A first spring with you - Manibarilo (2024)

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Chapter Text

And through accountability, maybe I can ask for your confidence?

He scratched the last sentence he wrote, and then rewrote it, exactly the same.

You have a way with words, why not use that? Keep that notebook with you; it might help you express yourself better.’

Akechi Goro snapped close his notebook with a huff. ‘It’s gonna help you’, they said. Yeah right. There was no point, he was getting more frustrated by his writing exercise meant to clear his mind. He took a deep breath and looked up. There was no point in procrastinating his task any longer, he was already here anyway.

Standing in the alleyway of Yongen Jaya, familiar even after 5 years, Akechi walked toward his goal: Café Leblanc.

A part of him judged himself greatly for what he was about to do. What was he, desperate? Seriously, what was the first thing Akechi did on Christmas Eve when Mementos faded away? Step up and turn himself in, just so he could repay him. He gets out of interrogation on January 1st for no apparent reason? He comes back to see him. Now that Akechi is free from juvenile detention, what does the ex-convict do? Search and seek him.


Him. Amamiya Ren, the tricky fool.

Sharp grey eyes, mischievous smile and fuzzy black hair, the thought of Ren made his heart squeeze. The guy had accompanied Akechi in all the cool spots of Tokyo, giving him a semblance of careless teenage fun. He had witnessed the worst side of Akechi, dueled him as en equal for the sake of his justice – a subject they both debated so often. Somehow, he had managed to outwit him and his perfect plan for vengeance.

And yet, that same Ren had wished for him, out of everyone – him, Crow, the traitor - so much so Akechi had came back from his Metaverse-induced coma?

Akechi Goro was a lot of things. Selfish? Sure. Cunning? Incredibly. Dealing with abandonment issue? Unfortunately. Determined? Stubbornly so. But self-denying he was not.

Like hell Akechi would let him go.

So here he was. In front of Leblanc.

But five years was a long time. The ex-detective doubted that he would find his quarry here, but it was a good start as any to start his investigation. So he entered.


The bell chimed and Sakura-san – the same old owner of the Café - grumbled a ‘‘welcome’’ from the kitchen.

Red eyes scanned the area, avoiding to look at the neatly organized coffee bean bags shelves. Not much had changed. The TV in the corner got updated for a new version. An old man was sitting alone in the booth farthest from the door. The same old smell of coffee hit Akechi with strong nostalgia.

Sakura Sojiro came back from the kitchen, drying his hand on a towel. His hairline had receded a bit, but he remained unchanged otherwise. The nostalgia amplified, with a hint of awkwardness. Handling any other emotion than anger was still... a work in progress. Wakaba Isshiki’s death was still something he had yet to process how he felt about it, and facing the Sakuras about it was just too high of a hurdle right now. The past between them was messy and it took Akechi a lot of self control to stay there and place a neutral look on his face.

Akechi was a man with an objective and nothing would stop him.

The steps were simple: be direct and appeal to common sense. It often seemed to work with the old man.

‘‘Sakura-san.’’ Akechi gave a small bow, it seemed like the right thing to do.

‘‘Oh. It’s you.’’

Sakura-san didn’t seem that much more comfortable either. Join the club. The older man seemed to hesitate between curiosity and quiet politeness – but he was not necessarily aggressive or unwelcoming. It did help calm Akechi’s nerve a bit, but he wouldn’t outstay his welcome.

‘‘Don’t worry, I won’t stay long. I was wondering if you could tell me where Amamiya-Kun would be?’’ Akechi went straight to the point, no pleasantries. Didn’t need it, didn’t care about it.

‘‘Can’t you just call the kid? Didn’t he tell you?’’ he grumbled, narrowing his eyes a bit suspiciously at him.

That would have been the plan, if it was a possibility. Irritably, Akechi contemplated the quickest way to explain that his LINE account had been linked with his (old) work account which had been disabled and thus he didn’t have his contacts anymore. Not that he owed any explanation to the old man.

‘‘I don’t have my old phone anymore. I need to have a talk with him.’’ He paused, Time to appeal to common sense. ‘‘I can assure you that I won’t bother him if he sends me away after that.’’

‘‘Mmm, it sure sounds complicated. They said you had died.’’ Sakura-san grumbled, scratching the back of his neck. The familiarity of the gesture caught Akechi off guard, heartbeat pulsing in is head. He needed the information and bolt out of here. Fast. Sakura-san’s voice brought his attention back to the current conversation. ‘‘Anyway, you’re outta luck. The kid is in Takayama for spring. Family issue to deal with.’’

Takayama, in the Gifu prefecture.

Perfect, Akechi had the information he was looking for. Never mind that it was 5 and half hour away by bullet train. He would manage. He could manage.

‘‘I won’t be taking more of you time.’’ Without further ado, Akechi left the establishment.

He walked quickly past an alleyway, spotted a cop on his phone, turned on his heels and chose a different alley. His breath was catching in his throat. Once secluded enough, Akechi placed a hand on the wall and slouched on himself. His thick chestnut hair a curtain against the world. With shaky breath, he tried to recompose himself.

You are not immediately unwelcome, stop it!

His gloveless fingers gripped tightly the wall, the pain calming him a little.

Of course he wouldn’t be there, it’s been years. Being disappointed is stupid.

He tried to steady his breathing.

You knew it beforehand, you were prepared for that outcome.

Another breath, deeper this time.

Takayama is manageable, you still have access to the money from your Detective Prince/hitman era.

Akechi got his phone out, opening the bullet train website.

What if he doesn’t want to see me anymore?

He stilled for a moment, before buying his train tickets with renewed fury.

He will have to f*cking say it to my face, that lying trash. He can’t just say ‘I’ll hold on to your glove’ or ‘your life is not trivial’ and just cut me out without words!

Akechi Goro was a lot of things, but self-denying he was not. With determination, he headed to the station.

* * *

Sakura Sojiro can’t say he was easily surprised anymore.

Being the sole father figure of the rag tag group of kids that composed the Phantom Thieves did that to you. He had heard of and witnessed things so out of the ordinary over their first months, his composure was hard to shake off as a result. Hell, he even lived with an apparently talking cat from time to time. But when the minor celebrity detective that was also a kid murderer reported to be dead walked by his coffee shop like it was just any Monday morning, Sojiro will admit, he had been thrown off.

After that short encounter, Sojiro looked around, brow furrowed.

Where did I put my phone?

Sojiro was not getting old, it’s just those companies that keep making them smaller and thinner.

Grumbling, Sojiro admitted defeat after a while and pinched the bridge of his nose. ‘‘Futaba, can you call me?’’

And not even ten seconds later, a coffee bag was ringing.

Maybe not the coffee bag, but the cellphone forgotten right behind the coffee bags was.

‘‘Thanks.’’ Sojiro grumbled into his phone.

‘‘No prob, Sojiro! Can’t help it, we’ll all grow old and forgetful one day!’’ Futaba laughed in answer.

‘‘Oh yeah? Wouldn’t it be a pity if this old man forgot to make diner?’’

‘‘No, no! Sorry! You are not old, you never forget anything! Specially not mom’s amazing curry recipe that you will make later today, riiiiiight?’’

‘‘Right.’’ Sojiro smiled, before remembering why he was looking for his phone in the fist place. ‘‘So, you heard, huh?’’

A pause.

‘‘Yeah. I couldn’t believe my ears. Was it really Akechi?’’ She turned more serious, but didn’t sound upset, much to Sojiro’s relief.

‘‘Yeah.’’ He pondered a bit. ‘‘Think we should tell Ren?’’

A pause again, longer.

‘‘Yeah.’’ Futaba ended up deciding. ‘‘Could I... Can I tell him?’’

‘‘Probably for the best, you guys text all the time.’’ conceded Sojiro. A part of him was a bit relieved, he had seen the kid mourn his friend for a long time after his trip in juvie. The kid hadn’t cried – not in front of him at least – but he had looked sombre and quieter - if that was possible. It had been hard to watch, and Sojiro tried his best to just be a comforting presence. While Ren seemed better nowadays, maybe the news of the ex-detective alive and seemingly well would not be a bad thing.


Another part of him was anxious for his other kid, Futaba. That Akechi guy had been the tool to kill Wakaba, as hard as it was to wrap his head around the idea. For f*ck’s sake, the boy must have been 14 when it happened! While it still left a bitter taste in Sojiro’s mouth to think about it, there was no doubt in his mind that Shido Masayoshi was responsible. He would still have find a way to get rid of Wakaba, whether it was with the boy’s help or not. That thought didn’t make the situation easier.

‘‘Futaba, how do you feel?’’ he asked, just to make sure.

He heard her sigh. Sojiro might not be good with words, but neither was Futaba at expressing herself. What a pair they made! Though they both have been better at the expression thing, ever since... well, ever since Ren.

‘‘Weirdly okay. Honestly. I... ever since he told us about his family issue in the past, I didn’t have it in me to hate him anymore. I was there when he told Ren about his mother, and I think I understand him, in a way. He was just a lost kid, like us. He lost his mother, like me, I know what it can do to someone’s heart. He didn’t have a key item to kick start his redemption arc until it was already too late.’’ She paused, as if to confirm with herself if she really meant what she said. She did. ‘‘So yeah, I might need to one day talk to him, but right now, I am okay. And I kind of hope that maybe he will be too. I really like when the antagonist of an anime gets over his circ*mstance and becomes an ally. Maybe I’ll get to see it in live action!’’

Sojiro chuckled. What a kind girl. The anime talk wasn’t really his thing, but he got the gist of it.

‘‘Alright that’s good. And about your dinner request for tonight, do you want to call the Kitagawa kid? He likes that curry too and I always end up with too much anyway.’’

‘‘... Sure, I’ll call Inari to ask.’’ Well, that was a suspicious way to phrase it. ‘‘He’ll be there when you’ll come back home.’’

A hand on his hip, Sojiro sighed. ‘‘... He’s already there, isn’t he?’’

‘‘Consider him invited and present for dinner. Alright, see you, bye Dad.’’

And she hung up.

Sojiro hung his head low, pinching the bridge of his nose again. He wasn’t sure how he felt about his daughter alone with a boy at home – in her room probably – but at the same time... Futaba had been alone so long in her teenage years, her opening up to romance wasn’t a bad thing. And the Kitagawa kid sure seemed responsible on most aspects. They were both adults now too, Futaba having turned 20 earlier this year. The old man remembered how sweet it could be to be close to someone he cared about.

Wakaba, if you could see Futaba today.

Smiling to himself, Sojiro hoped that maybe this was the start of something exciting in a positive way, for both his kids.

* * *

Home is where the heart is.

If the saying was true, it meant that Amamiya Ren’s home was mostly in Tokyo. Mostly, but not entirely. And that division sure did make things complicated between the different aspects of his life.

But Takayama was his birthplace, and Ren came during every summer holiday; he was used to the rhythm of things here by now. While here, he kept frequent contact with his friends, Morgana always came here with him and he had his regular job working at the family bookshop in his uncle’s stead.

Every day was pretty much the same here.

Hence, when Ren received Futaba’s text, he hadn’t been prepared for the news.

Ren was sitting by the cash register of the old family bookshop. Amamiya’s books. A small place smelling of wood, lignin pages and a hint of vanilla; wooden shelves filled with books of all ages – from the oldest of Bashō’s haiku to the latest modern light novel – and usually stacked in a very haphazard and uncharing way. Ren had taken upon himself to organize the shelves a bit and had done a great job with the entrance so far. It was a long term project, and really just something to do in between the sparse customers or his latest reading.

As such, Ren was busy reading Banana Yoshimoto’s debut work ‘Kitchen’, tugging a stray curl that had fled his low ponytail – his hair was getting way too long now, thanks to one of Ann’s comment – when his phone pinged for his attention.

* * *

April 1st 2024, 12h15

Futaba, 12h15

Hey bro, you free?

Futaba, 12h15

Don’t answer, you’re always free

Me, 12h16


Futaba, 12h16

It’s you saying hi or you rebelling against my comment?

Me, 12h16


Me, 12h16

But mostly hi, you know I always make time for you

Futaba, 12h17

Awww :)

Futaba, 12h17

Now I feel bad for what I am about to tell you

Futaba, 12h17

Unless you’ll like it?

Me, 12h17

What’s wrong?

Futaba, 12h18

So, a wild Akechi appeared in leblanc today

Futaba, 12h18

Well, appeared, more like he walked in

Futaba, 12h19

It’s not a magical apparition from what I know, but I wasn’t there to witness it ┐(゚~゚)┌

Futaba, 12h29


Me, 12h29

I’m here. I’m waiting for the rest of the story

Futaba, 12h30

Well, that’s kinda it really

Futaba, 12h30

He asked for you, Sojiro said you were back in Takayama and he left. Barely was there for 2 min

Me, 12h32

It’s not a April's fool thing right?

Futaba, 12h32

That’d be cruel (◞‸◟)

Futaba, 12h32

But I guess it is kinda hard to believe, huh?

Me, 12h33

Sorry, I know you wouldn’t just say that, but yeah

Futaba, 12h33

If you want to call, you can

Me, 12h33


Me, 12h33

To be honest, I kinda hope that he would call me or talk to me

Futaba, 12h34

Honestly, I kinda wish that too

Futaba, 12h34

You guys always had that special ‘fated’ bond, or whatever that was (º~º)

Futaba, 12h34

I think you both could use the closure

Futaba, 12h35

I know I’d like to have a bit of a talk too, if possible

Me, 12h35

Yeah (^ ^)

Futaba, 12h35

Your emoji skill still need exp.....

Futaba, 12h36

Whatever. Keep me updated if Akechi calls you, I am curious to know what he did those past years

Me, 12h36

Hey, can you not tell anyone about that? Not even Yusuke?

Futaba, 12h36

Sure, no prob, just let me check something

Futaba, 12h37

OK, our secret is safe with his inattentiveness

* * *

In a daze, Ren closed his book and placed down his phone.

A hand distractedly played with his piercings on his left ear – a new habit ever since he got them a year ago – and tried to process all the emotions he felt.

First, he was a bit stun.

Was it true? It had been five years without any news, or traces, or even a hint that Akechi had been alive. Was it a cognitive hallucination? Futaba had been studying cognitive pscience after all, what if she got it wrong? No, she wouldn’t have gotten it wrong.

Then, a pang of anger hit him.

Ren had been so sad and mourned for the guy! Was it that easy for Akechi to get over everything – the lows and highs - and just dismiss it without even addressing that the last time they spoke, they both thought he would die? Didn’t they have a promise? Ren still had the glove, and the memories, the peaceful nights at Jazz Jin, the fun billiard games after school, the life-threatening challenge for the salvation of humanity? Didn’t Akechi want to see him as much as he had?

At that thought, Ren felt embarrassed.

Of course. Akechi didn’t want to see him. Maybe the connection Ren thought he had with him was only one-sided. Maybe Ren was just a painful reminder of his past and failures, and Akechi wanted to be free. Wild and free, flying with his own wings wherever he wanted, as a crow should.

Finally, Ren felt guilty at his previous anger.

Akechi just wanted to be free, didn’t he? He didn’t owe him a call – even if it would have been nice. But that was Ren’s problem, Ren’s emotions to deal with.

So what if Akechi Goro was alive? It didn’t change anything about Ren’s current situation... right?

But it already had, as Ren didn’t feel as peaceful as he did only twenty minutes earlier. He felt like he was captive here, so far away. Even if I was in Tokyo, what would I be doing? Wait at Penguin Sniper for him?


Resigned to his helpless state, Ren hoped some customers would come in as a distraction. But midday during the week, with school being in session, and the neighbourhood still wary of him, the odds were not in his favour. Mona was keeping watch on his grandma, and the latter was probably sleeping.

No one is here.

Ren was stuck alone with his thoughts, and suddenly, all the emotions he felt earlier - the surprise, the anger, the embarrassment, the guilt - faded away, leaving nothing.

Not again...

The world seemed duller.

His book, which had captivated his attention so far, didn’t seem so appealing in his current mood. Why bother with his book? Everything seemed to cost way too much energy.


Stop it. Put on the radio and do something. He ordered himself.

Looking at the radio - it seemed so far away, just there in the backroom - but he made his way and put it on. Voices made him feel a bit better. Less alone.


Ren sighed and looked at a dishevelled bookcase.

Organizing a stack of books it was, then.

Ren busied himself organizing the books on the wall the farthest from the entrance – he had settled for that wall to be for modern fictions – and kept at it until the sun was setting. Even if his nostalgic mind wandered often to Tokyo and and the people there, menial work helped the restlessness. The world was back to its usual colourful state. He even felt accomplished.

That is, until he was rudely interrupted by a loud crashing noise. Multiple books hitting the ground with loud bang! Bang! Bang!

‘‘f*ck!’’ someone hissed.

Did a shelf break and fall over a customer? Ren immediately worried. He left his current task and bolted to the front store. And stopped in front of the scene.

Books he had just organized last week all over the floor, shelf intact and in place. Not a broken shelf then . In the middle of the mess, a man kneeling and haphazardly stacking the books, huffing hard. Was he the one that knocked those books down? Why? His chestnut hair was covering his face, but when Ren kneeled to help him clean the mess, he lifted his head sharply.

He met garnet red eyes filled with an icy glare that screamed ‘I don’t need your help’.

‘‘Akechi.’’ Ren breathed out, stunned again.

Futaba was right, a wild Akechi did appear. Or walked in. Who knows?

Ren took in the sight, and Akechi hadn’t changed much since Maruki’s palace. Maybe his shoulder seemed more relaxed, but his soft hair, his eyes filled with intensity, his jaw set with determination... He felt like the ruthless and authentic everyday Akechi Goro. The one that had showed Ren a vulnerability he couldn’t help but love, after the months of facade he couldn’t help but hate.

Maybe I should say something, instead of staring.

‘‘Didn’t like the way I had them placed?’’ Ren tried with a sideways smile.

Akechi looked down at the books with a frown. ‘‘I expected better.’’ He looked sideways, as if unsure, then at the two books he stacked back in place. ‘‘Who would mix poetry and theatre together. Even neophytes know these are two different genre.’’

Was that a joke? It didn’t feel like a real reproach. Was Akechi trying small talk with him?

With a fuller smile, Ren tried his best to focus on the books. ‘‘I prefer to keep an author’s legacy together, instead of keeping to a strict category.’’

‘‘What an erratic classification. It must be confusing for the customers.’’ commented Akechi, before drooping. ‘‘My apologies, that is not how I wanted to meet again, Amamiya-kun.’’


Maybe it was the use of his name, but it suddenly felt real. Akechi was here, alive, in his family bookstore in Takayama. Stacking random books that had been knocked down - by Akechi? he wondered. Where do you even start a conversation with your long dead rival/friend/crush? How do you ask all the questions burning on your lips? Which one first?

Ren nodded, understanding, and grabbed what looked like an open notebook. Confused – from which author was this one? - turned it to see handwriting inside.

In the realm of rivalry, our dance of duality,

Without that rhythm, my past self chains me in captivity.

Justice tells me that actions have their consequence,

And through accountability, maybe I-

Rough hands removed the book from Ren’s grasps.

‘‘That's mine!’’ Hissed Akechi, clutching the notebook. ‘‘Did you see?’’

Faced with that angry stare, Ren had two choices: tell the truth and ask about the bits of poetry the other had (possibly) written and didn’t seem to want to share, or deflect and maybe ask about his presence here or even the mess he had (possibly) created?

