Cookie Clicker Math Playground (2025)

1. Cookie Trail - Math Playground

  • Play Cookie Trail at Math Playground! Guide the monster, Slime, to all of the cookies.

2. Cookie Trail - Math Playground

  • Your browser doesn't support HTML5 canvas.

3. Cookie Clicker! -

  • Cookie Clicker!, a project made by Hulking Dalmation using Tynker. Learn to code and make your own app or game in minutes.

4. Fun Games for Kids - Math Playground

  • Math Surpass Prime · Bingo Rounding · Find the Bus Stop · Mystery Number

  • Math Playground has more than 500 math games, number puzzles and logic games!

5. Cookie Clicker 🕹 Play Cookie Clicker at HoodaMath

  • Cookie Clicker is a popular online game that falls under the incremental/idle gaming genre. To start playing, simply open your web browser and navigate to the ...

  • Play Cookie Clicker for Free Now. No Pre-Roll Ads. Unblocked Cookie Clicker - Safe for School. No Downloads Required. No Pop-Ups. Nothing to Install.

6. Fun Games for Kids | Skill Games - Math Playground

7. Logic Games | Fun Games for Kids - Math Playground

  • Math Puzzles · Code Panda · Two Friends · Brickway Puzzle

  • Practice logic and spatial reasoning with our popular puzzles and games. Discover fun and engaging learning games for children in grades K to 8.

8. [PDF] Math Playground Cookie Clicker - Web Server's Default Page

  • Fun with Spot. Automate the Boring Stuff with Python, 2nd. Edition. The Writer's Way. Assistive Technologies for People with Diverse. Abilities.

9. Cookie Clicker - VeproGames

  • A Game like Cookie Clicker with some other mechanics.

10. Galaxy Cookie Clicker HACKED Project by Playful Snowstorm | Tynker

  • Galaxy Cookie Clicker HACKED, a project made by Playful Snowstorm using Tynker. Learn to code and make your own app or game in minutes.

11. Cookie Clicker | Ixlmathwork

  • Advertisment. Advertisment. Advertisment. Developer: Julien Thiennot. Social. Game Requests · Discord · TikTok · YouTube · Privacy Policy · All Games. bottom of ...

  • Play Cookie Clicker unblocked!

12. Math Games | Math Playground | Fun for Kids

  • Free, online math games and more at! Problem solving, logic games and number puzzles kids love to play.

  • Practice addition, multiplication, fractions and algebraic reasoning with our popular math games. Discover fun learning games kids love to play.

13. Math Playground Cookie Clicker

  • Web cookie clicker is mainly supported by ads. Play cookie trail at math playground! Guide the monster, slime, to all of the cookies. Web your browser doesn't ...

  • Math Playground Cookie Clicker

14. Cookie Chomp - Play it Online at Coolmath Games

  • Cookie Chomp at Cool Math Games: Similar to our B-Cubed game, but with cookies! Can you figure out how to get the monster to eat them all?

15. Cookie Clicker Math Playground

  • Math class cookie clicker math iFunny. Cookie Clicker Math Playground. Web cookie clicker is mainly supported by ads. Web other versions live version try ...

  • Cookie Clicker Math Playground

16. Play math playground online on Cookie Clicker

  • Math Playground - Play math playground online on Cookie Clicker: 0 cookies.

  • Math Playground - Play math playground online on Cookie Clicker: 0 cookies

17. Great Free Maths Game - Cookie Clicker - School Mum

  • 1 mei 2016 · Something that i really like Is finding ways to use games that kids love in their learning ...

  •   I recently stumbled across a game that my kids were playing and I thought it was a good one to try with mid-primary and older students.  Something that i really like Is finding ways to use games that kids love in their learning and you can see our Minecraft maths ideas here. When IRead More

18. Cookie Clicker

  • Cookie Clicker is an awesome idle clicker game with a baking theme. Bake cookies by clicking on a giant cookie. Use the collected cookies to buy upgrades. Which ...

  • On ExtremeMath, you can join thousands of people worldwide on the most innovative and exquisite learning platform!

19. Clicker Games | Play Online at Coolmath Games

  • If you are looking for a more math-based clicker game, then Idle Dice is a popular one. At first, it starts out by rolling a single die in order to get coins.

  • Explore the captivating universe of clicker games - where clicks lead to boundless progress and strategic excitement. See which game suits you the best.

20. Cool Math - free online cool math lessons, cool math games & apps ...

  • Cool Math has free online cool math lessons, cool math games and fun math activities. Really clear math lessons (pre-algebra, algebra, precalculus), ...

