The Orlando Sentinel from Orlando, Florida (2024)

Nov. 4, 1953 rlanin Srnttrtfl Central Florida Notebook several days in Babson Park, as guest of her granddaughter, Miss Joann Holzcker. Miss Nancy Ray of Tampa was a recent guest of Miss Joanne Settle. Mr. and Mrs.

E. J. Moore and Mr. and Mrs. H.

P. Turner spent the weekend in Naples as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Moore. Mrs, Eugene Acree, Mrs.

Charles Welborn. Mrs. R. D. Chelette and Miss Thelma Shelton attended the National and State Beauticians Convention in Miami Seal Sale Plans Told At St.

Cloud ST. CLOUD Mrs. Truitt Schel-lenberg of Kissimmee, first vice president of the Osceola County Tuberculbsis and Health was guest speaker at the meeting of St. Cloud Parent-Teacher Assn. Monday night.

Together with Mrs. Tom Gannarelli, chairman, and Mrs. Eudora Watkins, she presented plans for the Christmas seal sale which begins shortly. Mrs. Howard Young presided at the -meeting.

Devotions were led by Mrs. H. J. Crofts and group singing by Mrs. O.

J. John- Pattishall of Sanford and Mrs. H. B. Stackhouse of St.

Augustine. Mr. and Mrs. George Schultz of Orlando spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.

L. E. Spencer. Mr. and Mrs.

W. R. Jennings had as guests over the weekend, W. R. Jennings Jr.

of Tampa, Watson Jennings and Charles Beard of Haines City. Ensign and Mrs. Charles Dor-sey of Tulsa. spent last week with Mr. and Mrs.

Theo Pate enroute to Jacksonville where Dorsey has been stationed. Miss Isabel LaFils had as guest over the weekend Miss Charlote Vivera of Orlando. Mrs. J. O.

Andes had as guests recently, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. French of Albuerque, N.

and Mrs. Lillian Medler of Reodoso, N. M. Mrs. Beatrice Riley and Mrs.

Edna Haigh are attending the Ocoee A special meeting of the Christian Church Bible School Staff will be held in the home of Dr. and Mn. P. H. Tackard Nov.

9 at 7:43 p. m. Christian-Church 'Board meet-In? will be held in the Educational Bldg. Nov. 10 at 7:30 p.

m. All members are urged to be present. This month is being observed as Stewardship Month in preparation of the enlarged program of the church for the new year. Ladies Aid Society of the Christian Church will meet Nov. 9 at 2 p.

m. in the Educational Bldg. Mrs. Alma Homsby has entered Orange Memorial Hospital for surgery. John Arnold Whitaker won the blue ribbon on his cow at the 4-H Dairy show in Orlando Saturday.

L. H. Harper spent the weekend with friends in Roberts. Ga. Mr.

and Mrs. B. R. Hughes are announcing the birth of a son pBeach last week. I sajjsr-oj -'M 352 fa.

mnn I II 1 1 -f Mrs. L. N. Kinzie has returned to St. Louis, Mo.

Clermont A daughter, Sebra Lynette, was born Sept. 13 at the South Lake Manorial h.vpital to Mr. and Mrs Hubert Hull of ClJ-mont. Mrs. D.

J. Hatcher returned recently from a trip to Charles nurses convention in Tampa this week. ton. C. Mrs.

Ross Arnett returned last week after spending several weeks In North Carolina. A son, Roger Miles was born Sept. 21 at the South Lake Memorial Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jackson Drawdy of Fcrn-dale.

Mrs. W. H. Shepard of Min Mr. and Mrs.

Harry Peterson of Altamonte Springs announce the birth of a daughter Nov. 1, at the Fernald Laughton Hospital. Mrs. E. R.

Dunn and daughter Pamella returned to St. Petersburg Sunday after spending a week with her mother Mrs. Dorothy Corrodi. son. nans were maae ior xwo delegates to go to Daytona Beach for the State Convention next week.

Mrs. Earl Walker, membership chairman, announced that November is membership month, and urged members to strive for 100 pet. by the end of the month. Several members plan to attend the all-day study course in Kissimmee at the Youth Center Wednesday. The elementary school room count showed that Mrs.