‘‘Not really, your reflexes are still sharp, Crow.’' The deflection seemed to have worked, if the slight drop of tension in Akechi's shoulders told Ren anything. The raven haired man got up, a hand fidgeting with his stray lock of hair. If Akechi hadn’t changed, Ren was suddenly really aware that he did quite a bit. Stupid long hair. ‘‘Want to talk over some tea? Don't have my things for coffee, but I’ve got some nice black tea leaves in the back. I was about to close too.’’

‘‘Your equanimity over all of this really amazes me.’’ Softly answered Akechi, before getting up too. ‘‘Yes, tea sounds lovely and I also wanted to talk to you.’’

Wow, that really shouldn't have gotten to Ren like that. To me, his mind echoed.

Ignoring his quickening heartbeat, he quickly locked the entrance - flipping the open sign to closed - and made his way to the back. He heard the other – his rival? Friend? Crush still? – follow him as he opened the door to the small backroom.

The backroom was tiny really, it was mostly a transitional space; somewhere books came and went when they needed repairs or when they would get shipped. Boxes were all around with new arrivals inside. It had the same aesthetic as a palace Safe Room, with the small round table in the centre and chairs surrounding it. There was a small window facing the backyard where the orange sunlight filtered through. A small wooden dresser was there - in the same corner as a utility sink - filled with cups, an electric boiler and tea leaves.

Ren lowered the radio and busied himself with the tea he had offered.

In no time, two cups of tea were steaming in front of them.

Eyes on his cup only, Ren tried to find the right way to start this talk. He needed answers and his mind was reeling, where to start? He had so many question: why did he never call? Where had the detective been? What was he doing here? How did-

‘‘Did I bother you? I do realize that I just came here without much notice.’’

Ren looked up in surprise.

In Akechi's red eyes, a small trace of uncertainty? Insecurity? A flashback from the engine room jolted Ren out of his thoughts and reminded him of who was in front of him.

‘‘Of course not, you’re welcome anytime here.’’ Quickly reassured Ren. ‘‘But, you really are here, right?’’

‘‘Fair question at this point. Yes, I really am here, and alive.’’

‘‘…’’ Ren waited for him to elaborate. Akechi always elaborated to him - whether it was his billiard experience or a childhood memory - even when unprompted. He hoped that hadn't change.

‘‘Believe me when I say that I honestly believed I was already dead, back in February. Maybe I should have suspected something, considering that opposed to Wakaba and Okumura - both blissfully unaware of the fake reality – I saw through it. But I had no recollection of what had happened in between Shido's Palace and Christmas Eve.’’ Akechi took a sip of tea, the insecurity gone like it was never there to begin with, his gaze still intensely on Ren.

‘‘Do you remember now?’'

‘‘More or less. Coma. Metaverse induced, I would assume; it’s not everyday a palace collapse over someone. The doctors were quite puzzled; my body was fine, but my mind seemed trapped. That is, until we defeated Maruki's god-like persona.’’ Akechi pondered a bit to himself. ‘‘My consciousness came back to me then, in February.’’

Ren's earlier anger came back. Crow had been alive and well all this time? ‘‘Why didn't you call or text?’’

‘‘Didn't realized I had to.’’ Akechi muttered and then sighed. ‘‘No, no, that is not what I meant. I-I would have, it’s just that government officials were looking for us, and being in the hospital flagged me to them. When I woke up, I was manacled to the bed. I was going to be on trial, for after Shido’s testimony, many had questions about cognitive pscience and my role with the conspiracy. I didn’t want to text you; they would have traced you because of me. sh*t, it sounds like an excuse, but that's what went through my mind at the time.’’

Ren remembered that by the end of March, at the end of his probation, government officials were indeed looking for him. Maruki had helped him flee to the station in his taxi, while his friends were creating a distraction. It made sense so he nodded, and Akechi continued:

‘‘Maybe it was a convinient excuse. I didn’t want to flee, you know. It seemed like the right thing to do - face a court of law - after everything. It was what I would have done at Christmas Eve anyway. And that is exactly what I did. It took a few months, but I was held in custody. For better or worse, I was under 20, so I was on a trial as a minor, and the grooming Shido did was attenuating circ*mstance in their eye. I got 4 years in juvenile detention, among other things.’’

Ren listened quietly, as Akechi paused to down his tea in one go. Those 2 weeks Ren had had been the most boring of his lives, with only uncertainty and grief to distract him. But he had been innocent. 4 years was a long time to think about the wrong that had been done. If he did his math right – rehabilitation at the hospital, a few months of custody and trial, 4 years in juvie - it also meant...

‘‘When were you allowed back?’’

Akechi looked away. ‘‘About 6 days ago.’’

That meant that Akechi had come for him as soon as he could, Ren realized. He knew from his studies that Akechi probably had a social worker that helped him find an apartment, eventually find a job, and settle back in society after 4 years. Particularly a post-covid society, though Akechi missed most of it. And, if he had to assume, Ren would bet that he probably had a court-mandated psychologist assigned to him and frequent meetings.

He came as soon as he could.

Ren tried not to let the thought get to him too much and fidgeted with his hair. ‘‘How did you find- No! I mean, why did you find me?’’

Akechi scoffed at him. ‘‘You can ask more than one question, you won’t overwhelm me that easily. For the ‘how’, it was easy. Way back when I was investigating you, I looked up your trial and, as a minor, your parents name were registered. It was easy enough to link them to this book store with social media. Thus, when Sojiro said you were here, I knew where to start.’’

Ren didn’t interrupt, but he couldn’t help but bitterly correct Akechi in his mind. Adoptive parents legally, but really just my uncle and aunt. Whatever. He served another cup for Akechi and himself and listened to the most important part. The ‘why’ part.

‘‘As for the why...’’ Akechi placed his hands – gloveless Ren noticed - around the warm cup for comfort. He took a moment to gather his words. ‘‘Well, I wanted to.’’

‘‘..!’’ Ren’s heart squeezed. Maybe Akechi had also felt their connection. Maybe he also liked the time they spent together, their fights, their outings. Maybe. It was still hard to believe it was true though, as happy as it made Ren to hear it.

When Ren didn’t say anything, Akechi added quickly ‘‘You have all the rights in the world to say no. I have been awful to you, and I broke your trust with Sae’s palace and everything that came after. There is no world-threatening need to cooperate or form a deal with me anymore, but well...’’ He took a deep breath. ‘‘If I am being honest, I am not done processing all of it, and I probably won’t be of fun company while I do. I am not the best with any sentimentality, but I always enjoyed our moments together. You said you would hold on to my glove, even when I was at my lowest. You said my life wasn’t trivial even after everything I did. Did you mean any of that? I hope you did.’’

Not waiting for an answer, he continued:

‘‘I want to be worthy of the friendship you showed me. I-I don’t want to be like my father, but I have never made a friend or had a stable relationship that didn’t try to screw me over before. It’s a ‘hurt or get hurt’ world out here, I always believed that trusting others just meant opening up for more pain for all the parties involved.’’

Akechi took a shaky breath.

‘‘Or so I thought. I was never able to recover from my past circ*mstance. I don’t want to stay in it’s captivity though. Not anymore. And if you are not too appalled by the idea, I... I’d really like it, if I could gain back your trust.’’ he finished, looking down and looking oh so young.

Ren contemplated all of that, a mix of excitement and stress running through his vein. A side of him really wanted to make amends with Akechi. How he had regretted the outcome in the engine room. How he had wondered what if they had met earlier. And yet, there was still that doubt, that persisting feeling that it won’t last, and he would have to heal that wound – that persisting ache in his chest - a third time. Akechi might get bored of him. Like some, Akechi might let the distance between Tokyo and Takayama grow between them. Akechi might just disappear from his life again.

Then again, that is exactly what Akechi was trying to do: gain back his trust so he wouldn’t have to doubt.

It feels like- Wait. Am I becoming one of his confidant? How did it go again? ‘Thou made a bond with the World Arcana’. Or the Fool Arcana? A smile grew on his face, chuckling at the thought. It felt like that time Akechi had made a showtime with him for the first time. The fun, the thrill! It had made Ren happy, as Akechi was the first one to ever see him like an equal enough on the battlefield to include him in a showtime. And – until Sumire felt confident enough – the only one who did.

A hand grabbed his face, pushing his cheeks down. ’’What are you laughing about?’’ snarled Akechi, stare intense. ‘‘I was being serious here!’’

‘‘I do take you seriously, I am just happy about it.’’ Ren tried to enunciate through Akechi’s rough – very gloveless - hand still palming his face.

‘‘Oh. Fine then. ‘’ Akechi said, releasing him. ‘‘So do you accept, Amamiya-kun?’’

So formal. ‘‘Yes.’’ Ren smirked.

He had tried so damn hard in the past to gain Akechi’s trust, to have their role reversed made him feel nervous, but positively excited.

Then he remembered an important detail.’’Hey so, just wondering, where are you staying?’’

‘‘Right. I have a studio in Tokyo, but I don’t think I can make it back tonight, so it will have to be tomorrow morning. I came here straight from the station, do you know of any inn in the area I might stay the night?’’ Akechi wondered out loud, a hand to his chin.

‘‘Wait, you’re leaving already?’’ Ren asked displeased. The sun was down by know, but it felt anticlimactic to just separate there. And who knows when they would be able to meet again. Probably when Ren would come back in Tokyo. That was how it usually went. ‘‘Why don’t you stay the night?’’

Akechi turned his head on the side. ‘‘Here?’’

‘‘Well, at my grandma’s place. That’s where I stay and there is an unused guest room that you could use, much better than an inn and you won’t have to leave right away, right?’’

A pause.

‘‘I don’t know. Is your family there?’’ Akechi sighed.

Ren smirked reassuringly, already cleaning the cups of tea. ’’If you’re lucky, you’ll get to say hi to my grandma. And answer all of Morgana’s questions, so be prepared.’’

Akechi thought about it and raised an eyebrow. ‘‘And if I am unlucky?’’

‘‘Morgana will still ask questions, but grandma won’t be awake to meet the Detective Prince I had gushed to her about.’’

‘‘You didn’t.’’

Ren winked and opened the backdoor leading to the backyard. At the end of the backyard there was a simple two story house. In a non-verbal invitation, Ren bowed and raised a hand in the direction of the house.

* * *

April 1st 2024, 18h15

Me, 18h15

Hey guys, I won’t be at game night tonight, sorry

Futaba, 18h15

What? Why not?

Ryuji, 18h16

Prob could do it tomorrow, yeah?

Sumire, 18h16

Yes, that is a very good idea

Futaba, 18h16

I could do tomorrow

Futaba, 18h16

Inari too

Ann, 18h25

For sure, it isn’t the same without you Renren!

Ann, 18h25

Hope everything’s fine for you?

Futaba, 18h25

The Renren nickname’s really catching uh

Ryuji, 18h26

Yessss! I’m a trend setter now

Futaba, 18h27


Ann, 18h28

Well it’s a cute nickname!

Haru, 18h36

Oh, I understand, Renren. If we could do an hour later tomorrow, it’d be fine for me ^^

Makoto, 18h36

Yes, it is just like Ann said for me, it’s better when it is all of us together

Makoto, 18h36

Hope everything is alright, Ren?

Me, 18h50

Yeah, nothing bad. Tomorrow is perfect for me too. Thanks

* * *

Seeing Amamiya Ren after so long felt to Akechi both like relief and like he would crumble all over again in front of him.

He knew he would have to spill a bit of his heart today once they met again, his therapist had prepared him for that talk. It was a two variables formula: acknowledgement that it was the others’ choice and a hint of vulnerability were necessities to maybe gain back trust. Didn’t mean Akechi liked it though, so good thing it was Ren, because he wouldn’t have done that otherwise.

The fact they had met again as he was having a meltdown and knocked all those books down embarrassed him to no end. Ren had been graceful enough to not address it right away, but he knew it was only a matter of time before he would have to explain himself.

And to his surprise, even after that embarrassing first impression and the low odds of success, it had worked. Ren didn’t want to get rid of him right away as he probably should have. He even agreed to rekindle their relationship.

Way too kind for his own good.

Beautiful rebellious Ren, who stood much straighter now. Unfortunately, his hair seemed a bit too long, but he held them back, revealing his stormy silver eyes. He didn’t have his stupid fake glasses and it suited him. He even had piercings now, two small rings – one white and one black – on his left ear cuff. He had changed over the years and the thought that he hadn’t known about it made Akechi feel bad.

Right now, being in Ren’s family home felt surreal enough.

Sitting on the kitchen stool at the counter, while Ren was expertly cutting vegetables. Watching him worked was fascinating and Akechi would have been content doing just that in silence if it wasn’t for Morgana’s constant questioning. He only answered with one word answer though. ‘You’re alive?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Where have you been?’ ‘Prison.’ ‘Why are you here?’ ‘Joker’s here.’

Increasingly annoyed at the back and forth, Akechi scanned the area instead.

The house seemed to have been built more in height than in length. The entrance faced the stairs leading to the second floor. On the main floor, they entered directly in the kitchen. There was no table, only high chairs surrounding the kitchen counter. Right beside it there was a small living room divided in two by a screen to give some privacy to Ren’s grandma as he understood it.

‘‘Wouldn’t it be better if she was resting in her room?’’ asked Akechi,while Ren placed a stir-fried rice plate in front of him.

‘‘Rooms are upstairs and stairs are too hard for her now. If she wants to go to the bathroom or sit on the porch and get some fresh air, it’s easier on the main floor.’’ answered simply the kind man, before sitting in between Akechi and Morgana.

And that was the main thing Akechi learned, what Sojiro had referred to as ‘family issue’: Ren was taking care of his dying grandma.

‘‘I took my semester off. It’s my last year and I have good enough grade to catch up. I want to be here for her. Grandma is basically the one that raised me, she always was there for me growing up. I owe it to her. So, I am going to be staying here for the next weeks or months, until...’’

The silence from both Ren and Morgana implied the obvious. Until she passed away from her sickness.

‘‘She is my last real bond to the Amamiya family, I feel like I should honour that.’’

Well, the distance between Takayama and Tokyo was going to be annoying to deal with.

Akechi pondered a bit about that problem. Sure, he had his hitman money for the bullet train, but it wasn’t viable in the long run. Not without a job and with his rent in Tokyo in all cases. And he would have to do the travel quite often, as his weeks were mostly busy with meetings with his therapist and social worker. The consequence of skipping them was too much of a hurdle, so the back and forth was inevitable really.

Maybe I could get a motorcycle.

An exciting buzz like Akechi hadn’t felt in a long time coursed through him. He smirked at the idea. Yes, he always loved biking, and the rush and speed really appealed to him. How jealous he had been of Nijima Makoto and her cool persona – how come she got to ride a motorcycle whenever she wanted in the metaverse? – but then he would get to ride one in real life.

A far better – and cooler – outcome really.

’’A penny for your thought?’' Ren's low voice brought him back out of his thought.

Right. They were in the middle of a conversation.

’’No.’’ Akechi took another bite. Ren really cooked well. It's been years since he had a warm homemade meal.

’’Unfortunate, you seemed pleased.’’

’’We'll see, Amamiya-kun.’’ He dismissed. If he was going to go through with the motorbike idea - and he was going to see it through - he wanted to see Ren’s surprised face.

’’You should call me Ren.’’

Well, that wasn’t the first time Akechi heard that from the same man. In the past, he couldn’t agree, for the sake of appearance, but now? He could, if he wanted to. ’’What brought this up now?’’

’’Well, it could get confusing between my grandma and I, right? We are both Amamiya, so why not?’’shrugged Ren.

Akechi scoffed at his flimsy excuse – as if the honorifics and the polite speech wouldn’t mark a clear enough difference between them – but he found himself not hating the idea. ‘'What are you studying, Ren?’'

’’Ren is going to be an amazing social worker! He aced those exams so far, the certifications won’t be a problem.’’ Morgana interjected, puffing his chest with pride.

Tch . The Phantom Thieves always had that habit of answering in Ren’s stead.

’’Still need to finish my major before that.’’ Gently reminded him Ren, scratching the cat's ear. ’’But yeah, that's the plan. I'm majoring in social work, and, well I'm still thinking if I want to take the certifications right away or go for graduate school. I don’t know.’’

Interesting . ’’Graduate school for what?’’

’’For social welfare in child care. But I was looking at the courses and I am not sure.’’

’’Ah! Why not? Did Japan's foster care system not impress you?’' Great, now Akechi felt bitter again.

Ren took the time to finish his last bite. He then met Akechi's eyes with his own, matching his intensity. ’’While education is important, school for the sake of school with their meta analysis and research is not my cup of tea. The program didn't impress me, it's just looking at a problematic system from within. I want to do the field work. I want to intervene directly in the lives of children, teenagers and young adults alike to help them against whatever the discrimination they are facing. For all those who faced abuse from sh*tty adults and need to be believed, I will offer that help.’’

There it was. Joker, the quiet storm that inspired so many with the strength of his resolve. Maybe Ren hadn't changed all that much those past five years.

’’I would argue that research is what allows for new ideas to take place and change what isn't working, such as systemic discrimination. What you are offering is to extinguish one fire at a time during a wildfire.’’ Akechi took a sip of water and smirked. ’’I think you already know what you will do after your major. No need to hesitate with that kind of resolve, you'll get to help those kids.’’

'I wonder why we couldn't have met years earlier…'

He had pronounced those words years ago, and it still rung true to him. Before he could spiral downward in his thoughts, Ren grabbed their plates and went to the small dishwasher.

’’Thanks. Sometimes I am just stuck in front of my options, but talking with you helps.’’ He grabbed a pair of scissors from the drawer next to him. Then opened the cupboard over the sink and grabbed a vial and a syringe. ’’I will say, I disagree with your argument. I think action is what initiate innovation. Research only helps making it more universal.’’

That little sh*t. Of course he would argue back. But so would Akechi, if he wasn't distracted right at the moment.

''What are you doing?’’

Vial head down, Ren filled the syringe. ’’Grandma's medication. Sorry about that, I need to give her her shot. You mind waiting for me?’'

Akechi shook his head and Ren went to his task. It's then that he noticed blue eyes staring at him.

’’What?’’ He snapped at the cat.

’’Nothing.’’ Morgana said. ’’How long are you staying?’'

’’Until tomorrow morning.’’

’’What? You're leaving so soon?’’ Yeowled Morgana, and it really wasn't any of his business.


’’Things to do in Tokyo.’’ Akechi answered and mercifully Ren came back before Morgana interrogated him again.

But Ren looked pale. It made Akechi frown. Had something happened?

Ren must have noticed because he shook his head and placed a neutral smile on his face. ‘'Ironic, isn't it? I have grown to hate needles so much. Yet here I am. I…’’ he threw the syringe and grabbed the scissors. ’’I need some air, want to sit on the porch with me? And Mona, if you want to go for a walk today, now is your chance.’’

Akechi couldn't help the superior side glance he threw at the cat at the subtle 'leave us alone' subtext he heard in Ren’s words. He quickly got up and followed suit. Morgana gave Ren one worried look before he took the invitation without protests. To be fair, the cat always left them their alone time. Uh, maybe he doesn't totally hate me.

Spring nights in Takayama were still fresh, but in a good way. Ren had grabbed his black cardigan and Akechi was just glad he had a sweater over his shirt when he left Tokyo. They both sat on the porch in silence for a while, the light from indoor as the only source of light. After a while, Akechi could feel Ren's eyes on him. It was Ren that broke the silence, surprisingly.

’’Akechi? I have a favour to ask.’’

’’Ah, and what might it be?’’