  • Cool Math has free online cool math lessons, cool math games and fun math activities. Really clear math lessons (pre-algebra, algebra, precalculus), cool math games, online graphing calculators, geometry art, fractals, polyhedra, parents and teachers areas too.

Cookie Clicker Math Playground (2025)


What is the cheat code for Cookie Clicker? ›

Beginner's Guide to Cheat Codes
Game.cookies = Infinity;Get an infinite number of cookies.
Game.cookies=;Set the total number of cookies to the desired amount
Game.cookiesPs=;Set cookies per second number
Game.Earn();Add the desired number of cookies to your current total
1 more row
Apr 8, 2024

Where is the Cookie Clicker cheat menu? ›

With Google Chrome on a Windows PC, you access the Cookie Clicker cheat menu by pressing Control, Shift and J. You can also simply press F12. For the MacOS version of Google Chrome, press Command, Option and J to bring up the Cookie Clicker hacking area.

What is 777777 in Cookie Clicker? ›

as long as the last digits of your heavenly cookie number are 777777 then youll have it. You have to have the 777777 at the end the moment you buy the upgrade. Originally posted by Primeval Revenant: as long as the last digits of your heavenly cookie number are 777777 then youll have it.

Is there a secret in Cookie Clicker? ›

There are many hidden references and Easter eggs sprinkled throughout Cookie Clicker. Many are hidden in achievements and upgrades. They are in the title of the achievement/upgrade, or the description.

What is the code for infinite cookies? ›

There is no real way to get infinite cursors. However, you can use the code "Game. cookies=infinity", which will give you infinite cookies to buy cursors.

How to get admin in Cookie Clicker? ›

For you to become an administrator, someone with bureaucrat access must make you one. On larger Wikia, there will usually be a community page for requests, with a page name such as "Cookie Clicker Wiki:Requests for adminship".

What is the dev name for Cookie Clicker? ›

Development. Julien Thiennot, also known as Orteil, created Cookie Clicker on August 8, 2013. Written in a single evening, the game was posted in a link on 4chan, and garnered 50,000 players within hours.

How do you spell saysopensesame? ›

On the web version of the game, you can instead add 'saysopensesame' to the end of your bakery's name. For example, "Rachel's Bakery" becomes "Rachel saysopensesame's Bakery", or "Rachelsaysopensesame's Bakery".

How to get neverclick Cookie Clicker? ›

On Cookie Clicker, there is a shadow achievement you can get called "True Neverclick" which recognizes that you bake one million cookies while not clicking the big cookie once. If you plan on doing this legitimately, you'll need to click on Golden Cookies at the start of your run, as you cannot click the big cookie.

What code does Cookie Clicker use? ›

To emphasize the accessibility of the game, Cookie Clicker only requires JavaScript to be played.

What is the golden cookie clicker code? ›

To spawn a golden cookie, use: var newShimmer=new Game.shimmer("golden");

What happens if you name yourself Ortiel in Cookie Clicker? ›

A player naming their bakery "Orteil" will get an achievement called "God Complex" which is a shadow achievement. However, this lowers their CpS by 1% until the player renames their bakery.

What is the oldest age in Cookie Clicker? ›

In fact, Grandmas can be anywhere from age 70 all the way past age 100, and every number in between. The ages of your Grandmas have no effect on their ability to produce cookies.

How to trigger the Grandmapocalypse? ›

The Grandmapocalypse starts once you've accumulated over 1,000,000 cookies. The screen becomes covered in a shaking, flashing, tiled background of grandmas. As you gain more cookies, the Grandmapocalypse becomes more intense, with more images of different grandmas of various sizes and intensity beginning to show up.

What is the cheat code for Cookie Clicker open sesame? ›

There are two methods to open the console. You can open the console using the function Game.OpenSesame(); . On the web version of the game, you can instead add 'saysopensesame' to the end of your bakery's name. For example, "Rachel's Bakery" becomes "Rachel saysopensesame's Bakery", or "Rachelsaysopensesame's Bakery".

How to get cheated cookies taste awful in Cookie Clicker? ›

The Cheated Cookies Taste Awful achievement is only obtained by changing your number of Cookies to be greater than your Cookies baked all time or by opening the developer menu (AKA the Open Sesame menu). Using any mods gives a different achievement called Third-party.

How do I start the Grandmapocalypse? ›

The Grandmapocalypse starts once you've accumulated over 1,000,000 cookies. The screen becomes covered in a shaking, flashing, tiled background of grandmas. As you gain more cookies, the Grandmapocalypse becomes more intense, with more images of different grandmas of various sizes and intensity beginning to show up.


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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

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Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.