Charles Earle's fourth grade had the most parents present. Plans were discussed for a IX mil flv, aa -l 43 In the picture Miss Dorothy Angell, chairman of the show, is surrounded by some of the paintings and water colors KISSIMMEE ARTISTS EXHIBIT WORK By way of observing National Art Week, Kissimmee artists are holding their annual exhibition at Hart Memorial Library. i on display at the library. rummage sale to be held in front of the old Western Auto building an Penn Ave. Nov.

21 with Mrs. Frank Poffenbaugh 'and Mrs. Howard Young in charge. Mount Dora Dr. and Mrs.

Charles E. Funk arrived recently from Chester, where they spent the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brelsford of Michigan have moved into their new home on Lake Ola.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bridgman, who have been visiting in Quincy, have returned for the season. Aline Paul, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Ralph Paul, who has been ill, is greatly improved. Mrs. Adeline Houck of Belmont Heights is critically ill at Water-man Memorial Hospital, Eustis. Mrs. W.

D. Key and F. V. Eit-ner, Sorrento, and Mrs. George Kennedy, Tangerine, are patients at Durham Young Hospital, Thursday, at West Orange Hospital, who has been named Lester Allen.

Mrs. Bobbie Reeves of Pensa-cola is visiting her nephew, M. C. Reeves and family, and her sister, Mrs. B.

M. Reeves who is in West Orange Hospital. J. J. Foots and son Scotty spent the weekend in Ft.

Myers. Mr. and Mrs J. A. Holland spent Sunday with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr.

and Mrs. Arch Baker in Orlando. C. B. -Terry entered West Orange Hospital Saturday after being injured in an auto accident.

Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Merritt spent the weekend with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr.

and Mrs. W. E. Price in Lake Monroe. Mr.

and Mrs. J. A. Beaty of Lcesburg were Sunday guests of his grand son-in-law and granddaughter, Mr. and Mrs.

C. E. Good son. Mrs. Fuller Peterson is confined to her home with mumps.

Mrs. B. R. Hughes and son Lester Allen have returned home from West Orange Memorial Hospital. J.

E. Brower is gradually improving at West Orange Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Golay and mother, Mrs.

Myrtle Edenton, have returned to Fredericksburg, after a visit with Mrs. R. G. Eckles. Mrs.

J. H. Golay of Fredericksburg, has arrived to spend the winter with her sister, Mrs. R. G.

Eckles. neapolis arrived last week and will spend the winter with Mrs. William Mandeville. Mr. and Mrs.

B. K. Ferguson had as guests last week his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Ferguson of Chilli-cothe, Texas and bis brother, J.

H. Ferguson of Amarilla, Texas. A son Moses Sally was born Sept. 24 at the South Lake Memorial Hospital to Mr. and Mrs.

Albert Wilson of Groveland. Mr. and Mrs. O. H.

Keene returned last week after spending several days in Kentucky. Mrs. Esther Brundage arrived Saturday from Pittsfield, Mass. to spend the winter at the Prewet Apts. Mrs.

Lulu Farr arrived Saturday from Littleton, N. H. to spend the winter in her home. Alton E. Krause returned last week after spending several weeks in Chicago, 111.

Central Florida Radio WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1953 Death Takes McClelland WJBS DeLand WLAK Lakeland MORNING Wednesday MORNING 6:28 Sian On i 8:15 Second Cud 6:30 News, Weath. 9:00 Alex Drier 6:35 Good Mornina) 9:15 Star Time 7 00 Spot News I 9 30 Mornlne Mat. 8:30 Ijike Reg Ber 8:45 Lake Reg 8er 8:55 News 9 00 Keyboard F. 5 30 Pise 'n Shine 6:00 New 6:05 Rise 'n Shine 6:30 Newi At Age Of 75 9:15 Rec. Revue 6:35 Devotions 7:01 Good Morning 10 25 Radio News 7:29 Weather 10:30 Bob Hope 7:30 World News 110 45 Break Bank 7:35 Sport News 111:00 Strike it Rich 7:40 Fla.

H'dlines 11:30 Phrase Pays 8:00 World News 11:45 2nd Chance Couples Note Anniversaries DELAND Two local couples celebrated anniversaries Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. D. G.

Cline, observed their 52nd wedding anniversary, by having a family dinner at their home on E. Rich Ave. They are natives of S. Carolina but came to DeLand 11 years ago. They have seven children, 16 grandchildren- and five great-grandchildren.

