The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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Graham uneral Service 37 39 Howard St 3 5175 Personal Service rank Wlnnlow Warren Underwood ClinrlcN RondRlrnxiA rank lrilou Invalid Ambulance (24Jiaur Service) 3 RUSSEII IjVeHAI HOME 933 STATE STREET Telephone 32Ru SI5S SprinsfleM Mass THE STRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN SPRINGIELD MASS: MONDAY EBRUARY 161931 '4 NORTHAMPTON ORANGE WARE HOLYOKE OBITUARY HOLYOKE and the the CUMMINGTON MRS JOSEPHINE MINEH BEAD town uucn Hen me Jerome uneral ward PATRICK STANTON BEAD PALMER POLICE RAID TWO PLACES Capture held the home will elected the foliowin vear alien and a half of alleged HOLD VALENTINE PARTY Of Red Cross will HUNTINGTON Jrinnl the Northampton his EXPLOSION ROCKS HOUSE Xuneial direr will he held Wa rha pel Tuexln SMIT sc rv I I stiff chur of 1 ACCUSED LARCENY at at once so that school sessions bo resumed as sooii as possible Are department was called out the explosion but no fire re 'Mnrlnn Whitney the par He was but had the past taken ill Stanton term of keen until and the experimental college set up new lines of first and second year students composed a Los Angeles Cal The young man is parents and four Robert and John and rancks Lord water damage to the double store on the street floor known as the air store and operated by Daniel Bres sack WJeth Sava str henw I07 St 14th Joseph uneral at the Ur pro stu sep AViH un day an tac tile It authoritative college ad vis la Bisbing parlors The also of Eugene I The of maintaining liquor will result later from the un reau in St tuner rtA' on out out the c'ity 14th Eonff of uneral from the home Quantity of Aliened Liquor and our Customers eb 15 Tho police made two A Eliot of Boston Unitarian church this iiv 11th Mrs Ellz Rnlpb Savage of 312 14th wife of William both lhe partm ent box 318 city the 14ih John Tin tho hom*o of his sis Roach 73 Horace mine at 715 solemn re THREE CONTESTS LOOM OR TOWN PRIMARIES Right of Member to Act as Secretary of Welfare Board Questioned Palmer eb 15 ollowing the ac tion of the board of public welfare in appointing Thomas XV Mansfield one of its own members to the position of welfare secretary yesterday it was rumored today that a question will be raised as to whether it was legal for him to be named to the post hile serving on the board While no authoritative opinion is yet available it is held that before Mans field could be appointed secretary and at the same time be a member of the board it would be necessary for the town to accept certain revisions of the statutes Other contend that the board has a legal right to name one of its own members secretarq When the town voted to employ a paid secre tary for welfare department work no stipulation was made that a member of the board could not hold the posi tion some hold CHURCH DAMAGED AS HEATING PLANT BURSTS AT WARE TOWN MANAGER IS REAPPOINTED A program mental music followed dress of the ng was given by for mer Mayor Avery followed by benediction by the camp chaplain The board of aldermen was represented by Aldennen 1 lelaney Dwyer and Alaz zolini Abo ut 500 attended PAPERMAKERS AVOR A IVE DAY WEEK Horace Al Pease Alexander Wall and Timothy' warden William Mayer Barnes to Cut Budget to Pre vent 45 Tax Rate Increase Pittsfield eb 15 Mayor Jay Barn hopes to have his budget com pleted in time for presentation to the aidermen on the 24th Heads of de partments have asked for a total of $2269900 which is $472000 more thou the 1930 budget If this jump were al lowed to go through the tax rate jump would be $5 making it $37 for 1931 There will be considerable trimming before it is ready for the city coun cil 'th James Auld 75 IhihpI street Tues But ial in orestdale NEW TRAIC BUREAU MAPS WILL BE USED JAMES AULD 75 DIES ATE SHORT ILLNESS ELECTION OICIAL STARTS CONTROVERSY KMndall street Ills brolli Tiitre4 Tuesday quiem ma rhun a1 LOKI At Hck Gardner Eduard cl' "Tuesday LVIh IG At Jlenriei iudw fioiii 11 Jjosiiv Wrdne MARKHAM lord I meadow HAMPSHIRE RED CROSS UND REACHES iinfudd hospital 14t1 John 1 861 Main street uneral funeral home C84 State at 3 in Burial in Oak ROBERTS DIES AT HOME Sb School Also Affect ed Loss Set at $2000 Blast Thought Caused by Oil Gas Another Ex plosion Ware eb 15 Damage estimated at $2000 was done at St church this afternoon about 440 when an explosion wrecked tho heating plant and damaged the basem*nt of the church and St school which is located in a part of the basem*nt An explosion at Memorial home at 245 also in the heating plant did same damage to that apparatus the walls of the building The explosion at St is be lieved to nave oeen caused wnen gns supply which was off before noon until late this