Ren clenched the scissors. ’’Could you cut my hair?’’ Akechi's surprise must have been apparent because he quickly added, rambling: ’’I can’t reach the back very well, and they got way too long. I don’t want to leave my grandma alone for an haircut. Anyway, I don't need them that long anymore and I prefer them shorter, like before.’’

’’And you want me to do it?’’ You would trust me with scissors near your head?

’’I’d feel prettier.’’ Ren smirked, extended the scissors, handle toward Akechi. Yes.

Akechi took them. ’’If you are sure.’’

He placed himself behind Ren, kneeling, and removed his hair tie. His hair really got long, a little bit over shoulder length. Akechi placed a hand in them, soft frizzy black curls… Okay, silence was making all this worst for his, his what? Nerve? Why was his heart pounding so fast, was he stressed? That didn’t make much sense.

’’What do you mean, when you said that you don't need them that long anymore? Did they serve a purpose?’’ Akechi asked, distracting himself.

’’Oh.’’ Ren raised a hand to fidget after his bang, but probably remembered that they would get cut in a short while, and settled for his sleeves. ’’Just a silly comment from Ann.’’

Takamaki Ann. Is she..? Akechi stilled, worried at the thought that the blond phantom thief girl might be Ren's favourite of the bunch. Was that why he had kept his hair long, to please her?

With spite, he had to ask. ’’You wanted to impress her?’’

’’What? No.’’ Ren dared to laugh. ’’She said that girls who were feeling down sometimes made a wish and let their hair grow longer until that wish came true. So I did that.’’

A wish? Akechi placed all the hair back and was considering his best approach, calmer now. ’’And what did you wish for?’’

’’For something exciting to happen.’’ Ren admitted as Akechi decided his game plan.

Step one: tie loosely the hair back and cut them all in one go; step two: work with smaller parts along the way. Simple and efficient.

’’Not enough excitement after playing hero in the Metaverse?’’ asked Akechi, focusing on his task.

He brushed back the ex-hero’s soft curls with his fingers, unintentionally scratching a bit of his scalp at the same time. He shivered under Akechi’s manipulation. That’s a fun reaction.

’’No, it’s not that. It’s not what I had in mind.’’ softly said Ren, visibly flustered. ’’Anyway, I just prefer them shorter.’’

’’You can’t really back down now.’’ announced Akechi, scissors in hand, as he started to cut the hair away.

’’...’’ silently acknowledged Ren, before changing subject. ’’Say, I wanted to ask, but you really hated that much how I organized those books, earlier in the shop?’’

’’Ah, so now it’s time for that questioning, huh?’’

’’It’s not an interrogation, I just want to understand you better.’’

Akechi stopped his work for a moment. f*ck did he hate the weaknesses he had developed since the whole Metaverse ordeal. He felt so undesirable, plagued with those faults in his psyche. Who would rely on him if they knew how weak he truly was? Old habits died hard. But then he thought back to what Ren had said earlier:

Ironic, isn't it? I have grown to hate needles so much. Yet here I am.’

Ren doesn’t allow himself to be enslaved by such things, he says it as it is and go forward .

sh*t, I can’t let him get too far ahead of me, I can say it as it is too!

’’Damn it, fine.’’ growled Akechi, returning back to his work, more harshly. ’’That neatly organized book shelf, I just couldn’t stand it. I f*cking hate perfection, it pisses me off to the point that I have to wreak it. I had been so peculiar with my image before; perfecting my grades, my smile, my demeanour... every f*cking thing! And for what? Just to be a perfect tool?’’

Realizing that he had gripped aggressively a lock of Ren’s hair, he released it quickly and sat back for a bit.

’’Perfection is just such a f*cking lie anyway... It angers me so much.’’

Silence stretched between them as Akechi breathed in, trying to calm himself. He couldn’t see Ren’s expression, and he didn’t like it. He didn’t like that he had been aggressive with him either, he needed to correct that. He needed to-

’’You’re right.’’ Ren finally said, bending backward to try and look at Akechi. ‘’A Ghibli aesthetic, in a cozy messy way, fits the bookstore much better.’’

Tension left Akechi and he stopped clenching so hard at the scissors in his hand. ’’Stand straight, I am not yet finished with your hair.’’

He went back to work, more delicate. He tried to pet them gently as a mean to apologize for earlier,s aggression. Ren really looked much better with his hair shorter, and Akechi felt kinda proud of his work. He had always been a fast learner, no challenge there.

’’Done.’’ he declared, dusting Ren’s shoulder. ‘’You know, I have never watched a Ghibli movie.’’

’’Thanks a lot, for the hair.’’ Ren said, placing his hair back, already fidgeting a bit with them. He looked a bit timid, but content with what he felt. ’’You said earlier that you were leaving tomorrow, right?’’

’’Tomorrow morning, yes. I have business back in Tokyo that I cannot afford to miss.’’

’’...’’ Ren drooped a bit.

’’I can be back for next Friday, if you want.’’ quickly added Akechi, heart rate picking up again at the sight of a sad Ren. ’’And if I am not imposing too much, I could stay for the whole weekend. Or leave earlier if you’re indisposed, I don’t want to assume.’’

Ren perked up at that and it didn’t help Akechi’s nervous heartbeat. Ren’s smile might be a dangerous enemy against his nerves. ’’You’d really come back?’’


’’That’d be great. I could rent a Ghibli movie too for you.’’

Akechi smiled, his crooked but sincere smile.

’’It’s a promise then.’’


April 1 st 2024 , 23h02

Me, 23h02

20240401001.jpeg has been sent

Ann, 23h05

Oh my god you cut your hair! Thank god, I almost regretted telling you about that make a wish and grow your hair after a breakup thing...

What happened tonight that changed your mind??

Ann, 23h15

Don’t leave me hanging!

Ann, 23h32

Ugh, you better prepare a show and tell for tomorrow, young man

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 (part one)


First, thank you all for the comments and kudos! It's really nice to know that others enjoy my ideas too ^^

Initially, the entire weekend was meant to be in this chapter, but it turned out to be too long for a single chapter. Therefore, I've divided it into two parts! You can expect two updates this week, with Chapter 2 Part One today and Part Two later in the week.

See you soon!

Chapter Text

April 2nd 2024, 6h15

Akechi, 6h15

I left the borrowed pyjama on the futon.

Thank you for your hospitality.

Me, 6h54

No problem

* * *

Every morning was pretty much the same here.

Morning started early, as Ren woke up about an hour after the sun. He petted Morgana on the head to signal his friend that he was heading downstairs, and busied himself with breakfast for the household. He started to work his magic. Usually, it was coffee, miso soup, an egg and whatever was left from yesterday’s dinner.

‘‘Good morning!’’

Morgana was trotting up to him, smelling the air for food.

‘‘Morning, Mona.’’ Ren placed a plate on the counter for the not-cat with a few smoked fish in it. ‘‘Is grandma up?’’

His pointy ears flattened on his head with worry. ‘‘Not yet. She wakes up later and later.’’ he commented, climbing the kitchen stool. He perked up at the sight of food, face immediately in his plate.

Ren smiled at his friend’s usual enthusiasm for breakfast.

‘‘Hey Ren, so what is the plan with the Akechi situation?’’

Plan’? Feels like an heist. Ren scoffed. ‘‘Maybe I’ll try to steal his heart.’’

‘‘I am being serious! Will you keep contact with him?’’ Mona huffed, with a hint of worry.

Ren took a moment to really think about it, leaning on the counter, tugging at his hair. ‘‘I’d like to. Do you hate the idea?’’

Cat ears twitched on the not-cat head. ‘‘Course not.’’ he said confidently, then hesitated. ‘‘I hated seeing you so sad, having to decide that his death was the price for reality.’’

‘‘...’’ Ren nodded. It hadn’t been easy to accept that not only had he lost Akechi once, but that he had to do it a second time? It was a good thing Mona had come with him after his probation year because it had been a lot to get over away from his friends – whether he was fully over it was up to debate. Morgana had witnessed so much of it all; Ren knew his cat-shaped friend was a good listener.

‘‘And I was supposed to be the Hope of Humanity, to guide you away from ruin, but it felt so hopeless! I felt so useless as a friend... But now I can tell you that I don’t hate that at all for you. You want him back in your life? Go for it. You want him out? I’ll hiss at him. I support you whichever way you want. You both always looked happier after your dates anyway.’’ smugly added Morgana, licking his plate clean.

Dates? I wish.

Was Akechi interested in romance in general? If so, was he interested in, or even aware of gay relationship? Ren’s five years old crush he had for his (ex-)rival sure had been reawaken after Akechi had spent not an insignificant amount of time playing with his hair in a very soft way yesterday. Maybe it had been premeditated on Ren’s part, but even he was surprised by how flustered it made him feel.

He’ll probably have to keep the boundaries between platonic and intentional blurred, just to test the water.

Maybe I could ask Ann and Yusuke if we could invite him to the Festival with us.

Which brought up a new line of questioning. ‘‘Should I tell the others?’’

And if he did, who first?

Ryuji was his best friend, Ren absolutely adored the guy and told him everything, but he’s not the best at secrets. Ann was his Lover’s confidant and the first to know about his bisexuality and his love life in general – not that there was a love life to talk about. But then, Futaba had asked him to tell her if Akechi contacted him, and he felt guilty at the thought of not telling her first. Yusuke was always good at putting things in perspective, but he would probably tell Futaba. Haru would probably have the most issues with having Akechi in their circle, and he preferred to talk to her in person. And Makoto would probably love to try and make amends with him.

Morgana looked up at him. ‘‘You don’t want to?’’

‘‘I don’t know. I feel bad keeping it to myself, they probably all have some level of closure or enthusiasm they’d like to express.’’ What Ren didn’t say, is that some part of him felt a bit jealous that they were all in the same city. If they knew, the thieves could rekindle their friendship with Akechi much easier than he could, and Ren wanted to be the closest to Akechi.

He felt guilty for his selfishness.

‘‘You’re kind, but you don’t have to think about all of their potential needs. We are talking about your relationship with Akechi right now. It’s fine if you want to keep your business to yourself for a while, there is no rush.’’ Simply said Mona, before licking his paw to wash his face. ‘‘Do you know when he’ll be back?’’

‘‘He said next weekend, but you know, Tokyo is far from here, and he just gained his life back.’’ It would be nice, but not realistic, right?

Ren just knew it wasn’t an easy commitment, even his best friends or his ex-girlfriend thought it was too far. Ren himself couldn’t really do the trip every weekend. Everyone had their own things to do.

Ren grabbed his grandma’s plate and medication and went to her makeshift room in the living room. The boy placed the food on her bedside table, opened the curtain and took a moment to watch her.

Amamiya Kaneko was getting thinner and frailer as time went. Dark circles under her eyes became a permanent feature on her beautifully wrinkled face. Her salt and pepper hair were kept short. It was only a matter of weeks now, before she will pass from her sickness.

‘‘Rise and shine, grandma.’’ Ren gently shook her shoulder. ‘‘It’s time for food and medication.’’

She softly groaned before rising up slowly. Once she was sitting on the bed, she opened her eyes. Silver storms, like her grandson.

She was his grandma on his father’s side, and probably the only family member that still cared for him. Ren had lost his parent young; therefore his uncle and aunt had legally taken him in. While they did provide for food and shelter, it was quite the cold and lonely house to grow up in. But Kaneko had provided the love and care a child might need.

When the false assault accusation had happened, his uncle had no second thought sending Ren for probation in Tokyo, without telling where to his grandma.

Luckily, he had met Sojiro, the new parental figure he had wanted and needed.

When the Leader of the Phantom Thieves came back after his probation, his grandma had been happy to hear all about Tokyo and the people there. She even encouraged him to apply at Tokyo University after his last year of high school; to live closer to his found family.

Life in Tokyo and summer vacation in Takayama had been a winning combo for Ren, until he heard of his grandma’s health growing weaker and weaker.

‘‘Thank you, Renren.’’

Ren placed back a pillow behind her back, so she could be more comfortable. She extended her arm, and he grabbed the syringe. He really hated that part, but he didn’t trust anybody else to do it.

I’m the one that filled it, I know exactly what’s in there.

I’m in control.


He gave her her medicine and quickly got rid of the syringe.


Ren’s grandma lightly grabbed his hand, noticing his struggle.

‘‘You cut your hair.’’ she noted, smiling. ‘‘It’s suits you much better.’’

Ren helped her steady the plate of food he had brought on her lap. ‘‘Yes. I have a friend that stayed the night, he is the one that did it.’’

‘‘Oh, is it sweet Ryuji-kun?’’ She asked. Of all of Ren’s friend, Sakamoto Ryuji was clearly his grandma’s favourite. He had came here often – the most out of every phantom thieves – and was always very polite with the elder woman. If Ren had to guess, it probably had to do with being raised by a single mother himself.

Hence, it was easy to guess where Ryuji had gotten his new favourite nickname for Ren.

‘‘No, you haven’t met him yet. His name is Akechi Goro.’’ he replied. As she grabbed a bite, Ren sat on the edge of her bed, watching her just in case. She wanted to do it herself, which was fine but he stayed near her still.

‘‘Is he the one who introduced you to jazz? And he managed to convince you to cut your hair? He must have good taste. Introduce him to me later, yes?’’

Is he a good influence on me? Ren chuckled to himself. ‘‘ Yes, I will next time he comes over .’’ If he comes back.

After two more bites, the elder lady dropped her spoon. ‘‘I’m sorry Renren, I don’t think I can finish my plate. It tasted wonderful.’’

Ren shook his head, so she wouldn’t worry. It was no problem really. He gave her her pills and a glass of water.

‘‘Would you help me get on the porch, before you go to the bookstore?’’ she asked, after taking the medication.

Ren nodded and did exactly just that, like he did every morning.

* * *

April 2nd 2024, 19h45

Sumire, 19h45

Everyone still free for game night?

Ann, 19h45

Guys, be prepared, Renren cut his hair

Futaba, 19h45

What? (゜。゜)

Ryuji, 19h46

For real? Finally dude

Me, 19h46

Spoiler alert, Ann

Yusuke, 19h47

Whilst it is your decision, I must admit that unfortunately it was covering your striking feature

Futaba, 19h48

No flirting with my brother!

Yusuke, 19h49

I was merely applauding his choice of aesthetic?

Futaba, 19h50


Yusuke, 19h50


Me, 19h55

Everyone hated it :/

Haru, 19h58

Yes Sumire-chan, I am ready on my side :)

20h00 - Makoto has started a group chat

23h45 – group chat has ended

* * *

April 3rd 2024, 11h17

Me, 11h17

Yo, you free?

Me, 11h17

I want to tell you something, but you need to be cool

Ryuji, 11h21

I’m always cool! What’s up?

Me, 11h22

Never mind, wait a sec

Ryuji, 11h22

Dude what? No, I’ll be cool! Tell me, what is it?

Ryuji, 11h25


Ryuji, 11h35

Come on, you can always tell me about feelings and sh*t, it’s cool I promise!

* * *

April 3rd 2024, 11h25

Me, 11h25

You were right

Futaba, 11h29

Of course I was! About what though?

Me, 11h30

Aren’t you in class?

Futaba, 11h32

Is that why you text me that I am right? So I wouldn’t see it right away because ‘I am in class’?

Futaba, 11h32

So about what? (˶°ㅁ°)!!

Me, 11h33

Take a guess

Futaba, 11h34

You think you’re funny, uh? I told you about so many things in the past 24 hours alone!

Futaba. 11h35

Let’s do this

Futaba, 11h35

The 6th season of featherman is the best since the 1st season

Me, 11h36

Didn’t watch it yet

Futaba, 11h37

You’re an heretic

Moving on

Futaba, 11h45

Inari did end up calling you to pose for his next painting?

Me, 11h46

Yes, but that is not what I meant

Futaba, 11h46

Yeah, this one was obvious, you’re the only one that ever says yes to him

Futaba, 11h46

Thank you for your sacrifice

Me, 11h46


Futaba, 11h47

Ohhh nice emoji!

Futaba, 11h49


Futaba, 11h49


Me, 11h50

Yeah. He came to see me Monday

Futaba, 11h51

And you tell me while I’m in class??

Futaba, 11h51

I’ll call you later and you better not ignore me!!

* * *

April 3rd 2024, 12h00

Me, 12h00

Alright, now I’m ready

Ryuji, 12h01

For real now? Please don’t leave me hanging!

Me, 12h02

Monday when I missed game night, it was because Akechi came to see me

Ryuji, 12h03

The heck man, Akechi?! Like, Crow-Akechi?

... Or did you tell me about someone else with the surname Akechi?

Me, 12h05

Yup, Crow-Akechi

Ryuji, 12h06

sh*t. I wish I could run to you so we could talk about that

Ryuji, 12h06

Whatcha gonna do? You okay?

Me, 12h07

Yeah, I feel fine. Great

Me, 12h07

But I don’t want to tell the others just yet

Me, 12h07

So no words to our friends, okay? Not even Sumire

Ryuji, 12h08

Hate to ask, but you sure he doesn’t want to screw you over or anything?

Me, 12h08

I’m sure

Me, 12h08

Please keep it to yourself. Not even Sumire for now, I want to check things out

Ryuji, 12h09

I promise, its cool, I’m cool. No words to anyone! Anything for my bro

Me, 12h10


* * *

Spring in Tokyo was already hot, Akechi Goro had to remove his vest to feel a bit of refreshing wind.

Sitting at a café in Kichijoji – not too busy on this late Thursday morning – he waited for his social worker to show up. Mandatory meetings aside, he had two main objectives out of this conversation.

Step one: inquire about obtaining his high school diploma.

He felt like he had the capacity to pass the his final exams right away, but he had to get information on the possibility of that outcome. Ren was already an university student. Akechi’s ego couldn’t stand being an high school drop out, he was so late on his education. Shido always tried to overwork him so he’d miss class – what was the point to have an educated tool? - but his mama used to say that education was important, and Akechi firmly believed so too.

School for the sake of school, grumbled Akechi in his mind. I’m gonna show him.

Maybe his main motivation was a bit spite based, but the many professionals he had met in his time in detention always wanted him to finish his education. He knew it wouldn’t be hard to get all the information from his social worker.

Step two: ask about getting a motorcycle license.

Ever since Akechi had the idea, the thrill of freedom really felt good in his guts. But he didn’t have a credit score, and just like for his rent, he needed his social worker to sign the financial guarantee for the motorcycle, even if he had the money.

A buzz in Akechi’s pocket interrupted his musing.

* * *

April 4th 2024, 10h45

Amamiya Ren has challenged you to a game of chess! Click on this link to accept!

Me, 10h45

You’re on.

Amamiya Ren, 10h46

Fair warning: I had time to practice my strategies

Me, 10h46

You played a lot?

Amamiya Ren, 10h46

Mostly shogi, but I played my fair share of chess with my grandma on summer vacations

Me, 10h46

She has good taste, chess is far superior to Shogi.

Akechi Goro made his move! Click on this link to make your move!

Amamiya Ren, 10h49

Funny, she said the same thing about you

Me, 10h50

What about me?

Amamiya Ren made his move! Click on this link to make your move!

Amamiya Ren, 10h51

That you have good taste because you introduced me to jazz

Akechi Goro made his move! Click on this link to make your move!

Me, 10h53

I am surprised you told her about me.

Amamiya Ren, 10h55


Amamiya Ren made his move! Click on this link to make your move!

* * *

‘‘Good morning, Akechi-san. You seem in a good mood today.’’