Mrs. and Mrs. Robert Worstall, 1107 E. New York celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with an open house from AFTERNOON 6 45 Quartet Har. i 9:30 Three Suns 7:00 News 9:45 Novelty Time 7:05 Minute Hand 110:00 News.

Views, 7 15 Minute Hand 10:05 Morn. Seren. 7:30 News 10:25 News 7:35 Minute Hand Bob Hone 7 45 Minute Hand Break Bank 7:55 Sports Strike it Rich 8:00 World News Phrase Pays 8:15 Cheer. Earful :11:45 Sec. Chance 8.20 Lake Reg.

Ser AFTERNOON 12:00 Spot News Orfo Vista The West Central P-TA will put 2:00 Concert 3:00 z't I'kz 2:55 News 3:00 Life Beautiful 315 Road of 3 30 Record H. 4 25 News 4 30 B'stage Wife 4 45 Woman in H. 5 00 Story Time 5 15 Song Shop 5 55 Song of Day 12:01 Eddie Arnold 12:08 Town Ctry. 12.27 Prayer 12:28 Weather 12:30 World News 12:35 State News 12:40 Local News 12:45 Midday Music 1:30 Lor. Jones 1:45 tune Time SANFORD Mr.

James F. McClelland Sr. 75, chairman of the Seminole Board of County Commissioners, and former sheriff of Seminole County, died at 9 p.m. Monday at the Florida Sanitarium, Orlando, after two weeks' hospitalization. Born June 14, 1S78, at Fort Meade, he came to Seminole County and Geneva in 1885 where he engaged in cattle raising and citrus growth.

He later moved to on a couple of skits in the audi Longwood Mrs. Forest French and daughter Susan and Mrs. Leona French left Sunday for Pennsylvania where they will visit friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs.

A. L. Largent and son John Otis spent the weekend with Pvt. and Mrs. Donald Largent in Georgia.

Carrol Barwick has entered the Orange Memorial Hospital prior 00 Midday News) 3:00 1430 Club 05 Fla. St. News 3:15 1430 Club 10 Weather Bui 3:25 UP News tonum of the Orlo Vista elemen Kissimmee Artists Show Their Works KISSIMMEE In recognition of National Art Week, Miss Dorothy Angell, Kissimmee Artist, 5s exhibiting a collection of pictures by local artists in the Hart Memorial Library and a exhibit of work by pupils of the Elementary school in the Moorefield Building. More than a hundred individual pictures done in oils, water colors and pastels are shown. Miss Angell a painter of Florida flowers, won first prize at the Princess Ann County Fair at Virginia Beach when she exhibited her water color of Florida magnolias.

The picture of her sister and a water color still life both won first prizes at the Florida State Fair. Assisting Miss Angell are Miss Jo Makinson and Mrs. Helen Monroe. The public are invited to see this exhibit which will be open until Nov. 13.

tary school Thursday at 8 p.m 15 Bunker Hill's; 3:30 Lorz. Jones 30 Gospel Truths: 4 00 B'stage Wife 45 Music to Rem! 4:15 Stella Dallas 00 Mus. to Rem. I 4:30 Y. W.

Brown 30 Pauline Fred. 4 45 The Woman 45 Pays 'Married' 5:00 Just P'n Bill 15 1430 Club 5:15 FP Farrell 30 1430 Club I 5:30 Lone Ranger 45 1430 Club 55 Ken Banghart 4 to 7 p.m. Tuesday. Mrs. Worstall is one.

of DeLand's most ardent gardeners and a source of horticultural information for all the novice gardeners in this section. Her husband is a retired chemist. EVENING 6 00 News I 8:30 Olldersleeve 6:05 Sports Review 9 00 Bet Your Life 6:15 Dinner Date I 9:30 Big Story 6.43 Weather 10:00 Fib. McOee 6:45 Worid Today 1015 Top This 7:00 Alex Drier 10:30 White House 7:15 Sammy Kaye 11:00 News 7 30 Morg. Beatty 51105 Weather 7:45 1 Man's Fam.

11:06 Nocturne 8:00 Walk a Mile 11:30 Sign Off WSBB New Smyrna Beach Wednesday MORNING 6:30 Wakeup Time 9:15 Four Knights 6 55 Local News I 9:30 Frankie Carle 7:00 Musical Ci I 9:45 Henry Jerome 8 00 News Serenade 8 05 Coffee Club 10:30 Airplane Trio 8:30 Womans News 10:45 Devotional 8:35 Coffee Club 111:00 News 9:00 Morn. Edition 11:05 Melodies 9:10 Ac. to Record! AFTERNOON in collaboration with the local P-TA. Refreshments will be served after the program and business meeting. A full report of the proceeds from the Halloween Carnival Friday night will be made at that time.

