other hemorrhoids due to its laxative effects.

    May Treat Indigestion

    If you are struggling with constipation, bloating, cramping, or indigestion, senna tea can often help by promoting the normal flow of food and waste matterthrough your bowels. [3]

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    May Act As a Diuretic

    This specialty tea is also well-known as a possible diuretic, meaning it may stimulate urination. This can release excess salts, fats, toxins, and water from the body. Senna can often result in dehydration, so make sure you are staying well hydrated.

    May Aid in Skin Care

    Senna tea, due to the presence of tannin, resin, and essential oils, is used to treat wounds, burns, and ringworms. Its anti-bacterial properties are also useful in fighting acne, and other skin ailments.

    May Help in Hair Care & Color

    Applying senna to your hair will ensure stronger, thicker, and voluminous hair. It can also act as a natural hair highlighter which gives ash blonde to golden color.

    Possibly Anti-Parasitic

    Certain compounds that may be found in senna tea, such as sennosides, possibly possess an anti-parasitic effect. By eradicating intestinal worms and other gut parasites, this tea can help ensure that you get as many nutrients as possible from your meals.

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    May Have an Anticancer Potential

    The literature on senna extracts suggests that it is a weak promoter of colon carcinogenesis but however when taken in large amounts, it can be a cause of cancer cell formation in the body. In this research, the test subjects were administered 10mg/kg for 13 to 28 weeks, which is a healthy dose to induce laxation. [4]

    A 2011 study published in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine suggests that there is norelation between the occurrence of colon cancer and consumption of senna. [5]

    With all the research out, consuming a moderate amount of senna tea is a great way for you to stay healthy and avoid any risks.

    Possibly Anti-inflammatory

    Traditionally, senna tea has beenused for a wide variety of inflammatory conditions, including headaches, fevers, andinflammation of joints and tissues. [6]

    How To Make Senna Tea?

    Senna tea can easily be made at home and requires only a small amount of senna leaves for its preparation. Despite being native to the Middle East, Africa, andAsia, the senna plant has also been cultivated in the US and other parts of the world. So you can alsogrow your own senna shrub, as it is much easier to access the leaflets to make this tea. Once the leaflets are harvested and dried, they can be used to their full effect.

    6 Proven Benefits of Senna Tea | Organic Facts (2)

    Detoxifying Senna Tea Recipe

    Senna tea begins to take effect within 1-3 hours of ingesting the brew. Every individual is different, in terms of metabolism and other factors, and that may affect how quickly the tea will begin to work. However, provided youdidn’t takeany other medications and you have a relatively empty stomach, it should take about two hours to feel the impact.

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    Course: Tea

    Cuisine: Indian, Middle East

    Keyword: Senna Tea

    Appliance: Saucepan

    Cook Time: 5 minutes

    Steeping time: 10 minutes

    Total Time: 5 minutes

    Servings: 1 cup

    Author: Raksha Hegde

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    • 1/4 tsp dried senna leaves
    • 2 cups water filtered
    • 1/2 tsp honey or sugar


    • Bring the water to a boil in a small saucepan. Remove from heat.

    • Add the senna leaves, cover the pot, and allow them to steep for 8-10 minutes.

      6 Proven Benefits of Senna Tea | Organic Facts (3)

    • Strain the mixture into a teacup, or larger pitcher if you're making a bigger batch.Add honey or sugar, if desired, and enjoy!

      6 Proven Benefits of Senna Tea | Organic Facts (4)


    If you want to use senna tea for overall health, start with a mild brew to see what effects it will have on your body. The laxative effect can be ratherintenseand may affectpeople witha sensitivestomach. Find a comfortable strength for senna tea based on your own body, and remember this tea should not be taken foran extendedperiod of time.

    Senna tea is very potent and should only be consumed for a purpose. It is best to consult a qualified health-care provider before you incorporate this tea into your diet. Possible side effects of excessive consumption of the tea include the following:

    6 Proven Benefits of Senna Tea | Organic Facts (2024)


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