Satomi Sakura - a small woman only a bit older than him with long hair pulled back in a bun - sat in front of him, interrupting his chess match. He could continue anytime in the next 24H, but it didn’t mean he wasn’t a little bit annoyed. Ever since he had known the woman – they had started to meet back in January, when he had learned that he would be released by the end of March - Akechi’s social worker has always been on time, so it was on him for not checking the time. Or on Ren for distracting him.

Anyhow, now that she was here, he could address his main points.

‘‘Satomi-san. I believe I am acclimating well enough.’’

‘‘I am glad to hear.’’ She paused to take her notebook filled with very dignified information about him, Akechi was sure. She quickly moved on to her own talking points. ‘‘Miyamoto-san told me that you weren’t collaborating well with him though. Trust is something hard to build, but needed for anger management therapy. Is something the matter, that we could help change?’’

Miyamoto, his therapist for the past month. He was cycling through them since his first year of juvenile detention. A bad feeling sank into his stomach. ‘‘No.’’

‘‘Yet, he seems to think you have difficulty naming your emotions and talking through them.’’ she pressed a bit.

‘‘Well, he wants me to f*cking talk on and on and on about sentimental things. It angers me, what the hell more does he want?’’ snapped Akechi.

To her credit, Satomi-san barely flinched. ‘‘I know it does. You are a smart guy, Akechi-san, so let me tell you this: anger is like a fire, it needs a fuel. That’s what he actually wants to know – the fuel to your fire. Describing a memory or a feeling as ‘bad’ doesn’t quite cut it.’’ she spoke softly. She took a pause before asking: ‘‘Are you using the notebook, like I suggested?’’

Akechi sighed and clutched at his cup of coffee. ‘‘This is not what I wanted to talk about, I actually had-’’

‘‘No, Akechi-san, while I would normally listen to the things you have to tell me, I am afraid we really need to address the issue with your psychotherapist first. We both will have to make a first month review sooner than later, and the court might reconsider your rehabilitation as it is.’’

Anger was rising rapidly inside Akechi, a bad taste in his mouth. He just earned his freedom back, and it was going to be taken from him?

f*ck, f*ck, f*ck. Why didn’t I see this coming?

‘‘I really want to be on your side, Akechi-san. In my opinion, it’s unfair to ask results so soon. I just need some sort of proof that you are getting better – that you are not in your destructive pattern anymore - so that my report outweigh his.’’ the social worker sighed. ‘‘Have you used the notebook? To write your thoughts, your routine or something?’’

Akechi nodded slowly, jaw tighten.

‘‘Would you show me an excerpt?’’ Satomi-san asked, perking up.

He sighed, trying to find a way to secure his freedom. It felt wrong, bad- okay, not ‘bad’. In other words, it felt as if he was trapped. On one hand, if Akechi kept his thoughts secret from those meddling adults, they were threatening to take his freedom away. On the other hand, if he shared his thoughts – angry and flawed – others would pity him and that was the worst.

He needed to turn things around.

A three steps plan it was then.

‘‘Let’s make a deal. If I read you an excerpt, will you abide my two requests?’’ Akechi finally muttered.

Satomi-san smiled at him ‘‘You have two requests? Then I get to hear an excerpt of your choice and ask one question. How about that?’’

‘‘... Deal.’’

Akechi took his tattered leather-bound notebook out and traveled through the written pages.

It was the first time she had seen it since she gave the notebook to him back in January. It must have been more used than what Satomi-san was expecting, as her eyes slightly widened at the sight of it. He considered what she already knew of him, and settled on one dated from February. If he was to show her one of his poem, he would choose a profound one, but on a subject Satomi-san was at least familiar with as to not reveal too much of himself.

She knows about this, it shouldn’t be too bad.

Akechi took a deep breath and read:

(f*ckin’) February, my heart filling with frost

Like a fever dream, fearful of what I’ve lost

Failing to be the hero my mom needed

She failed to hear what I had pleaded

Don’t leave me alone

Revenge’s fire ignited in the February air

A child’s promise, lost in despair’s snare

Yet in my pursuit of righteous hate

I've become a prisoner of my fate

I just want to be done

In the echo of anger, I failed to see

That just like her, I’d lost the light

As the final notes fade into the early February night

The harmony of forgiveness, the melody is free

Akechi looked up from his notebook, challenge in his eyes, daring her to make the wrong comment.

He realized that reading poetry wasn’t really what was making him so wary. He feared that maybe Satomi-san would use the content against him. Prey on it to further advance her agenda. Weaponize his past - ‘your mother would have wanted you to this or that’ - to make him do what she wanted ‘for his own good’.

As if anyone ever meant that sh*t. They just want to use me.

Satomi-san blinked her watering eyes quickly. She composed herself and took a deep breath. ‘‘That, I.. I-I didn’t expect poetry. It’s beautiful, Akechi-kun. It was about how you felt after your mother’s suicide, right?’’

February 11th, the year he was 9 years old. Ever since that day, everything had changed.

‘‘Yes, through my childhood in the first verse, my teenage years in the second verse and more accurate as to right now in the third.’’ Akechi answered stiffly. ‘‘Now that I did my part of the deal, you will hear me out.’’

‘‘Yes, indeed.’’ she softly laughed shaking her head. ‘‘I am all ears.’’

With relief, he snapped his notebook close. He didn’t feel as small as he had feared he would. Shoulder straight, he even gloated a bit at her surprise for his writing.

Step one cleared.

* * *

April 4th 2024, 20h13

Akechi Goro made his move! Click on this link to make your move!

Amamiya Ren made his move! Click on this link to make your move!

Akechi Goro made his move! Click on this link to make your move!

Me, 20h15

We really should deactivate those notifications.

Me, 20h16

On a more practical note, I will arrive at the station at about 15h tomorrow.

Amamiya Ren, 20h17

You still want to come?

Me, 20h18

Is that a problem?

Amamiya Ren, 20h18

No, its not!

Amamiya Ren, 20h18

I would have understood if you’re too busy to travel, that’s all

Me, 20h19

I promised, didn’t I? I’m a bit insulted you would think I’d just change my mind like that.

Me, 20h20

Too busy he says.

Me, 20h20

Enlighten me, what do you think is the life of an ex-convict?

Amamiya Ren , 20h21


Amamiya Ren , 20h21

Most people gets too busy, so I just don’t assume anymore

Amamiya Ren , 20h22


Me, 20h22


Amamiya Ren, 20h23

Oh there is this show Saturday that I’d like to see, would you like that?

Me, 20h23

What is it?

Amamiya Ren, 20h24

[Link] TakayamaLibraries.jp/events/...

Me, 20h31

A poetry slam?

Why are you inviting me?

Amamiya Ren, 20h31

Well, it looked fun

Amamiya Ren, 20h32

And every bookshops are sponsoring it, so I have free tickets

Amamiya Ren, 20h33

It’d be a waste to let them go unused, yeah?

Me, 20h34


* * *

‘‘You look happy.’’ Morgana commented, as he finished his part of the sandwich he and Ren had shared.

Everyday at lunchtime, Ren and his friend shared lunch together in the backyard. A little pause in the day before they both went back to their respective duty – Ren at the bookshop and Mona on watch by his grandma’s side.

‘‘..?’’ Ren looked at the not-cat, intrigued by his comment.

‘‘Well, you didn’t look sad before.’’ precised Mona, as he flopped on his back, belly exposed to the sun. ‘‘But you seem happier. Something exciting happened?’’

‘‘Mmm. Akechi is coming by today.’’ grinned Ren, finishing his sandwich. He was half tempted to do like Mona and lie down on his back.

He eventually gave up and copied the not-cat.

‘‘Oh, gotcha! So he did come as he said!’’ purred Morgana.

‘‘Yeah.’’ purred Ren, soaking in the sun. He needed it, as he would spend the rest of the afternoon in the bookshop. It being built in a traditional architecture, there weren’t much windows unfortunately.

The sunlight felt so good on his skin, warm and comforting. ‘Po~! Po~!’ sang softly a Japanese pigeon perched in the tall maple tree near by, only interrupted by the rustling leaves. The wind was fresh, so he didn’t feel too hot. It carried the odour of the newly blooming cherry blossoms in its breeze…

‘‘Hey, don’t fall asleep!’’

Morgana, the ever-watchful guardian of his sleep schedule.

The rest of the afternoon went by both quickly and slowly. Whenever Ren managed to focus on his book – he had finished ‘Kitchen’, and was now at ‘Moonlight Shadow’ - a client would come in and he would go back at watching his phone clock every five seconds before he could scold his mind back to his reading. Then a client would come in – breaking his focus – and the cycle would go on and on.

Ren was particularly engrossed by the chapter he was on, when he could focus again.

‘‘Your attentiveness to your surrounding really diminished, didn’t it?’’

Ren jumped at the sudden sound of the voice.

When did he arrive? Was his first thought. Akechi’s here! Was his second. Straightening up, a smile on his face, Ren took in the sight of the other. With his dark green sweater over his plain button up shirt, loose wind tousled hair, a hand on his hip, Akechi was as cute as always.

Cute’. Come on, man. Stop staring and say something.

‘‘Akechi, welcome back.’’

‘‘I am back.’’ Akechi scoffed with his sideways smile. ‘‘What are you reading?’’

‘‘A tragic romance, because I like it when it hurts it seems.’’ Ren answered as he showed the novella.

‘‘Sentimental fool, even in your taste in literature.’’ commented Akechi, grabbing the book and reading the summary with some interest still.

Ren started to close the shop – locking the door, closing the cash register – and headed for the backroom. This time around, he was prepared and had brought the coffee beans and siphon beforehand.

‘‘Coffee?’’ he asked, as he started to prepare the cups.

‘‘Yes please. I must admit, it didn’t take me long to fall back into my caffeine addiction.’’

Ah yes. Ren remembered how coffee was not part of the juvie diet.

Ren raised a playful eyebrow, as he made the drinks. ‘‘Already back to being addicted?’’

‘‘It is simply the best study partner I know.’’

‘‘...?’’ Ren bent his head sideways, silently wondering what study the other referred to.

‘‘I want to get my high school diploma soon. It is well overdue at this point, wouldn’t you say?’’

‘‘That’s great, Akechi.’’ Ren commented and he saw how Akechi preened. Laughing to himself, he indulged him with another praise. ‘‘It’s amazing how quickly you are back on your feet.’’

“Can’t have you underestimate me now.’’ smirked Akechi, accepting the cup of coffee Ren gave him. “Thank you.’’

They both headed outside to the backyard that separated the bookshop from the Amamiya’s house. They sat on the porch, sipping the coffee – black for Ren, with a spoonful of sugar for Akechi. It felt natural - so natural - for Ren to just be in each other’s presence. Doubt had kept him from hoping all week that Akechi would be back, yet here he was. Akechi was here. Again.

He promised he’d be back and he is here.

“You said you played chess with your grandma, right? Which would mean that you have a physical set. Shall we play some games face-to-face and see how good you really are without hours in between your moves?”

“You’re just mad I won that last one.” laughed Ren, already getting up to fetch the chessboard. He was grateful he had years of strategy games to back him up, Akechi played hard. The challenge was nice.

“We’ll see.” Akechi smugly replied.

They both placed the pieces on the board. Ren carefully made sure that most of them weren’t perfectly centred on their square. He looked at Akechi's side, and noticed they weren't centered either.

“Say, have you met with the other Phantom Thieves?’’ Ren asked casually, making the first move with his white pawn.

“No, why would I?’’

“They could be friends.’’

“They weren’t back then, what would change now?’’ Akechi muttered. Well, Ren was aware that some of them had a kinship for Akechi, but it didn’t seem reciprocated. “I don’t think I am ready to meet with Sakura yet.’’

Yet. Noted Ren. So he wasn’t closed to the idea, just not ready maybe. Though speaking of direct victims...

“Not Haru?’’

Red eyes glared at him.

“Let me be clear. Okumura bought my... services. I don’t have to justify my actions to his daughter. He wasn’t a good man, and while I understand that, that killing him shouldn’t have been my solution, he was a scum to society.’’ Akechi took a shaky breath. “He used so many around him.’’

Ren heard what Akechi didn’t say: Okumura was also one of his abuser. He had used Akechi as a tool too.

“I didn’t want to bring back painful memories.’’ apologized Ren.

Akechi stared at him with intensity. “Ren. That’s my past, it’s part of me. I am not fragile, and I won't hide behind denial. Don’t tell me you are uncomfortable with me now, are you?’’

“No.’’ softly answered Ren, with sincerity.

“Good.’’ Akechi seemed to calm down. “To be fair, I wouldn’t mind too much talking to Yoshizawa-san again, she didn’t seem to mind teaming up with a ‘ruthless sort of person’ as she put it. But I’ll admit, the advantage of you being in Takayama is that I do not have to share our time with any of them.’’


How can he say that? Ren’s heart sped up. Was it a flirt? Was it just platonic?

“Checkmate.’’ added Akechi, pleased with himself.

Was it just a distraction?

“Rematch.’’ declared Ren.

They played until the sunset.

* * *

After a simple dinner, they moved upstairs for movie night. Maybe Akechi’s comment on their time together stayed on Ren’s mind the whole time. Maybe he was still affected by it, who knew? He tried to not read to much into it

Just keep it casual. Be cool.

“You know, I am glad you came. I thought the next time I would see you would be when I’d be back in Tokyo,” Ren told Akechi once they made their way upstairs.

“This is nothing,” he said, yet still looking slightly pleased. “Who knows how long it would have taken for you to be back in Tokyo? Duty is keeping you here; it is quite clear to see that it is easier for me to travel.”

“Still, thanks,” Ren added, as he set up his computer. “I do have a trip planned for the weekend in two weeks. My uncle will come to keep watch over her,” he added, pointing with his head downstairs.

Akechi raised an eyebrow. “What, you’re her only caregiver? Your parents aren’t there?”

Ren shook his head. “I don’t have parents. My uncle adopted me, even if he mostly did it for the sake of his image, it would have been a bad look to not take in his orphaned nephew.”

“I see.” Akechi glared at the empty space beside him before narrowing his curious eyes at Ren. “Why are you coming back to Tokyo, then? It’s obvious that you care for your grandmother, enough for you to take care of her full time, and I get the impression that you do not trust your uncle. He doesn’t seem to be around much either. Therefore, there must be something important enough for you to make this arrangement.”

Ren smirked. Well, he had wanted to hint at it; now was the time.

“Still sharp, detective. It’s the Rainbow Festival in Tokyo that weekend.” Ann, Yusuke, and he really wanted to go, having figured themselves out over the past few years. The festival was back for the first time in four years; none of them wanted to miss it. “Do you know of it?”

A hand to his chin, Akechi seemed to think a bit. “The LGBT+ pride festival in Shibuya?”

“Yeah.” He nodded, getting the futons close to each other to make a comfortable space. “Us Phantom Thieves always fought against inequity; it only makes sense that we’d manifest for the freedom to love without discrimination. I know I want to be able to date whoever I want without judgment. Don’t you think so?”

Ren flopped down on the futons and blanket, cozying up. He looked up at Akechi, still standing, like frozen there. He looked so uncharacteristically lost for words.

“You, you want to d-date someone?”

“Yeah. It’s a normal thing to want.” Ren nodded, feeling nervous now. He knew he was treading a line he wanted to blur, but it still made him anxious. He wanted to know the other’s opinion on the matter, if it was even a possibility between them or not. “Dates, romance, have you never thought of that?”

“No. Who would want something that fickle?” Akechi snarled, crossing his arms. “If parents aren’t even guaranteed to love you, why would someone else?”

Ren frowned at that. Akechi’s emotions were like a dam: well-contained most of the time, until they flooded in a powerful and uncontrolled torrent. While he understood where Akechi came from, he had to start unraveling that thread. “Blood isn’t love, you know.”

“Yet, it’s the first love anyone should have. If a parent can’t even care for their child, how can that child even care for love?”

Maybe even more of a reason to care, in Ren’s opinion.

Way too often Ren saw that blood didn’t matter when it came to love, and his heart clenched at the thought. Futaba’s uncle abused her, while Sojiro took her in with warmth and care. Ryuji’s father turned against his own son, while fortunately his mother chose him. Haru’s father used her as a stepping stone until his brief change of heart, while Mona had seen and liked her for who she was even as an unawakened persona-user – and thus, one could argue, objectively useless to Morgana’s mission. Even Ren’s own uncle and aunt barely exchanged words with their nephew/adopted child – only practical ones regarding his grandma or the shop – while the Sakuras saw him as family.

It wasn’t a matter of being useful or blood-related that made someone worthy of love.

“Still, we don’t choose them. It’s nice and all when a parent and a child choose each other – the perfect theoretical scenario – but it doesn’t always happen. Good blood relationships are born out of luck, loving relationships out of choice,” Ren answered softly.

“Choice, huh?” Akechi finally sat down beside him. Red eyes looked distant before he turned to Ren. “That’s a terrifying thing. What if you are lied to? That type of choice implies trusting someone else. How could I ever do that? …How can anyone trust me?”

“Am I not someone you trust?”

“You?” Akechi inched a bit closer to him, and Ren’s heart sped up. Why is he so cute, innocent, and dangerous at the same time? He never knew how Akechi would react to anything ever, and it kind of excited him. it shouldn't, but it did. “You really are someone I trust, yes.”

Ren leaned a bit forward too. “Then that’s how.”

The emotional journey on Akechi’s face was quite something to observe up close. His garnet red eyes widened from his slight surprise at his answer, then were cast sideways with doubts, as if questioning himself. And before Ren could ask him about it, Akechi’s eyebrows furrowed, and he asked:

“So, you are interested in romance? With…?”

“Either a man or a woman, yeah.” Ren confirmed, playing nervously with his piercings. He was out to pretty much everyone he knew – for better or worse – but that didn’t mean coming out was easy to do again and again. Especially not to someone whose opinion actually mattered to him. “Is it something that bothers you?”

“No, no!” Quickly answered Akechi to Ren’s relief. “I’ve never put much thought into it. I think… that all my life, I have been surrounded by women I respected. My mom, Sae-san, even Satomi-san… yet I don’t particularly want to date one. I don’t remember if I told you about that before, but a girl confessed to me – years ago, mind you – and all I thought about was turning her down. Not even an inch of interest.” Scoffed Akechi before he paused.

Is he trying to relate to me? The thought was endearing to Ren.

Akechi shook his head, broke the eye contact, and clutched at a blanket. “Ah, I didn’t want to derail the conversation so much. Somehow, I always end up talking too much with you. What movie did you choose?”

Ren smiled, taking the deflection. A part of him was pleased with where the conversation went – how open Akechi really seemed to be with him – but he didn’t want to push too much. “Ever heard of The Cat Returns?”

“No, but I guess a cat is in the main cast? Are you seriously a cat person?” Akechi scrunched his nose.

Ren’s smile grew into a smirk. “I don’t think it is a coincidence that Morgana is shaped like a cat. If he was to be my guide in the cognitive world, he had to be friend-shaped, and all cats are friends.”

“…Put the damn movie.”

* * *

Akechi didn’t have many expectations before his weekend in Takayama. He anticipated some competitive games, the movie too – though he had been warned in advance about this one – and perhaps getting a bit too emotional during a conversation again. Those were all expected.

However, he hadn’t expected Ren to fall asleep during the movie.

To be fair, Akechi had noticed the other slumping toward the end of the movie, and Ren seemed to have hinted that he saw it more than once. Nevertheless, now Akechi found himself alone in the dark, the movie having ended and the computer entering sleeping mode.

Should I just head to the guest room?

He didn’t get up.

Akechi looked at Ren, dressed all in black, his dark curls framing his pale skin – the only part visible in the darkness. He looked peaceful.