At least 200 were served in the dining room of the school carnival night with some of the food booths selling out all their supplies by 9 o'clock. In the parade Johnny Taylor won with the most orginal costume, Barbara Genedine wore the prettiest and Bunnie Hudson the ugliest. There was a large crowd patronizing all the attractions. Bryant Butler, son of the Mr. EVENING 6:00 UP News I 9:00 Groucho Mx.

6 05 Can. Silver! 9:30 Big Story 6:15 Can. At Silver 10:00 Fib'er McGee Can. Silver Top This 6:40 Local News M. Neighbor 6:45 3-Star Xtra 10:35 Pop Seren'da 7:00 Alex Drier ill 00 News Spts.

7:15 NBC Sports 111:15 Mor'n Beafy 7:30 Morg'n Beat 1130 Dream Time 7 45 1-M'ns Fam. 12:00 Midnite Col. 8 00 Walk a Mile 12:05 Sita Of! 8:30 G. Gilders'vei Altamonte Springs American Legion Auxiliary Unit 183 will sponsor a card party at the American Legion home Prairie Lake Thursday at 8 p.m. 3Irs.

Walter Bonder is chairman. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peterson are announcing the birth of a daughter, Marcella Marie, at the Fernald-Laughton Hospital in Sanford Sunday Nov. 1.

Mr. and Mrs. Eli I. Day returned here Friday after an absence of several months in Atlanta and Birmingham. Mr.

and Mrs. P. V. Hamblen of Nashville, are guests Gaddis To Charge Delinquents' Folks NEW SMYRNA BEACH Wally Gaddis of this city, assistant county juvenile officer, says he will follow a policy of filing complaints for the arrests of parents where he feels they are responsible for their children's WSIR Winter Haven to an operation. Tom Jackson of the University of Florida spent the weekend in Longwood.

Carlos Smith is in Springfield, attending an AC school. Sonny Shaw of FSU spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Garland Shaw. Billy Wells spent the weekend with his parents, Mr.

and W. J. Wells. His guests were Curtis Golden and Berta Pace of Tallahassee. Local Legionnaires, members of the Forty and Eight in Orlando who assisted with the Forty and Eight train at the Lyman School Carnival were O.

E. Weaver, Jimmy McGrath and W. J. Wells Jr. This was sponsored by the 5th grade.

James Newman, of the Mar- MORNING Wednesday 12:00 News nn 12:05 Roundup 2:00 Music 2:30 Bandstand 3:00 News 3 05 Serenade w.V. T7t n. t.1: 12:15 Purple Saae He gave as example the case of 3:30 1230 Club 1 5 00 News 12:30 Melody Mat. 12:45 Neighborhood 100 Aft. Edition 1:15 Music 1:45 8hep Fields i 5 05 Blues, Boogie 5:30 Hits.

Encores a 14-year old Holly Hill girl recently referred to the juvenile authorities. Investigation dis and Mrs. Ed Butler, is now a Bosun's Mate in tthe Navy. He arrived from San Diego, Oct. 30 and must report there for duty Nov.

15. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Crawford have moved to the Twin Oaks Trustees, Circles Of Church Convene UMATILLA The initial ser- of Mr. and Mrs.

L. T. Bryan. J. D.

Morrison and daughter Jeannette left Sunday to drive up to Chattanooga, where Jeannette will visit her great grandmother who is critically ill. Mrs. Earle W. Riley left Sun A. 9.JU iVIUIIllUK UfV.

6 25 Markets 9.45 Time Cl'k T. 6 30 Wake Up T. 10:00 Cecil Brown 6 55 News H'iishts 10:15 Songs of Dey. 7 00 Sons Pioneers 10:25 Star Spotl't. 7:15 Trading Post ,10:30 News 7 30 World News 10:35 Spotl't Food 7.35 Time Clock T.

10 40 Spotl't Spts. 8:00 News :10:45 Anniv. Spot. 8:05 Time Clock T. 110:50 Spotlight 8.

8:30 News 10:55 8potl't Hum. 8:35 Time Clock T. 11:00 Ladies Fair 8:55 Gab Heatter 11:25 News 9.00 R. Hurieigh 11:30 Qu for Day AFTERNOON closed, he said, that her 23-year ivice at the Baptist Mission, Sun property on the Winter Garden mart old mother was responsible because of neglect. She was sentenced to 60 days in the County Jail, although her name was withheld to protect her children.

Gad day for Tampa where she will attend a state nurses confer- Mrs. Alton Dial went to Atlanta is spending a leave in Longwood. ence with headquarters at the with her husband Sunday for a day afternoon was well attended, and the work there got off to a good start. The Baptist Church trustees met Monday night at the home of James J. Hamrick.

The Baptist Missionary Circles met Tuesday at the following Tampa Terrace Hotel. She 'visit Mrs. C. N. North has returned after visiting her daughter, Mrs.

D. H. Epperson in Jacksonville. return Thursday. Mrs Charles Sacket returned Mr.

and Mrs. W. H. Robinson Siindav from Ticketsville. dis said the mother was found to be intoxicated, and had with her in a bar a two and a half year old child one of her four minor children.

12:00 Curt Massey 12:15 Capital Com. 12 20 Baptist Ch'ch 12:30 Town Crier 12:45 In Florida 1:00 Cfdrlc Foster 1 15 Rhythm Rch. 1:30 H. Harmony 1 45 See America 2:25 News 2:30 Go To Town 2:45 Mu. Weather.

2r45 Women Only 3 00 Matinee Frol. 3:30 Thought For 3:45 Tot Parada 3:50 Matinee Frol. 3 59 Newa H'dlines 4:00 Polk Express 4:55 Exp. Caboose 5:00 8 81 bar 5:30 Wild Bill H. 5:55 Cecil Brown of Orlando were dinner guests places; Ayers, with Mrs.

W. R. McCown; Cora Blair, with Mrs. J. G.

Parks, Nannie Clubb, with Mrs. N. 11. Stinnette; Ruth Osborne, and Business Women at the church. EVENING I 5:55 News EVENING 6 00 Mostly Music 8 15 Glee Club 6:30 Serenade I 8 Showtime 6:45 News I 8:55 News Com 7:00 O.

Lombardo 9 00 By Request 7:15 Dollar Day 110:00 Serenade 7:30 Rhythm Rend. 10.25 Final Edition 7 45 Crosby Sings 10:30 Sign OU 8:00 News Conference Slated On Flood Problems KISSIMMEE W. Turner Wallace of West Palm Beach, secretary of the Central and Southern Florida Flood Control district, will meet with the Osceola County Soil Conservation district supervisor at 10:30 a.m. Friday, at the county courthouse. Charles Partin, chairman of the board of supervisors, said yesterday that flood control and soil conservation problems facing this immediate area will be discussed.

Partin said all interested persons are invited to attend the meeting. 6 00 Spts. H'dlines. 8:00 Deadline 6:05 Sports News Sanford and entered celery farming, retiring in 1927. He was elected sheriff of Seminole County in 1928 and served two terms.

For ten years he was a member of the board of county commissioners and at the time of his death was chairman of that group. The deceased was a member of the First Methodist Church, Sanford, Masonic lodge 62, Morocco Temple Shrine, Jacksonville, Sanford Shrine Club, Woodmen of the World, and the Odd Fellows. Surviving are the widow and eight children: G. W. McClelland, Tampa; M.

R. McClelland, San. ford: J. F. McClelland Jacksonville; Dr.

G. B. McClelland, Ratford, L. L. McClelland, Baton Rouge, Mrs.

Edith Yarnash, Daytona Beach; Mrs. Christine Halter, Miami; Mrs. G. R. Michael, Baltimore, also three sisters, all of Sarasota, namely, MfS.

Belle Wooster, Mrs. Anna Mann and Mrs. Ellen Wright. He left 16 grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren. Funeral arrangements, in charge of Brisson Funeral Home, are pending.

Meeting Adjourned SANFORD Seminole County commissioners adjourned their meeting early yesterday out of deference to Chmn. J. F. McClelland who died in an Orlando hospital the night before. The members had spread on the minutes a citation to the memory of McClelland, a board member 10 years and before that sheriff of the county eight years.