He welcomed me in his house, and now he’s sleeping defenceless, right beside me.

To think he had once believed he had killed that man. As if relinquishing his passionate conflictual feelings had been the final price Akechi had to pay before obtaining the vengeance he so desired. As if by surrendering every ounce of joy he had left, there was no way to fail his endeavour because nothing else mattered. No distraction.

But what was a heart without any hope?

What the f*ck am I thinking about now.

Akechi closed his eyes tight, dispelling images of Ren with blood spilling from his forehead. It was always during the quiet moment at night that his thoughts brought back his worst memories.

It’s over now, and I don’t have to give him up.

He took a deep calming breath, raising his legs toward him, holding them, folding into himself.

The other thing he hadn’t expected today was Ren’s coming out. Ever since that talk about dating, Akechi found himself thinking about it every five minutes. What was going on with him? He never once before addressed it more than a passing thought; Akechi’s one-track mind focused on making Shido fall. Why would he think about kissing a girl then?

But what if it didn’t have to be a girl?

If he also likes boys, could he choose... me?

What an absurd thought. It was already a miracle that Ren allowed him to rekindle their friendship or something. Yet, the thought of Ren with any of the Phantom Thives girls - and boys now? - already gave Akechi a weird crushing feeling in his chest. Of course, anyone Ren chose would fall for him, with his charming smile and his witty mind.

In retrospect, only him managed to make me feel passion beyond my ambition and self-limitations.

Akechi groaned at himself, covering his face with his arms. Hope was such a pernicious thing. Why was his heart pounding so loud?


A muffled sound made Akechi jump. He snapped his attention toward the window. Against the night sky, he could see the shadowy form of a cat with clear, reflective blue eyes standing outside on the window’s ledge. Morgana.

Yeah, Akechi sitting in the dark beside a sleeping Ren was probably a weird sight, he should go.

Akechi moved to rise up and head to the guest room, when a lazy hand grabbed his arm.

“Don’t... go...’’ muffled a barely awake Ren, who was already falling back asleep.

It would have been incredibly easy to get pass the very soft grip, ignore him and head to the guest room to sleep.

But it only took two words.

Don’t go.’

Akechi lied down next to Ren, careful not to touch him or bother his sleep. Akechi never slept beside someone or shared a bed before. It felt awkward at first, having someone else right there beside him. Someone just breathing and taking up space. But eventually, he relaxed and sleep crept up to him.

Akechi didn’t have many expectations before his weekend in Takayama, but sleeping beside Ren was certainly unexpected.


Morgana was walking around the neighbourhood, enjoying the windy night. He didn’t usually stay so late, never one to leave Ren and his grandma alone too long. But, Morgana was a gentleman, and when Ren seemed to need private time with one of his confidants, he would always oblige. Morgana knew, though, that it was difficult for Ren to be alone too long. So when it started to feel late – they should be asleep by now right? - the cat-shaped creature made his way back to the Amamiya house.

Morgana elegantly traversed from the fence, to the ledge of the main floor window, then up the upper part, and finally one last jump-


Oof, that was not elegant. Good thing they should be asleep and not see that right?

His eyes met Akechi’s, clearly wide awake still.

Ugh, of course he saw me fail that jump. I’ll just go hide downstairs.’

Chapter 3: Chapter 2 part two


Thank you all for your support!!! It brings me great comfort and I really appreciate it. Now, here is the part two of chapter 2

P.S.: I am taking what Atlus gave me. So slight mention from Persona 4 Golden but no spoilers, so no worries

Chapter Text

The next morning saw Akechi waking up alone. It was rare for him not to wake up with the sun. However, he felt relaxed and well-rested. The sky was grey, rainy, the morning fresh; the rest of the day promised to be just as peaceful. He could hear in the distance the sound of a radio playing music downstairs and Morgana’s yowls. Akechi took the time he needed for his morning routine, grabbing his notebook from his bag, and wrote a bit in it. After 20 minutes, he got up and headed to the bathroom to freshen up.

When he felt ready for a new day, he finally joined his hosts downstairs.

In the kitchen, Ren greeted him with warm coffee, miso soup and his signature grin. He had changed into some dark shirt and black jeans, with a red cardigan to keep him warm.

Should I mention something?

“Hey, Akechi! Do you have a favourite food? Or any major dislikes?’’ immediately asked him Morgana, breaking the silence.

“Not really no.’’ Anyway, he wouldn’t admit to not liking anything too spicy and favouring sweetness. It felt too much like a vulnerable admission.

“Mmm, I was thinking of making some okonomiyaki for dinner before the show tonight. Everyone could put whatever they prefer on it.’’ explained Ren, jolting down some ingredients.

“Yes! With shrimps and mackerel for mine!’’ exclaimed joyfully the cat.

Ren silently nodded at that, noting it down. “I might have to go grocery shopping.’’ he muttered, lost in his task list.

“Don’t mind me, and if you need help with something...’’

“We’ll see later.’’ shrugged Ren. His shoulder slumped a bit, grey eyes darkening. “Maybe I wont have to get too much, if she still isn’t waking up...’’

“Oh! We are enough to play a game of tycoon!’’ Morgana suggested excitedly.

Tch, why is the cat not leaving us alone?

But Ren did perk up a bit a the suggestion.

Akechi supposed he could indulge him in a game of cards or two. Better to ascertain his dominance over two ex-Phantom Thieves instead of one. Ren didn’t protest either, getting a deck of playing cards and a little handmade wooden stand that he placed in front of Morgana. Ah, a placeholder for his lack of opposable thumbs.

Ren dealt the cards, while humming along the old radio playing in the background.

“You know that song?’’ wondered Akechi, grabbing his card, not bothering placing them in any order.

Ren nodded in affirmation. “They play international songs on this channel, and I like French songs.’’

“That would have been such a cool secret language for the Phantoms Thieves! Lady Lavenza knows French too, you know.’’ Morgana added, grabbing a card from the wooden stand with his mouth and dropping it in the center.

“That would explain all the Major Arcana names.’’ muttered Ren grinning, as if laughing at a private joke.

Slightly irritated that he was not following the inside joke, Akechi tried to include himself back in the conversation. “I know some bits and pieces, it wouldn’t have been that secret.’’

“Révolution.’’ declared Ren in French, raising a challenging gaze toward Akechi. “Ton tour, la Justice.’’

Revolution, your turn... Justice? Translated Akechi in his mind, frowning at the nickname. He looked at his hand. Oh, a revolution huh?

“Pauvre Fou.’’ smirked Akechi at the challenge, dropping his winning hand.

Ren burst into laughter, while Morgana looked at both of them with an unreadable expression.

Akechi liked the sound of that unbridled laugh, he realized. It felt... satisfying to have been the cause.

The morning went by with idle conversations - mostly about food, books or music - in between rounds. A tranquil day of domesticity Akechi wasn’t used to, but appreciated.

‘Cough! Cough!’

Loud and hoarse coughing interrupted the idleness. Ren immediately threw his cards away, jumping up, and ran into the living room in no time. He pushed aside the screen and sat on the bed where Akechi could spot an older lady – Ren’s grandma - sitting up and coughing. Stoic and meticulous, he rubbed his grandma’s back and grabbed an inhaler from the small sidetable.

Rising up, Akechi glanced toward Morgana – the cat had his ear flat on his head, his tail swishing rapidly – and looked back at the scene, settling for an ‘analysis mode’.

Amamiya-san took the inhaler and was clearly calming down from her fit.

“It’s fine, I’m fine.’’ she said softly, still breathing hoarsely.

Ren stayed calm, carefully neutral. “Yeah? You can breathe?’’

“Yes. Thank you, Renren.’’ she calmed down and held her grandson’s hand. “You know how it is, rainy days worsen everything. It’s all good, now.’’

“Do you need something. Are you hungry, thirsty?’’

The older Amamiya shook her head. “You had guests, didn’t you? A friend?’’

Ren turned his gaze toward Akechi, an eyebrow raised in a silent question. Want to meet?

Akechi absolutely didn’t like to meet new people. How should he approach them, with his pleasant boy mask or his true, sour persona? He had enough decency to know he shouldn’t be downright abrasive, but the idea of even embodying his Prince persona horrified him.


Alright, he could do this. Just use keigo – the polite honorific speech - and do not glare. It would be a bonus, but not a requirement, to smile. Akechi carefully nodded, stiffly walking closer so he could enter the elder’s line of sight.

“Yeah, you haven’t met him yet. His name is Akechi Goro.’’ softly said Ren, turning back to his grandma, a small smile on his lips.

“Ah, the jazz boy.’’ she smiled while Akechi gave a slight glare at Ren. Really? “Pleased to meet you, though I make for a poor host these days. My name is Amamiya Kaneko.’’

Amamiya-san turned her eyes toward Akechi, and he saw how identical they were to Ren. Cloudy grey eyes, surrounded by wrinkles – crow’s feet that enhanced her normally playful side. In front of those eyes, all will to summon the fake Prince mask faded away. He felt so disarmed.

“Quite understandable circ*mstance, Amamiya-san.’’ he muttered, giving a slight bow of the head. “Your grandson is sufficient host.’’

“...’’ she acknowledged his comment, nodding, then turned a mischievous smile at Ren. “Is it for him that you bought all those pricey coffee beans? I’m not much of a coffee drinker, we only ever have a basic brand here usually.’’

“..!’’ Ren looked stunned at the sudden reveal.

“Ah, and those tickets you asked of your uncle too. You never participate to those events usually... was it for Akechi-kun?’’ she continued, coughing – or laughing? - a bit.

“Grandma!’’ groaned Ren, growing visibly flustered.

Oh, that is fun.

Akechi smiled viciously, loving Ren’s reaction. “Oh? Trying to impress me, Ren?’’

Ren folded a bit to himself, chucking his hands in his pockets. He looked miserable and Akechi loved it.

“If so, ask him to bring you to that Hoba Miso restaurant. It’s our specialty here.’’ Amamiya-san added, smiling at Akechi, but her eyes closed. “Please do keep him out late tonight. He’s too worried about me, you’re both young, you should live life a little.’’

“And who would take care of you?’’ Ren asked, but without really needing an answer.

Amamiya-san lied back in her bed. She opened one eye a bit, clearly fighting to stay awake. “I usually wouldn’t really believe a cat could make me feel secure, but Mona-chan is quite reliable isn’t he?’’

“That’s right!’’ proudly yowled the cat in the back.

Amamiya-san fell asleep quite quickly, or at least shut the world away - her energy spent. Ren tucked his grandma under her blanket, caressed her hair before he headed back to the kitchen. Akechi followed him, silent, trying to gauge how Ren felt. It didn't seem bad.

“I am glad you got to meet.’’ Ren said, regaining his composure after earlier’s fluster.

“It wasn’t so bad.’’ shrugged Akechi, glad he hadn’t messed things up, or that she wasn’t a seemingly sh*tty adult. He smirked as he added: “And since now that I know that you got those beans for me, maybe I should ask you for another cup.’’

“Can’t believe she outed me like that.’’ groaned Ren, preparing the necessary tool. “ Hey, I know it’s a bit retro, but would you like to do a puzzle together, as we drink the coffee?’’

“Sure, as long as it’s a minimum of 5000 pieces.’’ answered Akechi. Anything less would be an insult and a waste of time.

Ren shook his head. “Of course you’d say that. We do have one.’’

“It does for a nice change of pace, something more cooperative.’’ mused Akechi, taking the cup of warm coffee he was offered.

“I bet I can place more pieces than you.’’ casually said Ren, heading to the cabinet with the games in it.

“Don’t you know the meaning of cooperation?’’ muttered Akechi, piqued at the challenge. “Anyway, you’re just wrong.’’

“We’ll see.’’ smirked Ren.

* * *

Evening came so quickly, Akechi hardly knew a day could pass that fast. Eventually, they Ren made dinner for the whole household, and it was time for them to leave for the show. The izakaya hosting the slam poetry was just a 10-minutes walk from the Amamiya’s house, if you took the alleyways.

Luckily, the sky, while still grey, was no longer rainy.

“On the way back, we could walk by the Miyagawa river; the cherry blossoms are in full bloom and there are much less people at night.’’ mentioned Ren on the way.

Akechi nodded at that. It seemed like a good idea, and it would allow him to see more of the city.

It didn’t take long before they arrived on a busy street and spotted the place. Ren opened the door to the place – the ever gentleman, of course – and they took a seat in a corner. Dim lighting created a cozy atmosphere. The stage for the poets was positioned in front of windows facing the street, utilizing the natural urban backdrop. Three musicians – a bassist, a keyboardist and a percussionist – were situated on the back of the stage, playing soft jazzy music in the background.

It was truly the kind of ambiance Akechi loved.

‘‘What a nice place.’’ he told Ren.

Ren smiled with unmasked pleasure as an answer. “You want to share some dango? There are too many for me in one plate, but half’s good.’’

Dango. Those little rice balls with sweet sauce over them. Yes please. “I could humour you with half.’’ agreed Akechi.

As wary as he had been of the invitation, a part of Akechi felt genuinely curious about the event. He wasn’t fully convinced that Ren hadn’t seen his own poems the other day, but he had been graceful enough not to mention it. Was Ren trying to trick him into admitting it? Or perhaps Ren simply thought that Akechi would enjoy that type of evening?

He wasn’t sure.

The host came to introduce the eight slam poets for the evening and proceeded to remind people that today’s event was a charity event sponsored by the local libraries. The crowd clapped politely at that.

The concept was easy enough: about eight people would read one of their poems, and five people randomly selected from the crowd at the beginning would rate them from 1 to 10 according to their appreciation. The four best out of the eight would perform again a second poem, and a winner would be crowned. No subjects were taboo, but the creations had to be original. The host added to stay tuned for the start of the spring slam season - which would begin next week - and that anyone who wanted to participate had to talk with him for the details.

Anyone can participate? Akechi thought with some interest.

‘‘Now, without further ado, introducing our first poet of the night, Marie-chan!’’

A girl with short hair, wearing a simple white shirt paired with a plaid skirt, and sporting a punkish look stepped on the stage. Marie took a small folded paper, and read softly in the mic:

For mornings when I can’t see you
Spicy mint tea…

For brunch a marmalade muffin.
A touch of bitter fits my mood.

A sigh is stardust.
It’s like our own Milky Way.

I can’t catch up to your distant back.
Look! Twilight creeps up on us.

The distance to you
Is like an eternal night…

Eternal Midnight

She received a good clap from the crowd, bowed to them and left the stage with a slight blush on her cheeks.

Akechi leaned to Ren’s ears to whisper his comment. ‘‘It isn’t rhyming.’’

‘‘Not all poetry rhymes, you know that right?’’ he replied, taking a sip of the coffee he had ordered.

Akechi huffed, rolling his eyes, he took an angry bite of dango before answering. ‘‘Yes, I know about prose, but where is the challenge in that?’’

I could do better than that.

Another girl and a guy followed suit, both in their late twenties. The former rhymed – to Akechi’s pleasure, he liked her the best and told Ren so – while the latter explored a much deeper topic, talking about his previous breakup and depression.

‘‘While his form was less challenging, his topics are much more interesting, much less mundane, wouldn’t you agree?’’

Could I do something like that? An ex-murderer performing art... And what, just expose my undesired guts for everyone to see in some jail poetry I started?

In his mind, Morgana’s voice surprisingly came back from the depth of an old memory.

Follow your true feelings...! Even if you think people hate you or don't want you around, that’s just not true.’

A hand softly touched Akechi’s shoulder. ‘‘Hey, you alright?’’

Ren was looking at him, his expression curious.

‘‘Do I not look fine?’’ replied Akechi. Not the best deflection, but it would do.

‘‘You look pensive, and you commented every poem except the last one.’’ Ren said, dropping his hand from his shoulder. To his own surprise, Akechi already missed the touch. ‘‘Care to share?’’

None of your business. Was his first instinctive answer, but hesitated. Maybe Ren was the best first audience he could ask for. He liked to read, he seemed to enjoy these kind of event, knew the most about Akechi. Maybe it wouldn’t be as bad- no, not bad, change the word - as mortifying as he feared.

It would be alright, if it was Ren, right?

Akechi grimaced, staring into those sincere deep grey eyes.

What f*ck do I have left to give anyway?

‘‘I’ll tell you after this.’’ answered Akechi, focusing back on the poet on stage.

* * *

To say that Ren was incredibly curious about what Akechi would tell him was an understatement.

He was so curious that he could barely focus on any of the other poets, which was unfortunate. Ren enjoyed all sorts of literature, and it was fun to hear young writers speak their work. But, it had been particularly hard to focus, especially since his concentration was already being challenged by Akechi's very opinionated comments whispered directly into his ear, accompanied by his warm breath and soft voice... Lucky for Ren, he had years of experience in masking his emotions most of the time.

As midnight approached, the two young man walked along the Miyagawa river in comfortable silence. The night was dark; the pink cherry blossom were shimmering under the streetlights. Ren really liked that part of the city. They were nearing the Red Bridge when Akechi stopped in his steps.

‘‘I write poetry. Leisurely, though that wasn’t exactly the reason at first… There’s something about aligning words together in a pattern that shares similarity in sounds. Words that can hold multiple meanings, ever changing in context, expressing the chaos in my mind. It’s akin to the euphoria of listening to my favourite piece of music.’’ Akechi said, expression neutral.

He was holding a small leather-bound notebook, one that he probably carried around in his small tan bag on his side.

‘‘...’’ Ren nodded, waiting for him to continue. He had suspected it, he had seen that notebook once before, so that explanation made sense.

‘‘I understand why you invited me, I guess. And when you asked me what I was thinking about earlier, well, I was wondering if, maybe, I too could read something up there one day. But for now, I want you to be my first audience.’’ he continued, and Ren’s attentiveness perked up. ‘‘This, I did this morning. It is my lightest work, the others I don’t want to share. They are darker, or more... visceral. Would you indulge me and take a look at this one?’’

Of course. Ren never wanted anything more in his life right now.

Nodding, Ren took the notebook, heart thumping from both the excitement of being trusted and nervousness.

Fate isn’t a threat to dread,

Yet shadows howl in my head.

"This is how your justice ends," whispers my night,

As faith fades, it’s fight or flight!

(You and I, we have a blood oath)

To get me past midnight, aroma of a brew,

In the midst of our fight, a pause for coffee.

Breathe again, and I take my flight back to you,

Everything anew, meeting around black tea.

(A bond I no longer loath)

As hearts no longer find solace in the torn,

"This is how my justice rises," sings the morn.

Filled with grey skies, tempest steady,

But the storm was never my enemy

Ren couldn’t quite believe what he had just read. He really does write poetry... It was much more completed and beautiful than the small part he had seen few days ago. Had he really written this beautiful piece this morning?

His heart squeezed, and he had to take a deep breath to steady himself. Calm down.

Ren felt touched. For a man with such confidence when facing Shadows - or any threats really - Akechi was surprisingly shy with his heart. And here he was, giving Ren a peek into it.

‘‘Akechi… it’s beautiful.’’

‘‘Oh? Speechless, are you?’’ smirked Akechi, satisfied and obviously relieved from his initial stress. He quickly took back his notebook. ‘‘I must admit, you make for quite the inspiration.’’


Wait. Was it all about me? About us?

Ren wasn’t totally oblivious. It wasn’t the first time his Amamiya grey eyes had been compared to an intense storm. Whether it was his uncle, his grandma or himself, he had heard people commenting on them before. He even thought about dulling them behind fake glasses to make himself seem less intense all those years ago.