The board sent a message of sympathy to the family and ordered flowers for the funeral. Business handled included granting the Supervisor of Registration, Mrs. Camilla Bruce, to hire one assistant until Jan. 1 and two assistants thereafter until the spring election. Surveyor M.

C. Hagan was authorized to obtain right of way for Palm Dr. south of Big Bear Lake, a deputy sheriffs bond for Talley Hattaway of Cassel-bcrry was approved, the annual financial report was approved, a plat of Sanford Ave. in Lake Mary was approved and two subdivision plats were approved. The meeting was adjourned until Nov.

17 when sale of county hospital bonds is scheduled. of Mr. ad Mrs. Alden L. Bridgers Sunday.

Sgt. John Forward of the Marines spent last weekend with his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Forward at For-est City. Mr.

and Mrs. Leonard Dennis Blackford of Hampshire, England, and more recent from Toronto, Canada, have purchased the Altamonte Food Center from Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hanson. 8:30 Treas.

Mel. 9:00 Bill Henry 9:05 3 Star Final 9:10 Top Ttine 9:15 Mut. sreel 9:30 News Home 9:35 Sports Ten 9:45 Club 1420 where she went to attend the funeral of her mother, Mrs. J. R.

Kirkland, who died Oct. 28. DeBary Mr. and Mrs. Charles C.

Wagner have returned from Braden-ton where they attended the Rotary conference. Mrs. Bernard Savage was hostess at a Canasta party Wednesday. Ladies attending were the Mmes. John Rice, Rose Foley, Ann Dernpsey, Christine Kemper and Miss Dorothy Myens.

Mrs. A. Rice has returned from a visit to Syracuse, N. Y. where she was guest of her 6:15 Pianist 6:30 News 6:45 Vic Damone 7 00 Fulton Lewis 7:15 Au'dale Prgm.

7:20 Tune Yes year 7:25 Fla. In Brief 7:30 Gab. Heatter 7.45 Perry Como Theater Group Holds Election DELAND The Central Flor 111:00 News 11 15 Sign Oft Layman's Session Set At DeLand DELAND The Episcopal Layman's Conference of the Daytona Deanery, postponed from last week, will be held Thursday night at Barnabas Church in De-Land. Supper will be served at 6:30 p.m. to Laymen from Volusia and Brevard counties.

Principal speaker will be the Rt. Rev. Martin J. Bram, suffragan bishop of the diocese of South Florida. Stafford Beach, president of the Diocesan Layman's League and a resident of West Palm Beach, will be pre Winter Garden Mrs.

J. R. Corbett has returned here after an extended visit in Kentucky, Illinois and Michigan. Mr. and Mrs.

E. C. Hoffman have returned after spending the summer in Ohio. The students of the Lakeview High School Band were hosts to 68 members of the Seabreeze High School Band at a weiner roast at the Lakeview Gymnasium following the football game Friday night. Jack Powell, a sophom*ore at Florida Southern College, spent the weekend here with his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. J. A. Powell. Mr.

and Mrs. Clarence Lau spent Sunday in Winter Park as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lau. Mmes.

Jessie Brock, and Miriam Thomas, and Miss Annie Connell attended a conference of Elementary School Principals of Orange County in Orlando Mon Lake Wales Mrs. John D. Bellamy of Wilmington, is guest of Mr. and Mrs. Roy A.

Craig. WLBE Lake County (790 Kilocycles) MORNING 5 58 SiEn On 110:00 Cecil Brown 6 45 Church .10 15 Adven. in Mu. 7 00 RKD 790 10:30 News 7 45 News :10:35 Adven. in Mu.

8 00 Mus Chimes 11:00 Ladles Fair 8:30 Trading 11:30 Ou'n for Day 9:00 Get Acqu'ntedi AFTERNOON 12:00 World News 2:30 Wond. City ida Federation of Live Theaters met Sunday at the Fred Stone Theater at Rollins College to plan for the next annual get together in February. Mrs. Betty Denniston of Orlando was elected president of the Federation to fill the unexpired term of Mr. William II.

Bullen who will be out of the state, according to Lillian public relations chairman. daughter, Mrs. Helen Miller and of her son and daughter-in-law, 12:15 Local News 3:00 News sent, as well as the League secretary, Louis Cook of Sarasota. Time I 3:05 Guest I 3:15 Music 12:30 Dinner Bell 1:30 Music 2:25 News I 4:00 Curt Massey Mrs. Charles M.