But to have the pretense of assuming he was what inspired those metaphors…

Overwhelmed and thoroughly moved, Ren felt his face flush a bit. His heart was thumping so loudly. Needing to calm his fluster, he took a step back, just to move around and calm himself. But he hadn’t notice that he was on the edge of the sidewalk, losing his footing a bit.

Quick reflexes snapped in and Ren caught himself, backing in the street without injuring his ankle. Yeah, he didn’t lose his proficient footing, he thought with pride.

Sharp light blinded him, and he realized that a fast-approaching car was coming his way.


Just as he braced himself, tight hands clutched at him, pulling him back to safety.

The car passed Ren and Akechi by, no harm done.

‘‘Ren! Please try to be careful while walking, would you?’’ snarled Akechi, clutching his wrist.

Ren nodded, adrenaline coursing through his veins. That was close. Was he getting rusty on his reflexes? He had been way too distracted. The poetry Akechi wrote – that idea was still stunning – with him as a subject and the whole weekend that had been so nice so far...

Ren looked down at his wrist still in Akechi’s grasp. The latter seemed to realize it as well and released him. Ren quickly grabbed Akechi’s hand back, holding it in a more relaxed and comfortable way. Red eyes widened a bit, but Akechi didn’t remove his hand.

‘‘Thanks.’’ Ren said, giving the others’ hand a squeeze, just to test the water.

Akechi squeezed his hand back. He seemed so unsure, it was cute. ‘‘Sure.’’

‘‘And for the poetry too. I really liked it.’’ added Ren, emotions still high.

Let’s try this, I can always just dismiss it with a joke if it backfires.

‘‘Funny, getting close to dying really makes me feel like kissing.’’ Ren smirked, summoning all the courage from his guts.

‘‘It must be the suspension bridge effect.’’ Akechi informed him. It would have almost deterred Ren right there, if he hadn’t notice Akechi’s eyes lowering toward his lips.

‘‘...’’ Ren took a small step forward, locking eyes with Akechi. His heartbeat increased with his nervousness, and in his mind he was searching for a hint of how Akechi felt. Was he uncomfortable? Should Ren just get the hint and keep things platonic? Who wrote poetry for someone platonically? Maybe Akechi did.

Time seemed to stretch for a while, as if it was just them in the world.

‘‘If near-death experience make you feel like kissing, you can.’’ Akechi finally said and hope made Ren’s heart weak.


‘‘Yes, so get on with it.’’

Ren leaned in and pressed his lips against Akechi’s, feeling his lopsided smile forming against his own. Among his few regrets, not kissing the boy one February night five years ago had been at the top. Those lips were surprisingly soft, following Ren’s lead.

Ren kept the kiss short, but stayed close. He felt quite content about this, but he didn’t want to push too much.

With his lopsided grin still on his freshly kissed lips, Akechi said : ‘‘Technically, you owe me two more.’’


Thinking about it, Ren realized what Akechi was talking about. Now, he could just back away and keep things as they were between them, as their history was already filled with enough passion – both high and low. But Ren really desired to deepen his connection with Akechi, and if the latter was also inviting him to do so...

Ren was more than happy to oblige.

He pressed his lips against Akechi’s again.

In honour of Shido’s engine room near-death experience, he kissed the other with passion, a bit sloppy, with a bit too much strength.

Ren had wondered why he had cared so much about the pleading, desperate traitor that had come at him with all his might. But he had cared, deeply feeling like he really understood Akechi at that time, seeing him for who he really was. And he liked the intensity. At that moment, their justice had aligned and Ren felt like they were much more similar than different.

In honour of Maruki’s fake reality near-death experience, Ren kissed Akechi lightly, giving him the control.

He had wanted the other to feel free, no matter the consequence, because that is what Akechi had been robbed of. And Akechi replied to this light kiss with a small bite on his lower lips, taking Ren by surprise and making him weak in the knee with pleasure.

Akechi always took him by surprise.

‘‘Let’s go back home.’’ whispered Ren, lingering close still.

Akechi nodded, silently, breathing a little bit heavier than usual.

* * *

Sunday morning saw a quiet pair wake up next to each other. Nothing much had happened, but Ren didn't want to be alone and, if he was being honest, Akechi neither. He couldn't remember the last time someone hugged him, let alone held his hand, and he never realized how deeply he missed something he didn't even know. Ren didn't remember the last time he had felt this warm buzzing in his vein, dancing in his chest like the flutter of wings. Incredible really how being close to someone and hunting cognitive Shadows felt like the same type of excitement.

So why deny themselves of the simple pleasure of just standing near each other ?

* * *

April 7th 2024, 12h05

Me , 12h05

20240407001.jpeg has been sent

Akechi , 12h05

Rubbing it in that you still have all those coffee beans and I don't?

Me , 12h06

Ok, I get that we can see my cup in the picture, but the point was the rainbow in the sky

Akechi , 12h06

I see, a bit sappy, but it is nice, I suppose

Me , 12h06

Never change

Me , 12h07

Reply in chess, I feel like the wind is in my favour

Akechi , 12h07

Even if it is, it's still 7 to 5 for me

Me , 12h08

Just need 2 wins to catch up? You're not as far ahead as you think you are

Akechi , 12h10

Your move, Amamiya

* * *

April 8th 2024, 17h20

Yoshizawa Sumire has created a group chat with Sakamoto Ryuji and you

Sumire, 17h20

Hello Ren-senpai!

Sumire, 17h20

Figured it be easier if we were all in the same chat.

Sumire, 17h20

I just wanted to check if it is still ok for you this weekend?

Me, 17h21

Yeah, I’ve been looking forward to this

Sumire, 17h21

I’m so excited!

Ryuji, 17h22

You guys are effin’ crazy. I’m just gonna chill with grandma-Amamiya

Me, 17h22

I’d say you’re missing out, but I do want someone with her. So thanks Ryuji

Ryuji, 17h22

Nah, it’s cool, I like the lady and anything to keep my two feet on the ground. It’s win-win really

Sumire, 17h23

I don’t think you can say ‘win-win’ when you are talking about two winning conditions for yourself….

Sumire, 17h23

But since Ren-senpai and I are also winning, I suppose it works!

Ryuji, 17h24

Insane, I swear


But you like us

Ryuji, 17h25

Oh well in that case, it makes it perfectly normal...??

Me, 17h26

Remember that it’s the spring festival that weekend, there might be traffic on the road, so be careful

Ryuji, 17h26

Thanks mom

Sumire, 17h26

Thank you for the reminder :)

* * *

April 8th 2024, 18h47

Futaba, 18h47

Game night everybody!!!

Ann, 18h48

Look forward seeing you guys

Haru, 18h50

Oh yes! And Renren? When are you coming back in town?

Me, 18h50

Friday 19- Sunday 21

Haru, 18h51

Perfect, I might have a small favour to ask of you and Futaba. We'll talk in the call

Futaba, 18h51

Ohhh, for me too?

Me, 18h52


19h - Futaba started a group chat

22h45 - group chat has ended

* * *

April 9th 2024, 11h01

Me, 11h01

I kissed a boy

Ann, 11h05

What? That’s great! So? How was it? What happened?

Me, 11h06

I liked it

Ann, 11h07

Ugh, I’m starving for details! Can’t wait to see you in two weeks!

Ann, 11h07

Is he your boyfriend now?

Me, 11h07

Ann, 11h07

Don’t tell me you didn’t clarify things with him?!

Me, 11h07

I didn’t really think about that on the moment

Ann, 11h08

I swear, boys never talk about anything clearly… But you are supposed to be good at facing your emotions!

Me, 11h08

I was kind of overwhelmed that it happened. So much had happened that weekend Ann

Ann, 11h08

Alright, I believe you. Will you see him again?

Ann, 11h09

Oh! Will he come at the Festival with us? I’ll get to meet this mysterious man!

Me, 11h09

Right, the other point is, you kinda already know him

Ann, 11h09

I do??

Me, 11h10

You remember Akechi? (yes, Crow-Akechi, not someone else with the same surname)

Ann, 11h10

I do remember, but wait… What?

Ann, 11h10

Renren, I’m calling, you better answer!

Me, 11h10


11h11 - Ann has started a chat with you

11h20 - Chat has ended

Ann, 11h21

That’s incredible! As I said, keep us updated if he does come or not, but he is welcomed!

Me, 11h21

Thanks Ann

* * *

April 9th 2024, 18h00

Akechi, 18h00

First exam done

Me, 18h01

Congratulation! Maybe I really should invite you to Hoba Miso soon


Careful, I'll remember this

Me, 18h01



It was the Monday after that weekend in Takayama. Akechi slammed opened the library's door, ruining a bit the serene quiet of the place. He didn't care. It was the third library he was going in, and his patience was running low.

On the first library, the man at the reception had laughed at him. Akechi hadn't waited for the guy to calm down and slammed the door on his way out.

On the second library, it had been even worst. The old lady gave him a look of pity, as if Akechi was a lost lamb!

So here Akechi was, marching on toward the counter, hoping this time he'll get the help he was asking for. It couldnt be that hard right? Slamming his hands on the counter, he waited for the clerk - a middle aged guy - to turn toward him.

"I won't take long, just answer me this please." Akechi started, with the last of his patience. "I just want a book on a very specific subject."

"Of course. What subject?"

"Kissing, and the meaning behind it." declared Akechi, glaring at the reception guy. If he even dared...

The man blinked at him, then narrowed his eyes. "Uh... maybe The History of the Kiss by Marcel Danesi could answer that?"

Finally an answer.

With a title in mind, Akechi turned around. Quarry identified, now he just had to find it.

Chapter 4: Chapter 3: Days of high


Thank you for your comments and kudos :)

This is a big chapter, again kind of in pair with the next one as we have only half of the weekend. I think I should give up my little 1 chapter for 1 weekend plan, it doesn't fit haha

anyway, enjoy!

Oh! TW: slight hom*ophobia in the beginning, sorry about that :(

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It didn't matter the numbers of books or websites you looked at; in the end, there was no clear-cut answer. Apparently, some people kissed for fun, simply for the release of dopamine and oxytocin: real addictive chemicals for the brain. Some kissed out of a desire for deeper connections. Even if the way was similar, intent could vary deeply.

None of that really helped Akechi Goro with the recurring memory of last Saturday.

Sometimes he would find himself touching his lips in a pleasant daze; other times he would wonder with bitterness 'what if it had happened earlier?' f*ck, it's not like Ren hadn't been close to death before, professional hazard and everything. It certainly could have happened earlier, and what if it would have changed how they had left things years ago?

What ifs are useless, stop it. Akechi reprimanded himself.

No, he had to do with how things had happened, no do-overs possible. Still, Akechi couldn't help himself when he had asked for two more kisses, in memory of those past intense moments were Ren had almost died.

One kiss, deeper than the first, for that time in the interrogation room and the ultimate gamble Ren had taken to trick Akechi and his death sentence.

Another, lighter like a flutter, for that time he had disappeared in ashes under the bloody red sky on Christmas Eve, scaring the few who actually did remember the Phantom Thieves. Akechi remembered witnessing the moment - barely minutes after he had regained consciousness, standing in Shibuya - heart heavy, realizing that maybe the world's ruin hadn't been worth it.

So he had bitten back Ren's lips, in an attempt to keep him anchored in the moment.

Yeah, maybe suspension bridge effect had a great play in their kiss, Akechi concluded.

''Akechi Goro, Miyamoto-sensei is ready to see you.'' announced the receptionist, interrupting his thoughts.

Sighing, Akechi got up and headed for his therapist office. After he had closed the door behind him, he slumped in the chair in front of Miyamoto's desk, removing the mask and cap he wore as to avoid being recognized around Tokyo. Always dressed prim and proper, his salt and pepper hair slicked back, the older man really irked Akechi for some reason. Maybe it was just his experience with therapists, starting with Maruki Takuto, that played in his bias.

''Akechi-san, how have you been since last week?'' started Miyamoto.


"Yes, so you seem to say since your release." noted the therapist. "Then again, so did Satomi-san in her last report. She said you wanted to finish your high-school education, while you had firmly refused before in juvenile detention, and that your mood had been better. I wonder, did something happen?"

The mandatory therapy session was for anger management, so if things were good, why couldn't he just leave it at that, wondered Akechi. But he remember that Satomi-san had said that the psychotherapist needed the reasons for his mood to work better with him. Maybe he could try, as for once it wasn't about Shido, his victims or his depression, but something much lighter. Maybe he could even get answers on the psychology behind a kiss?

"I met back with someone." admitted Akechi, and saw Miyamoto take note. Tch.

"Was that person a friend from back then?"

"Well, kind of, but also a victim of my anger." he answered as honestly as he could, his voice neutral.

"Ah, I see." Miyamoto said, scribbling more than even glancing at Akechi, "Did you… talk about your past aggressions?"

"I mostly talked about how I wanted to gain back their trust. The guy already know why I felt the need to get close to Shido and act as his hitman."

"Did he now? And if your mood went better, he accepted to make amends?"

Akechi nodded at that, looking down at his hands. "Yes. I saw him again after that day too. We, we even kissed."


"We kissed." Okay, now time to get information. "And I was wondering if you could enlighten me as to- what is it?"

Miyamoto had been frowning for too long, it was more than confusion that scrunched his face. Ice in his vein, Akechi was on alert. He had seen that expression before, mostly on Shido's face when he was displeased with something.

Miyamoto shook his head, shrugging. "Oh no, sorry Akechi-san, you can continue. With your past, I shouldn't have expected normal behaviour, that's on me."

Time seemed to freeze as soon as the therapist said that.

"And what do you mean by expecting 'normal behaviour'?" sourly asked Akechi.

"Well, you wouldn't call two men kissing each other normal behaviour now, would you? Though it is seemingly an harmless deviancy, I forget that normal attachment might be more challenging for someone like…" Miyamoto cleared his throat, awkwardly.

Akechi didn't need the rest, he knew what Miyamoto was about to say. Someone like me. But his past didn't have anything to do with that! If anything, Akechi was starting to think that men in general were a problem in his life. Ren was the only bond he had left, that he trusted, that pushed him forward… Hell, Ren was probably the sanest person Akechi knew, and was far from what Miyamoto had called 'deviant'.

'I want to be able to date whoever I want without judgment. Don't you think so?'

Akechi understood better what Ren had meant. He was still fighting, albeit differently, for social justice. Society still needed a bit of common sense beaten into it, it seemed.

Anger rose in Akechi at dangerous level. But he was in his anger management therapist’s office, he couldn’t just get aggressive or he would lose freedom privilege. No, he had to change tactic; he couldn't lose it right here, right now. He had to protect his bond, and if hate wasn't a possibility, lies were.

New plan: play him with his own prejudice.

"Oh, Miyamoto-sensei, my apologies, I don't think you understood me well." Said Akechi, a vicious smile twisting his lips. "My friend isn't a man. While I do call them 'one of the guys' out of a joke between us, they are a kind and quiet soul."

"Of course, I am sorry for my presumption." laughed Miyamoto, making Akechi sick. "Forgiving like that, I should have known. And what is her name?"

Ugh, why did Ren have such a manly name? Not that he would tell him his real name, Miyamoto had lost his trust now. Let’s see, Akechi could find something gender neutral that suited Ren, right?

"Akira, though they are such a jokester, I sometimes call them Joker."

"I see, Akira-san sounds lovely. Well, it is quite good to hear, making amends with past victims, without forcing it on them, is excellent progress Akechi-san." said Miyamoto, noting down his thoughts probably.

"Mmm. Unfortunate that Akira lives so far away though." muttered Akechi, settling for banal pleasantries.

He didn't care anymore, he just wanted out at this point.

And after what felt like an eternity - 20 minutes really - Akechi was finally released from the office. His blood was boiling, feeling sick from all the lies he had to tell just to avoid being labeled 'abnormal' by his f*cking therapist. Why did he care, what others thought of him? Akechi's heart was pounding, aching in such a way, he wanted to tear it out of his chest. Instead, he glanced at a nearby trashcan on the street and kicked it down. The trash spread on the road, but he didn't care.

f*ck, f*ck f*ck.

Akechi arrived at the subway station - he hadn't even noticed that he was already there - and stopped in front of a newspaper rack. All stacked there, perfectly, neatly…

"Argggghhh" screaming, Akechi threw them all on the floor.

Perfection was such f*cking a lie anyway.

People turned to look at him, and he saw an employee heading toward him from afar. Not waiting for them, Akechi turned on his heel and decided to head out instead. Breathing hard, he sat on a bench in a small park and got his cellphone out. He had to sort something out with his other mandatory post-juvie professional, to determine just how much more lies he would have to f*cking tell.

He composed Satomi-san’s number, his social worker.

"Hello, this is Sato-’’

"Did you mean it? When you said you could help change something with my therapist?"

"Akechi-san?" she wondered. Damn it, why were people so slow?

"Yes, Akechi Goro, your client. Last Thursday, April 4th, you asked me if I wanted to change something with my therapy. Does that still apply?" he enunciated impatiently.

"Yes, yes, Akechi-san," Satomi-san finally seemed to catch on. "Within reason, I suppose yes. Did something happen with Miyamoto-sensei?"

"Depends. Does saying hom*ophobic sh*t straight to my face count? Unless you f*cking agree that I am incapable of normal attachments and that my rehabilitation is doomed from the start," Akechi snarled.

His social worker on the other end of the line took it in stride and answered in a leveled voice. "Akechi-san, I do not believe that at all. Everyone is redeemable in my book, and I do not think you are an intrinsically bad person. Hurt, distrustful, and resentful, maybe, but plenty of people have those traits. They are not unique to you. It doesn’t mean you can’t have normal attachments… was that what you called it?"

'Hurt, distrustful, and resentful'… Was she talking smack about him? Did she want to fight?

Whatever, there would be time for that later.

"That’s what Miyamoto said. He called me — and by extension, 'Akira'— deviant. So tell me straight, is this going to be a problem with you too?"

Was societal norm the new chain that would keep him away from freedom?

"No, it won’t be. I do not agree with Miyamoto-san, and I will admit this to you: I don’t think it was very professional on his part," Satomi sighed into the phone. "Actually, I don’t think it was decent at all. I’ll talk to the Bureau and see about requesting a change in your case."

Akechi breathed in relief, then immediately judged himself. Why did he care about what others thought of him? Who cared about that stupid therapist and his biases? All his life he had spent trying to manufacture the perfect public image, one that would be loved and accepted. Why couldn’t he move beyond his need to be accepted? Was he still the same, never changing and manipulable child?


"If you want, we can look at other therapists tomorrow at our meeting. You can choose from a handful I will have pre-selected. Would that make you feel better?" Satomi-san continued.

He hated that he needed to be coddled that way, and that it was working.


"Perfect. I’ll do some research this afternoon. I have to leave for another appointment, but Akechi-san? I'm glad you told me about what happened, okay?"

Akechi reached his limits of tenderness and hung up.

He didn’t know how he felt. He felt too much unnecessary feelings, and it was making his head hurt right behind the eyes. He pressed his palms on them, trying to calm the pulsing headache.

Sigh. I need to clear my head.

At times like this, Akechi almost missed Mementos for its horde of Shadows. Almost. Fortunately, he lived in Japan, country of baseball. Glancing back at his phone, he sent a quick text and looked for the nearest batting cage.

At the detention centre, someone once told him that when overwhelmed, he needed to practice self-care; and for Akechi, self-care meant to hit things really really hard.

* * *

I want to see you burn with me

Wither into a pile of bones, as I stare in victory

Spitting at your ashes, I can’t help wondering

This old pattern, is it really me winning?