Hunt, and Mrs. II. C. Crittenden attended the Southern States Restaurant Show, which was held in New Orleans last week. The local Florida Citrus Canners Co-operative began its ectionizing operations here last week, according to M.

A. Stephen-ion, production manager. Tom J. Campbell, who has been manager of the Royal Palm Ice Co. in West Lake Wales for the past 11 years, left last week for Corpus Christi, Texas, where Mr.

and Mrs. Merton Burnham. Mrs. Rice saw her infant granddaughter, Darcy Ann Burnham for the first time. Mrs.

Walter Taylor is a patient in the Orange Memorial hospital where she has undergone surgery. Miss Marlene Stroud is now home after a serious illness in the Fisn Memorial hospital in DeLand. Dr. Reuben Alley was at home to a group of friends from the Fish Memorial hospital in De- Lions To Sponsor Showing Of Circus WINTER HAVEN Lions Club upll sponsor two performances of King Bros, and Christiani Combined Circus in Winter Haven Nov. 14.

The circus, will be set up at the Eloise intersection on the Bartow highway and an old fashioned circus parade will pass through the downtown section on Saturday morning at 11:30. 4:15 Music I 5:00 Bobby Benson 5:30 Wild Bill EVENING 6 00 Supper 7:30 Gab. Heatter 6:30 John Flynn! 7 45 Titus Moody 6:45 Spts Spotll't 8 00 Deadline 6:55 News 8 30 Bulldoa Dru. 7 00 Fulton Lewis 9 no Pill Henry 7:15 Three Suns 9 05 Music 00 Spinners San. ill 05 Rtarlite Son.

111:30 Sign Off Mrs. Parker Hostess EUSTIS Sylvia Parker celebrated her ninth birthday at her home last Friday when Mrs. Wilbur Parker entertained with day. Mrs. B.

H. Roper is convalescing in her home after recent illness in the West Orange Memorial Hospital. Convention Report Heard By Kiwanis UMATILLA The Kiwanis program was given by J. S. Allen and A.

L. Atkinson, reporting on Florida District Convention held recently in Daytona Beach. Key Club boys attending were Joe Sparling and Bobby Turner. Directors will meet Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at the home of James Scobie.

Visitors were Harold Apfer, St. Louis, BUI Clements, Lees- Land. a birthday party. Games were played and refreshments of punch and cake were served to the following guests present with the honoree, Howell Reddick, Margarita Cantu, Martha Glover Clinton and Harold Courington. Gladys Shep-pard, Mary Carol Miller, Charles Miller, Dale Robinson, Jo Ann, Buddy and Lewis Boyetle, Carolyn Parker and Alice Clark.

Sanford IF. rry J. Byrd Jr. returned Sunday from Martinsville, where he vhited his father, Harry J. Byrd.

New Smyrna Beach Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Hol-comb have received word that their son, John, has been advanced to the rank of first lieu Planning Meet Set NEW SMYRNA BEACH The merchants' division of the Chamber of Commerce plans a Christmas sales plan meeting during a luncheon at the New Smyrna Beach Hotel, Nov. 12.

Sales promotion and concrete Christmas promotion plans will be discussed by students under direction of H. W. MacEdwards, director of Divi Diversified Co-operative training classes here. burg, Emory Owens, J. B.

Murphy, John Shrieffer, and Kent Morehowse of Eustis, A. P. Far-rar, Athens, Ga. WONN Lakeland MORNING 5 30 Cr'k'r Gr'h'm 8 55 Gabr1! Heatter 6:00 News 9.00 Rob. HurleiEh 6:05 Cr Gr'h'ml 9:15 H'm'y Shop 630 Hymn of Day I 9:30 M'ng.

Dvtns. 6 35 Cr'k'r Or'h'm1 9 45 Organ Moods 6:55 News lO OOCecil Brown 7:00 Wake WONN 110:15 Radio Kitch-n 7:25 Newa 10:30 News 7 30 Wake WONN 10:35 Morn'g Stars 7:55 News Ladles Fair 8 00 Wake WONN 111:25 News 8:30 Wake' WONN 11:30 a for Day 8 45 Oabr'l Heatter AFTERNOON 12 00 News I 2:30 WONN Music 12 15 Trp's Top T'ns: 3:00 Aft. News 12 30 Temp. Bulletin: 3 15 J. Gambling 12 35 Hillbilly Hits.