* * *

April 10th 2024, 13h44

Me, 13h44

I will attend the Rainbow festival too. We could attend together, what do you think?

Amamiya Ren, 18h27


A mamiya Ren, 18h58

Oh, Ann and Yusuke will be there too. That’s still good?

Me, 19h00

Only Ann and Yusuke?

Amamiya Ren, 19h05


Me, 19h05

Fine by me

* * *

Back in his studio apartment, siting on his futon, Akechi looked at this short conversation. And waited. It felt odd, colder than usual. Sure, Ren was a man of little words, but something felt off… To follow up on that instinct, he called Ren’s number.

Akechi couldn’t help it, after everything that day, he felt a little confrontational.

He answered after two rings.

"Hi, Akechi.’’ Answered Ren’s deep voice.

"Hello, Ren.’’ Akechi replied, and paused, giving Ren the space to speak if he felt like it. He didn’t. "So, what is it?’’

Ren took a second too long to answer. "What do you mean?’’

"You are not as slow-witted as that, I hope. You know exactly what I mean.’’ Answered Akechi, not willing to let him deflect that easily.


Ren’s silence was as good as an admission in his book: something was wrong. And it seemed that Akechi would need to corner the other if he wanted an answer. Alright, he could do this.

"You usually answer quickly, but you didn’t this time. You even followed up on your own idea with a delay. Baring a new world-shattering catastrophe - which isn’t beyond the realm of possibilities, given your history - you are not that busy and love the attention too much to ignore a text message. Unless you’re preoccupied. Alone with Morgana and your grandma, it could only mean one of two things. One: Morgana finally got hit by a car. Two: something happened with your family. So, what is it?’’

"You’re sharp, you’re the only one that noticed.’’ Ren scoffed, humourlessly. "I was at the hospital today, they are keeping watch on her for the night.’’

Option two, something happened to his family. Heart clenching, Akechi asked: "So you are alone at home right now?’’

"Well, Mona is with me but… yeah.’’

How does one comfort someone else? What had Satomi-san done? She had acknowledged the source of his anger and offered something to alleviate it. That sounded like a rational plan. Emotions were not Akechi’s forte; sticking to the facts was, so step one: gather more facts. Step two: find something that alleviated the trouble.

"What happened?’’

He heard shuffling a bit, before Ren answered. "Remember when you visited last weekend, and grandma coughed a bit? Turns out it was the start of her lungs being pressured by some liquid. It’s a routine surgery to remove it, but she is old and weakened, so they are keeping her just to check if she won’t catch an infection.’’

"So you are worried?’’ confirmed Akechi.

"No… Well, a bit, but I know things will not look up for her. No, I just…’’ Ren sighed.

It was really at that time that Akechi hated the act of the strong unfaltering leader Ren sometimes fell back on. It irked him and made him feel useless. Hell, he wanted to knock him down a peg.

"Enough with this fearless leader bullsh*t, just say what you feel, damn it.’’

"..!’’ Ren gasped of surprise. Akechi imagined him nodding – whether he actually did or not didn’t matter – as Ren replied. "I feel lonely.’’

Well, if there was something Akechi didn’t imagine Ren to feel, it was loneliness. Wasn’t he always surrounded by his followers friends?

"And you didn’t call anybody?’’

"It’s stupid right? I know I have friends that care for me, but I feel so… alone and far. They have their own life, I can’t just interrupt. Even if I called, what good would it do?’’ Ren muttered.

Time for step two: alleviate the problem.

"You really are stupid.’’ declared Akechi, in all of his kindness. "Just call and I’ll find a solution, that’s the good it will do. Let watch a movie or two while on the call. It will help change your mind, and we can do that even with distance, right?’’

"…yeah.’’ Ren softly said, and Akechi heard the smile in his voice. "I think something lighthearted could be good. Futaba told me a while ago about this Featherman movie that got released last year. Would that be good?’’

There’s a movie? Yes, it would be great! "Choose whatever you want.’’ he muttered as he placed his computer on the floor beside his futon.

"Do you have popcorn? Make some, I’ll give you my recipe and it will be like we are eating the same thing too.’’ Ren suggested, perking up more and more.

Akechi obliged him, heading to his kitchen. In his small studio, it didn’t take more than ten steps. "Recipe? Isn’t just microwaving it for two to three minutes?’’

"Prepare to see your world change.’’ ominously laughed Ren.

Normally – or more like years ago? – Akechi didn’t have much in his kitchen, never one to cook that much unfortunately. When he got released, three weeks ago, in a desire to burn Shido’s money and prove that he was a fully functional human being, he had bought so many spices, snacks and cooking suplies. He had too many to know what to do with.

For the first time, Akechi’s kitchen would serve.

He followed Ren’s recipe and mixed in two palms of hand of nutritional yeast, one palm of thyme and another of paprika in his popcorn.

"Why do you cook with your hands, you savage?’’ asked Akechi, still following instructions.

"Less dishes.’’ nonchalantly answered Ren.

The popcorn turned out to be delicious, and they watched movies until Ren fell asleep on the line. Akechi hung up too. There were days that felt too tranquil and passed by slowly, and there were days like today when everything seemed to happened all at once. Emotionally and socially exhausted, it didn’t take long before he fell sound asleep, feeling his need to be needed by someone else somewhat satiated.

* * *

SakamotoRyuji really missed his flatmate right now.

He leaned back in his chair, balancing on its two rear legs, and surveyed the place. The apartment was clean enough. The fridge was packed with a big batch of miso soup – a recipe he had proudly learned to make – and panko shrimps his Ma had prepared for him. He even had a book opened in front of him, pretending to study.

Yup, he was managing well on his own.

Still, he missed having Ren around.

Living with his best friend was awesome. Never mind all those who said that it could screw up their friendship, that they’d argue all the time about dishes or cleaning duties. It was even because he was living with him that he now had a girlfriend. How effin’ cool was it that the guy was like a lucky charm?

Leaning back on the chair some more, Ryuji reminisced of how that had happened.

September 21st 2021, Tokyo

"I can’t do this anymore.’’ said Ren from the sofa, and Ryuji knew that he was seriously at his limits if he said something like that.

Ren rarely spoke about what bothered him, always trying to make do. Sometimes when he was lucky, Ryuji noticed some non-verbal cue of his non-ease, but damn that was hard to do. So whenever Ren did say something, it meant that the string did break the camel’s back, or something like that.

Ryuji just didn’t know at the limits of what Ren was.

"What’s up buddy?’’ he asked sprawled the floor where he was stretching his legs. Ryuji looked at Ren's hands, holding his phone, and felt better. Ren had the telltale sign of a slight tremor in his hands when he was nervous, and if he wasn't hiding them in his pocket or fidgeting with them, it must be fine right?

Yeah, surely it was fine.

"I can’t train so much in one week.’’ Ren sighed, looking at Ryuji with unease.

Ryuji really, really didn’t want to be the cause of Ren’s unease, they just got that apartment together! ...Had they really been training that much? "Don’t we only go for a run like two to three times a week?’’

"Yeah, you and I. Then, Sumire asks me also two to three times a week to go outside to train. And these days, Mishima also asks me once or twice a week to go for a run. It’s great to move your body, but I’m going to break.’’ Grey eyes looked down, and he looked like a kicked puppy even admitting it.

"Eh, who cares about Mishima, he can train with Shiho. They’re both volley-ball players or somethin’.’’

"I don’t mind saying no to Mishima.’’ Ren said, bending his head on the side. "I’m just wondering if you would mind if we went for runs with Sumire too?’’

Yoshizawa Sumire, the cute girl that was their kouhai in Shujin. She was closer to Ren than any of them, but man she had been a fine Phantom Thief for the month she had joined. Fierce, flexible and funny, Ryuji wouldn’t lie and say that he didn’t find her nice. Very nice. More than nice even.

"Hell yeah, dude! That’s a brilliant idea.’’ Ryuji exclaimed. "I wouldn’t mind getting to know her better and do sports together.’’

Ren perked up and smiled one of his mischievous smile. "Thanks. I have a feeling you guys might hit it off.’’

"Oh yeah? You think so?’’ asked Ryuji and he was not enthusiast.

He was cool, he was chill.

"...’’ Ren simply shrugged as an answer, turning to his phone. Probably to text Sumire.

Later that day, the three of them met at Inokashira Park. Even in September, it was still warm during the day, so training at sunset really was the smart thing to do. Lucky for them, most people were busy with dinner at this time of the day, so the park wasn’t all that busy.

"Ren-senpai! Ryuji-senpai!’’ greeted them the cheerful voice of Sumire. She carried a large bag on her back, but was dressed for sports. Her red hair were tied in a ponytail, and her glasses showcased her big bright eyes. A cute girl that did take her training seriously always impressed Ryuji.

Ren greeted her with a hand sign, so Ryuji decided it was his time to shine. He could do this right? He could make a good first impression again.

"Hey! It’s been a while. Ready to wreck yourself over this training sesh?’’ greeted her Ryuji, before blushing over the way he had phrased that. Not cool, back up! "...Uh, I mean that in a good way! Like we will run miles and stuff, until our bodies are... sore and stuff...’’

What the eff am I saying with my mouth?

Ren hid his smirk with his hand, while Sumire dropped down her bag and straightened up.

"R-right! Let’s train until we are wrecked!’’ exclaimed Sumire, trying to be supportive?

While it hasn’t been the best start, they decided to start making laps around the lake. Ryuji usually had much more stamina than Ren, which was normal, he had a sponsorship for his track records. It was normal that after an hour, Ren would collapse on the ground, breathing heard.

"I’m not the young lad I used to be.’’ breathed out Ren from the ground.

"Dude, you just turned 20!’’

Ren raised a thumb up at that, still catching his breath. Meanwhile Ryuji shook his leg, still feeling the energy coursing through them. Maybe he could run a few more laps while Ren and Sumire paused-

"Well, I brought dinner for us all that is the equivalent of a couple more laps of calories, and I do intend to do them!’’ cheerfully announced Sumire.

Hell yeah!

"Hell yeah, let’s keep running! You brought dinner? For me too?’’

"Of course, when Ren-senpai invited me to you guys’s running session, I made a portion for you too.’’ Sumire nodded with a polite smile.

Now Ryuji was really excited. "Thanks! What did you prepare?’’

"Rice balls with various proteins! I have some with beef, some with mayo and eggs, some with tofu...’’

‘‘You don’t have one with fish right?’’ Ryuji asked, grimacing, adding:

‘‘I really don’t like fish.’’

‘‘I don’t really like fish’’ said Sumire at the same time.

She is perfect.

Ren chuckled at them from the ground, sitting back up. ‘‘Fishes are filled with omega-3 for you sports addicts. And they are pretty to see in an aquarium.’’

‘‘Ew dude.’’

‘‘I agree, aquariums are dark and slimy...’’ Sumire added, looking embarrassed to contradict her friend.

Ren simply smiled and shrugged. ‘‘Go finish your runs, I’ll take a breather here.’’

So they did.

Man did it feel good to not stop too early and keep going, as Sumire had about an equal amount of cardio! They could do a bigger lap, and see part of the parks they usually didn’t see with Ren. Seeing her sweat and follow his pace was so great. So, so great. Damn was Ryuji’s heart working faster than usual?

‘‘There is a zoo here!’’ Sumire pointed out while they ran by the zoo. ‘‘It’s been ages, I’ll have to take the time to visit it one day.’’

‘‘Yeah, blast from the past! Used to come here with my Ma.’’ Ryuji laughed. Taking a leap of faith, he causally added:. ‘‘It’s kinda late today, but next time after our jog, we could go.’’

‘‘Eh? Together?’’ she blushed, matching her red hair and looked down with sudden timidity. ‘‘Y-you must mean us three, with Ren-senpai too, right? Sorry I-I didn’t mean to make it seem like it would be just the two of us.’’

‘‘Well, I did mean the two of us… I don’t mind if we make a group visit too!’’ Ryuji said, slowing down a bit.

‘‘And I don’t mind if we go the two of us!’’ exclaimed Sumire, matching his pace.

‘‘Great! Yeah, great, we should go the two of us. I don’t mind soon?’’

‘‘I don’t mind this weekend?’’ Sumire slowed down again and laughed a bit. ‘‘We have to stop saying that we don’t mind.’’

Grinning, Ryuji nodded. ‘‘We should.’’

‘‘Do you think we could exchange phone numbers?’’ she shyly asked and Ryuji thanked his luck for the tenth time that day.

‘‘We really should.’’

Ryuji’s cellphone buzzed, bringing him back down on the ground.

He saw a message from Sumi.

Quickly, he closed his books and grabbed his bag at the entrance. He shut the door behind him and sprinted down the flight of stairs to meet with Sumi in the car she had borrowed from her father. Spending the weekend with his girlfriend and his bro? Happiness was that easy, it seemed.

What else could he ask for?

Maybe he could ask for one more thing: worry a bit less about the Akechi situation.

He hadn’t had any more news since that one text a while ago, and he wanted to check with Ren what was that all about. He hoped Sumi would know soon too, because keeping a secret from her was the hardest thing he’d ever done in his life.

‘‘Sooo looking forward seeing Renren already!’’ exclaimed Ryuji in lieu of a greeting.

Sumi simply laughed at him, ever the cheerful girl she was. ‘‘Still worried about him?’’

‘‘Yeah, but I can’t tell you that.’’ He said, fasting his seat belt.

‘‘For sure, I do not know that you are worried!’’ nodded Sumi.

‘‘Thanks.’’ He gave her a kiss on the cheek as she started the car. ‘‘So, how was the audition? Did you get the role?’’

‘‘I did! I am going to be the villain’s stunt actress in detective Loveline’s live-action movie!’’

‘‘For real? We should celebrate that! I’ll tell Ren to get something delicious!’’

She blushed and tried to hide it behind her curtain of hair. ‘‘Thanks, but you guys don’t have to do so much, there won’t be that many scenes where she is chasing the criminals and all. Probably just a day of filming will be necessary, no big deal.’’

‘‘Won’t stop me from cheering for you! Heck, you’re at all of my competition, it’s the least I could do.’’ Ryuji scratched the back of his head, embarrassed to not be able to do more. Maybe he should learn some more recipe, like celebratory ones.

He had a whole weekend with Ren, he’ll surely come up with something.

* * *

April 12th 2024, 16h45

Me, 16h45

Dude, what is good for a celebration?

Ren, 16h47


Me, 16h47

No fish. Something else, it’s for Sumi

Ren, 17h00


Me, 17h00

Genius! Think we can make that this weekend?

Ren, 17h00

Sure, there is a grill here, I could get it out

Me, 17h01

Thanks dude!

Ren, 17h01

No prob

* * *

Every morning was the same in Takayama, but ever since the beginning of April, things had been different and exciting for Amamiya Ren.

On Sunday, the Sanno Matsuri, the spring festival, took place in town, filling the air with excitement. Takayama was adorned with all sorts of lanterns and giant marionettes, its streets decorated with food kiosks, and sweet odours perfuming the air. The cherry blossoms had kept their blooms for the event. Even the sun was shining bright and warm.

But more excitingly, yesterday, Ren’s friends Sumire and Ryuji had arrived late at night to spend the weekend together. So, when Ren woke up early, as usual, he made an extra effort to cook a hearty breakfast and prepare the morning tea—with lots of milk and honey for his friends.

“Morning! Looking good!” greeted Morgana, the first one up, of course.

Ah yes, in front of his grandma, Ren really couldn’t avoid wearing his traditional hakama during festival hours, and his uncle insisted that it helped make tourists feel like spending money too. Hence, the traditional clothing – his being dark-colored with red lotus embroidery on the sleeves - he was wearing was not optional.

“Good morning, Mona. Have you seen who else is up yet?” asked Ren, while he prepared his cat-shaped friend a bowl of food.

“Everybody! I heard Ryuji and Sumire talking while I was coming down, and your grandma is reading a book in front of the window.” reported Mona.

“Maybe we could eat breakfast outside, what do you think?’’ he wondered out loud, as he heard heavy footfalls heading downstairs. Probably Ryuji, unless Sumire has a surprisingly loud footstep.

Ryuji arrived down indeed. “Whassup Renren! What is it that I heard about eating outside?’’

That’d be a great idea! Good morning to you both, Ren-senpai, Mona-Senpai.’’ Chipped in a cheerful Sumire, delicately following Ryuji.

Ren nodded and went to the living room.

“Good morning grandma. Doing well today?’’

His grandma dropped the small and tathered book she was rereading – one of her favourites – and smiled at him. “Morning Renren. I am, Oyamakui-no-kami must be smiling upon me.’’

Ren nodded, smiling. She always did like the spring festival and its traditions . “ Does breakfast in the backyard sound good? Ryuji can carry you there.’’

“Yeah, Amamiya-san, you won’t have to strain yourself, leave it all to me!’’ Ryuji exclaimed, throwing his arm around Ren’s shoulder.

She smiled and nodded. She placed her han d on her chest , dramatically sighing. ‘‘ If you would, good sir.’’

Ryuji carefuly grabbed her and the blankets she had and headed outside to give a comfortable spot for his grandma. Ren’s heart did swell a bit at the sight. He quickly plated the omurice and miso soup, so he could bring them their breakfasts . Sumire grabbed the kettle and cups of tea, and they all made their way on the porch in the backyard.

Morning passed with leisure talk of their daily lives: ‘I got a few minor stunt roles in a movie!’; ‘Dude, the semester just started and I already have to write a report!’; ‘The other day, Ryuji-kun and I went to Haru- san ’s café, she had many strawberry specialties for the spring season!’. Ren absolutely loved it.

What time is our reservation, Senpai?’’ Sumire asked excitedly.

Ren looked at his phone for good measure, but he knew. “2PM, but it takes less than hour to get there.’’

“I won’t say it enough, you guys are effin’ out of your mind. You’re really goin’?’’

“Who wouldn’t want to bungee jump from the highest point in Japan? What a view it’s going to be! And it’s in the same prefecture as Senpai’s hometown.’’ Sumire said with stars in her eyes.

It’s almost going to remind you of the grappling hook I gave you once!’’ Morgana exclaimed from Ren’s grandma’s laps.

“ Yeah, so it’s your fault our Renren has this adrenaline addiction now, you cat!’

Ren cleaned the dishes away while Mona and Ryuji blamed each other for his ‘adrenaline addiction’; addiction that he was pretty sure he would have discovered, with or without a grappling hook. While they were busy and that his grandma was sleeping, Ren thought it was time to come clean about something. The sooner, the better. He owed it to Sumire, she was part of the trio they had, one January 2019...

So, Ren sat beside Sumire, gathering the courage in his guts.

Softly, he asked: ‘‘Sumire, can we talk?’’

Sumire smiled at him. ‘‘Sure, Senpai. What's up?’’

‘‘It's about Akechi, Crow-Akechi.’’ He started slowly. From the corner of his eyes, he could see the way Ryuji and Morgana stilled, listening on them.

Since death was a sensible topic for her, Ren really wanted to clear the air out and make sure she knew it was fine, however she would feel about it.

Sumire ’s face fell a bit, her smile gone. ‘‘Akechi-san? Why bring that up now?’’

‘‘I found something out, and I wanted to tell you in person, while you are here.’’

She took a deep breath, as if mentally preparing bracing herself. ‘‘Okay… what is it?’’

Ren, looking into her eyes, told her as gently as he could. ‘‘Akechi is alive, Sumire.’’

‘‘What? That’s not possible, Senpai. He... he disappeared with Maruki-sensei’s reality. You told us he was like Okumura-san and Isshiki-san and that...’’ Sumire said, stunned a bit, not knowing how to react.

Ren could understand her confusion. He remembered how he had felt when Futaba had told him. Dazed, confused and a bit betrayed by Akechi’s absence until he did see him, making the news real.

He nodded softly, giving her some time to collect her thought. ‘‘I know, that’s what I had thought too. But I talked to him, he came to see me recently.’’

Sumire ’s ruby red eyes teared up a bit, and she blinked keeping it in. ‘‘For real? But why didn’t we know before now?’’

Ren reached out, gently patting her shoulder, his hands trembling a little. ‘‘He was in a coma for a while. When he woke up, he went to juvie for his past with Shido. He just got out.’’

Sumire shook her head in disbelief. ‘‘But... all this time, Ren-senpai... all this time we thought he was gone. I mourned him. I... I never got the chance to really know him, while he had witnessed so much of me.’’

‘‘Yeah, I really believed he was dead.’’ Ren placed his hands in his pockets, looking down.

‘‘Was it even him, in Maruki’s palace? Or was it another cognitive version of him?’’ Ryuji asked, approaching them both.

Ren considered the possibility. ‘‘It was him; he remembers everything.’’

Sumire removed her glasses and wiped her eyes until they were dry. ‘‘You know, after I accepted Kasumi’s death, I thought to myself that I wouldn’t run away from anything painful. I never thought the idea of someone being alive again would shake me up so much… But I’d like to see him again. Maybe get to know Akechi-san, for real this time.’’

‘‘Yeah... And Ren? I can’t say I get it, but clearly you had a much deeper connection with him than any of us. For awhile. I really didn’t get why you were upset he had disappeared again.’’ Ryuji said, placing a hand on Ren’s shoulder and the other on Sumire’s. ‘‘Now, I get that I don’t know him all that well. Ain’t nothing wrong with doin’ your best to make up with someone after a fight, right?’’

Ren gently smiled at the both of them. ‘‘Yeah, and we have that chance now.’’

Sumire smiled brightly again. ‘‘You're right. Everything must have been hard for him too. He might not think so, but we might be able to help each other grow.’’

‘‘...’’ Ren nodded, happy with their resolve.

Ryuji fist bumped the air. ‘‘We'll take it one step at a time. Just like we always do.’’

Sumire turned to Ren. ‘‘Thanks, Ren-senpai. For telling me in person.’’

Ren nodded again, understanding.

‘‘Well, we should start getting ready!’’ Sumire joyfully proclaimed.

‘‘I look forward jumping off that bridge.’’ mischievously answered Ren.

‘‘ Please , don’t say sh*t like that, you’re gonna give me a heart attack.’’ Ryuji sighed, giving up on trying to convince them out of their activity.

Vaguely listening to them, Ren felt his phone give a slight vibration. Looking at the text, h is h e art stopped for a moment. He had to wonder if coincidences really existed. Ren had been a witness to too many strange coincidences, and this one really solidified his belief: Fate existed and worked in mysterious way.

He ran across the backyard and in front of the family bookshop.

* * *

April 13th 2024, 12h05

Akechi, 12h05

Come out in front of the shop

* * *

When a motorcycle roared toward toward him and stopped right in front of him, Ren was confused. Black and white, the engine was big. The man on it, cladded in all black, difficult to distinguish behind the helmet, gloves and jacket. The cool-looking stranger uneasily got down, removed his helmet, and those familiar dark garnet pierced Ren with a fierce sense of smugness.

‘‘Well, well, to think I’d get to see you so surprised... It’s quite satisfying, really.’’ Akechi grinned at him.

It was quite the sight in front of him: Akechi on a motorbike… Hot. Ren’s hand fidgeted with his bang, tugging himself out of his reverie.

‘‘You’re here.’’ Ren greeted him. ‘‘I didn’t know you knew how to drive a motorbike.’’

‘‘I didn’t before, but I texted you that I succeed in my first exam, didn’t I? It’s on you for assuming what it is that I was referring to.‘’ smirked the smug bastard.

Pleasant shivers crossed Ren’s chest nonetheless. He imagined Akechi mastering with confidence and speed the road in front of him, free and powerful, even if a bit uneasy from lack of training. Would he allow Ren to ride with him? Yeah, that idea did something fun to Ren’s guts.

‘‘That’s hot.’’ Ren said, grinning.

‘‘What are you even saying?’’ glared Akechi, trying to hide his embarrassment. ‘‘And what are you wearing? ‘‘

‘‘…?’’ Ren blinked, confused, and looked at himself.

Right, his hakama.

Right, he had guests right now and plans. He couldn’t just flirt out in the street. Well, he could, but now wasn’t the time.

‘‘Traditional clothing for the spring festival at Hie Shrine tomorrow. It’s good for tourists,’’ Ren quickly summarized. ‘‘Uh, why are you here?’’

A flash of hurt crossed Akechi’s eyes, but was hidden as quickly as it had come. Yet Ren had seen it clear as day, and panic seized him. He moved in front of the motorbike, just in case the other would try to flee.

‘‘No, it’s not what I meant! I’m glad you’re here. Really,’’ Ren tried to reassure him. ‘‘But you might not be when you realize I’m not alone.’’

Akechi glared at him. ‘‘What do you mean by that?’’

‘‘Ryuji and Sumire are here.’’

Akechi frowned at that, his expression souring as if he hadn’t expected it. ‘‘Sakamoto-kun and Yoshizawa-san? Ah, I see. They came to see you, and I came by unannounced on your merry little visit...’’

‘‘You should join us. You said you didn’t mind speaking to Sumire again, right?’’ Ren tried, but Akechi didn’t look convinced. ‘‘Actually, you might like it, Sumire and I were going—’’

‘‘Renren, what are you doing? Why did you just run away?’’ Ryuji’s loud voice boomed, and a heavy arm surrounded Ren’s shoulder. ‘‘Akechi!? Dude, why is Akechi here?’’

Ren sighed at that poor timing and saw how Akechi glared at Ryuji, his red eyes travelling from the blond boy to his arm around Ren’s shoulder.

‘‘Sakamoto Ryuji. And here I thought you’d be more surprised to see me alive. I guess Ren told you guys about my past circ*mstance, then?’’

‘‘I’m his bro, of course, he would tell me!’’ huffed Ryuji, before looking a bit sheepish at his outburst. ‘‘But uh, in a funny way, it’s good to see you, ya know? We were just talking about you, saying we should get to know you better.’’

‘‘’We’ were? What are you talking about, Sakamoto-kun?’’ Akechi said in the tone of an exasperated man.

‘‘Sumi and I! You got to meet her, come in the backyard with all of us!’’ Ryuji exclaimed, and without hearing an answer, just ran back toward the backyard.

Sometimes, Ren really loved that charging forward attitude of Ryuji’s.

Turning his most charming smile, Ren co*cked his head at Akechi. ‘‘Come?’’

Akechi sighed, shaking his head. ‘‘I came too far to just go back anyway.’’

They made their way to the backyard. It didn’t take long before Sumire came running to meet them, eyes wide with disbelief.

‘‘Akechi-san? Oh my, it’s you! How did you get here? Did... did you plan this, Ren-senpai?’’

Ren shook his head because he had no idea that it would all happen so fast. He had just told Sumire about Akechi, here they were now meeting again. As surprising as the whole situation was, it was also a bit disappointing that he had to share a bit of Akechi’s time now.

Ren immediately felt guilty about that train of thought.

Don’t be that way.

‘‘Honestly, I didn’t think he would have company today. I’m sure I am interrupting some sort of gathering.’’

‘‘You don’t have to be interrupting, you can be adding to it!’’ Sumire smiled, though not 100% confident. ‘‘It’s been so long... I didn’t expect to see you today.’’

‘‘Trust me, the surprise is mutual,’’ Akechi muttered, looking down.

‘‘Maybe bungee jumping will be a good icebreaker then, what do you think, senpai?’’ Sumire asked, looking at Ren.

‘‘Bungee jumping?’’

‘‘Exactly my thought,’’ agreed Ren, then turned to Akechi. ‘‘I was going to invite you when Ryuji interrupted. Sumire and I are going to the highest bungee jumping station in all of Japan. Interested in a little bit of action?’’

There was a pause where Akechi looked at all of them, as if analyzing the situation. His eyes were mostly looking at Sumire and Ren and settled on the latter with seriousness.

Then a smirk appeared on his face. ‘‘Of course, I am not so spineless to refuse such a challenge.’’

‘‘I swear, I’m the only sane one in this bunch,’’ Ryuji muttered, joining Mona and Ren’s grandma on the porch.

‘‘Aww, don’t be that way, Ryuji-kun, I swear it’s going to be fine,’’ cooed Sumire, catching up to him to give him a small chaste kiss. ‘‘Senpai, we’ll have to leave now.’’

Ren nodded. He threw a glance at Akechi, hands in pockets, and a small mischievous smile on his lips. ‘‘Say, since you don’t know the way, could I go with you on your motorcycle?’’

Akechi scoffed at him, shaking his head. Funny, he looked much more relaxed now. ‘‘Oh? Curious are we? Yet didn’t I see a car, presumably Ryuji’s or Sumire’s?’’ he asked in false curiosity, just to call out Ren’s flimsy try. Then he took a second helmet from his backpack. ‘‘Go get your things ready, I leave in five minutes.’’

Ren had never changed as quickly in his life, out of a Hakama and into civilian clothing.

‘‘See you later grandma. Thanks Ryuji.’’ he said on his way out, giving his grandma a kiss on the head before he left with Akechi and Sumire.

As enthusiastic as Ren had been about the motorcycle though, once on it, he quickly realized that there was something he hadn’t thought about: hanging onto Akechi as they crossed the Japanese Alps.

Riding with Akechi was nerve-wracking, in a very exciting way. He drove fast and with such confidence, Ren wouldn’t have thought he just got his driver’s license. He took on all the twists and turns the road had for him. But what mostly got Ren’s nerves all stressed out was how close they were to each other. Holding Akechi’s waist, chest pressed against his back... the proximity felt too good. Ren was sure Akechi could feel on his back how fast his heart was beating in his chest.

I hope not, man, that’s embarrassing.

And honestly, he had enough balance to maybe give Akechi a bit of space, he didn’t need to cling onto him—

‘‘Please, don’t fall and hold tight,’’ screamed over the wind Akechi.

Ren happily obliged.

* * *

Arriving at the valley, Akechi saw a narrow bridge spanning over a valley with a steep slope. The mountains were about 400 meters high here, not the tallest around, but sufficient for the day's purpose: free fall over 215 meters (705 feet) in less than 10 seconds flat.

''Look at that view!’’ Sumire said, all smile. They had arrived mostly at the same time, following close in her car.

Incredible view indeed, but unexpected. To think he had planned to surprise Ren, that he could get the superior hand on Ren’s time...

Then again, did anything ever went according to plan, when Amamiya Ren was concerned?

Wait a minute... Since we met, nothing ever went according to plan! realized Akechi. Well, maybe plans were overrated at this point. The proof was in front of him: here he was, with Yoshizawa-san – whom he just met again after five years - and Ren, getting ready for bungee jumping after he had just spent an hour riding his bike very closely to Ren... A whirlwind of emotions.

A bit of chaos really makes life surprisingly better.

That was what Herewald had taught him after all.

Shaking his head out of his thoughts, Akechi joined his companions at the top of the bridge, where the staff was waiting for them. They drew the order in which they would jump. Yoshizawa-san would be first, him second, and Ren third.

''I'll show you how it's done,'' smirked Akechi, allowing himself to show off a bit.

He had noticed how Ren had gotten a bit flustered ever since he had seen the bike ride. In all honesty, Akechi wasn't above using the cool factor to his advantage right now. He didn’t know what competition they were having right now, but he felt like he was winning and he wanted to keep it that way.

''Please do.’’ Ren winked, wind blowing his dark hair, his pupil dilated.

When she was fully equipped Yoshizawa-san took place on the platform. She raised her hand, standing still and straight. After a deep breath, she jumped with a front flip. Still quite the gymnast it seems. Impressive.

Her excited screams echoed in the valley, filled with her laughter.

Akechi grew even more excited for his turn now.

A hand on his arm brought his attention back toward Ren. He had gotten much closer now, standing near him by his side. Ren leaned forward and whispered in his ear:

''Be safe and good luck.’’

Now, it felt like to Akechi as if he was losing their unnamed competition. Fine. Not even replying, he turned around and headed for the platform. Yoshizawa had swam out of the river by now, the way was safe.

Looking down, Akechi folded his arms, holding himself, and fell.

Jumping was not just a leap of faith in the rope holding him; it was a visceral fight against himself, pushing against survival instincts and the boundaries of fear screaming at him to not jump for pure exhilaration. The fall down felt as if he was absolutely and utterly free, weightless as the rope slowly stretched. The exhilarating rush of energy made Akechi laugh with mania, as he rebounded and wind rushed under him and roared in his ears.


It had been forever since he felt alive like that.

Once all the kinetic energy dissipated, Akechi took a moment, dangling upside down, to take a deep breathe of fresh air, delighted by the adrenaline coursing in his vein, his heart pounding with excitement.

Spinning slowly, he took the time to look around at the valley – surrounded by the tallest mountain he had ever seen, snow covering their summits - the clear river only a few meters away under him.

Wind playfully blowing through his hair softly.

Soon, it was time to get down, so Akechi took the bright stick at his hip the staff had given him and raised it to signal he was ready to be slowly pulled down. Once in the river, he detached his rope and swam back to shore, where Yoshizawa-san was waiting, a towel on her shoulder, watching them jump.

On the shore, Akechi slowly approached her, not sure where to stand. Earlier, he had the others, but now, it was just the two of them. What if she had only been polite in front of the others? But Yoshizawa-san was looking at him with an excited smile on her face, clearly still high from the jump. He removed his belts and equipment in silence, under her ruby red gaze.

"I never got to tell you, but you won our little bet.’’ Yoshizawa-san said, breaking the silence.

Akechi sat on the other side of the bench where she was waiting, grabbing a towel. They looked up at the bridge, where Ren would jump in a few minutes, heart beating fast still.

At Yoshizawa-san’s declaration, Akechi frowned. What bet?

It was a memory from five years ago that answered his question.

January 23rd 2019, Mementos

At the entrance of Mementos, the Phantom Thieves plus honorary members were waiting for their leader’s signal. The plan was to finish the few of the requests they had – Maruki’s reality clearly was imperfect, not that Crow needed more proof of that – and to train together before their final fight. Joker stood apart from the group, staring at something no one could see.

While waiting for him, Crow leaned on the wall near the exit, when Violet skipped toward him, her black jacket and tied red-hair flowing elegantly behind her. She did the absolute worst and leaned on the wall beside him. Ugh, wasn’t there enough space everywhere else? It could only mean one thing: she wanted to talk to him.

"You aren’t the only one anymore."

Yup, here it was, the start of a conversation.

"You’ll have to be more precise, Yoshizawa-san. Not the only one that what?’’ Crow asked coldly, taking the bait.

Violet gave him a cheerful smile, undeterred. "That can have a Showtime with Senpai.’’

Right. Crow had seen yesterday how she had called Joker with a delicate ‘Would you?’, both nodding and smiling gleefully at some sort of secret plan they shared, before finishing off the enemy. Revolting.

No, he was not jealous of this newly formed complicity.

"Not bad, it seems you have finally mastered how to make it extra painful for the enemies.’’ Crow muttered. "Though I doubt it measures up to mine and Joker’s technique, as we have been doing it for longer.’’

Not taking offense as he had meant, Violet gave slight giggle. "You shouldn’t underestimate a newcomer on the landing mat. Let’s keep a sporting spirit, and see this through a friendly competition, okay?’’

Crow placed a hand on his chin, considering her words. A competition? Interesting. He had to admit, he was intrigued. "It does seem like the both of us are always in the main party. What are you suggesting?’’

"Yes, what I am suggesting is this: Which one of us will get the most Showtime with Joker-senpai.’’

The thrill was interesting. He had noticed with bitterness how much time the two of them spent every evening in the past few days. But then again, hit with some sort of nostalgia, Joker did invite him to Penguin Sniper or Jazz Jin quite regularly too. While Crow knew his time was limited, he must admit, he never refused Joker’s invitation.

To settle which one was the best partner-in-arms with Joker was exciting indeed, though he had a caveat to make:

"Let’s say it’s one point when we initiate it, but two when Joker does."

"Agreed. Let’s do this, shall we?’’ Violet declared, extending a hand.

Crow knew he could have been a great partner to Joker, had things been different. As they were though, they had been rivals – great ones – but antagonists nonetheless. They’d stood on two different side of a war, and Akechi’s fate was now doomed. Even in fairy tales, the villain never got their happy ending, and life was crueller than most stories. Didn’t mean he couldn’t have small victories along the way to his downfall, right?

"You’re on." Crow grinned, shaking her hand.

"I did.’’

Akechi did feel like he had proven something.

"I couldn’t believe it when the last move in the Maruki-sensei fight was made by you guys with that last Showtime together.’’ she said, reminiscing. "I had such a crush on Ren-senpai too. A part of me had wished to have something special with him, like you did.’’

"What?’’ Akechi was stunned on so many levels, he had no more words.

"Oh, I am well over him now!’’ she quickly added, her hand moving as if pushing the idea away, blushing a bit. "And I wouldn’t trade what I have with Ryuji-kun, and my friendship with Senpai is way too precious to me now. So I’m quite grateful for how things turned out. And that I get to tell you what I didn’t have time for before: congratulations on winning our little competition.’’

Akechi gave her one of his rare small smile. "You made for quite the competitor, Yoshizawa-san.’’

"I am glad you’d think so, Akechi-san. You were always such an independent person. It did me a great good to be acknowledge even a little bit by you. As if even plain old Sumire could be considered a worthy ally.’’

"Why would you care about my consideration of you?’’ he asked, genuinely curious.

"Why wouldn’t I? There was a time where external validation was the only thing keeping me from feeling worthless.’’ She looked down at herself, before straightening up. "Not anymore, though the public’s approval is good motivation for what I do, it isn’t the only thing that makes me keep my head up.’’

Akechi nodded at that, unable to phrase an answer. He didn’t particularly care for her struggles, but what surprised him the most was that he wasn’t jaded by them either. He found himself preferring it that way for Yoshizawa-san, she deserved to feel better about her self-worth. She wasn’t a bad egg.

"Oh look, Ren-senpai is jumping!’’

Up on the bridge, the tiny shadow that was Ren jumped, back first as he saluted the staff, before turning around mid air and spreading his arms. Like a fallen angel, he was plummeting down gracefully, quietly.

How fitting.

Glancing at Yoshizawa-san, and watching as Ren’s silhouette was dangling upside down – a look alike of the Hanged Man – Akechi thought that maybe, just maybe, life wasn’t so bad, with the right people around.

Akechi’s hand itched for his notebook now.


* * *

April 11th 2024, 08h05

Me , 08h05

You were right

Futaba, 11h29

Of course, as usual! What about though?

Futaba, 11h29

Also, why do you keep doing this?

Now that you can’t get me in class, you text my at dawn?

Me, 11h30

The Featherman movie is kinda nice

Futaba, 11h32

You’re so late (˶°ㅁ°)!!

Futaba, 11h32

Finally you decided to embrace your inner nerd

Me, 11h33

Sure, I embraced my nerd

Futaba, 11h34



Disclaimer: do not do flips and tricks while bungee jumping. These are professional and very fictive persona-users with quite the sense of risk, so please just follow the staff's rules ok? haha

A first spring with you - Manibarilo (2024)


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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Author information

Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.