I 3:30 J. Gambling 12 45 Curt Massey 4 OOBaukhage 1:00 Cap. Comm. I 4:15 WONN Music 1 05 WONN Music 4:30 WONN Music 1 WONN Music I 5:00 Bob Benson 2 00 WONN Music 5:30 W. Hickock 2:25 New 5:55 Cap.

Comm. EVENING 6:00 Trading Post I 9:05 H. Wismer 6:05 Temp. Bulletin! 9:15 Music in Ni'e 6:25 News 9:30 Music in Nite 6:30 Intermezzo 00 News 6:45 Jan Oarber Music in Nite 7 00 Fulton Lewis 10:15 Music Lady 7:15 Spts. Spot.

110 30 7 30 Gabr'l Heatter'lJ 00 Fd Pettitt 7 45 Perry Como 11:15 UN Hiehiites 8 00 Deadline 11:30 Orchestra 8 30 B. Drummond 11 45 Orchestra 9:00 Bill Henry 11 55 News I 112.00 Sign Off he will act as district manager of the Southern Texas Ice and Service Co. there. Robert Taylor of Homestead will replace Campbell in West Lake Wales. Mrs.

Adolph Andersen and Mrs. T. M. Langston entertained recently with a bridge-luncheon, which was held at the Lakeshore Plantation Inn. Twenty-four guests were present for the occasion.

Jimmy and Miriam Scaggs and Shelly Clyatt were weekend guests of Mrs. Owen Loadholtes in Fort Meade. Charles D. Overly spent the weekend in West Palm Beach with his family. Miss Nelle McKay, who has been spending the summer with relatives in Ohio, will arrive in Lake Wales Tuesday to spend the winter.

Mrs. Lillie Worrell is spending Mr', and Mrs, W. R. Williams and son Monty of Lakeland spent the weekend with friends and relatives. Mrs.

II. B. Stackhouse has returned to St. Augustine after pending the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.

Zeb. Ratliff. Those attending the homecoming service and dinner at the Oviedo Methodist Church Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holler, Mr.

and Mrs. W. B. Kirby, Mr. and Mrs.

H. B. McCall and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carter, Mr.

and Mrs. R. W. Sturdivant, Mrs. Dick Brown, Mr.

and Mrs. Zeb Ratliff, Judie Ware. Mrs. H. II.

tenant, United States Marine Corps. He is stationed at the Marine Corps Air Station, El Toro, Calif. Margie Jones, daughter of Mayor C. B. Jones, will take part in the Faulkner School talent show to be held at 8 p.

m. Nov. 6 at the school auditorium. The presentation is part of the school's fall festival program. Mr.

and Mrs. Mack Clinton of The Rotary Club's Young Man of the Year nominations close Thursday. Judges are the heads of local civic groups including presidents of the Lions. Kiwanis, Rotary and Women's Clubs. Acolytes Schedule Instruction Period LEESBURG The weekly supper and instruction period for the acolyes of St.

James Episcopal Church will be held today at the parish house. Instructions for junior acolytes will be held at 5 p. m. followed by supper at 6:15 p. m.

after which instructions and rehearsal for senior acolytes will be held. Mrs. William Clements and Mrs. George Rast will be in charge of serving the spaghetti supper to those attending. Aid Requested DELAND The Red Cross is making an appeal for help in making kit bags and bed side bags.

Women who can sew and would like to help with this cause may obtain the material and instructions from the Red Cross office in City Hall between 10 and 2 p.m. daily. Mrs. V. C.

Babco*ck, chairman of this project, says that 25 kit bags and 25 bedside bags must be finished to complete the West Volusia quota for these articles. Birthday Celebrated UMATILLA On Saturday afternoon Dianne Bickford celebrated her birthday at the Oakley Andrews home on Central Ave. Attending were Mary Girding, Deanne Marteeny, Shirley McKinley, Lynette Groves, Susan Davidson. Kathy McCown, Ellen Murphy, Billy Carleton, Margaret Sanders, Rosa Brew, Louisa Chairman Named NEW SMYRNA BEACH Mrs. Mabel McDonald, past president ot Unit 17, American Legion Auxiliary here, has been appointed child welfare chairman of District five by Mrs.

Catharine Hirth, president, Fernandina..

The Orlando Sentinel from Orlando, Florida (2024)


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Name: Dong Thiel

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