afternoon was again turned on forming an oil gas Tho gas supply of the Ware Gas company failed this forenoon Gas running out faster than it could be generated left the town without gas for several hours Employes notified some con sumers but were unable to get word to all and being unaware of the con dition it is supposed that the janitor at st Mary lett tne gas turned The explosion at the church tore the front of the boiler and blew windows in the lower part of church and in St school Rev Michael Kolbuch pastor of church ordered a new boiler immedi ately and repairs and instalation will start may The after suited although smoke did some dam age Oil gas is also believed to have been responsible for the explosion at Memorial home The cause of the gas shortage was a leak somewhere in the system at the works Herbert Wilkinson in charge of the plant to put on extra employes and late in the afternoon the gas supply was gaining over the consumption so that unless there is some other mishap the usual supply will be available tomor row REDERICK LORD DIES AT HOSPITAL Sole Republican ight to Center on School Board Nomination South Hadley alls eb 15 The time for candidates to filo papers for a place on the Democratic and Re publican ballots in the town primaries Tuesday March 3 will expire riday Carlton of niece Spri ngtleld Hun toon of will bo taken to armington for the funeral and burial probably on Wednesday when services will be held at the Congregational church ormer Pittsfield Resident Away at New Brunswick Pittsfield eb 15 Patrick Stan ton 65 former Pittsfield resident died early today at his home at New Brunswick He was born in Ire land and was assistant manager of the Metropolitan Life Insurance company agency at Pittsfield for a numler of ears prior to 1915 when he went to New Brunswick The survivors are his two brothers Edward and Miles of Pittsfield and one sis ter Mrs rank McCroary of this city The funeral will be held at St church Wednesday morning at 9 and burial will be in St cemetery Charles Roberts his step Mrs David Washburn of street this afternoon fol brief illness He had been health for a year Mr Rob born in armington II i turned out ty held yesterday at the Hotel Nono tuck there being 50 tables in play Prizes were given the high scorer at each table as in former years The proceeds which will be quite a sum will be given to the local chapter of the American Red Cross Mrs Martin Judge was chairman of the com mittee in charge which also included Mrs William Dillon Miss Viola Davis Miss rances aulkner Mrs Henry Toepfert Mrs William Dwight Mrs James Logan Mrs red Clark Miss Constance Mahoney Miss Margaret O'Connell Miss Betty Rup pert Mrs Wilbur Murray Mrs Ryan Mrs rederick Celce Mrs George Burkhardt Mrs Kelly Mrs A Green Mrs Benjamin Perkins Mrs John Sullivan Jr Mrs Karl Alderman Mrs Harvey Hew itt Mrs James Dowd and Miss Eleanor O'Brien Wa re raids on seized a moonshine and in one place found four customers At tho home of Pever Musial of 50 Pulaski street a gallon of liquor was seize! A visit to the home of John Bil of 39 Pulaski street resulted in a half gallon seizure Com plaints nuisances raids night be observed by American Legion auxiliary at vvv i rx mv" riends invited 15th Thomas A uneral at th Burial in raternity Banquets Hehl Amherst eb 15 Yesterday dedi cated to St Valentine the students of Massachusetts Agricultural college devoted themselves to fraternity Ini tiation banquets and to the task of welcoming alumni members The fra ternities which held their banquets were the following: at the Mansion house Greenfield: Phi Sigma Kappa at Draper hall college dining establishment: Sigma Phi Epsilon at the Hotel Weldon at Greenfield Lambda Chi Alpha at the Lord Jeffry inn at Amherst Alpha Sigma Whi at the Hotel Weldon at Greenfield Al pha Gamma Rho at the Highland ho tel at Springfield Kappa Epsilon at the Hotel Northampton at Northamp ton and Delta Phi Alpha at the Lord Jeffry inn CLOSING TRIAL COLLEGE IS NEAR New Contributions Swell Drouth Aid Total Toward $8000 Quota Northampton eb 15 The drouth relief fund of Hampshire county chap ter of the Red Cross has Reached $5218 The quota is $8000 New con tributions include the following: Amherst $265 additional making a total of $1186 $25 additional from Hatfield $12 from the Hatfield club $250 from West Hatfield society' $11 from St Agnes society of St Episcopal church Northampton $5 from Southampton Missionary society $10 from South ampton society $30 from Southampton Sunday school $10 from Southampton club $8 addi tional from Southampton individuals making a total of $63 $5 from Worth ington Benevolent society $5 from Worthington riendship guild $5 from Worthington Loyal Ladies $8 from Worthington individuals making a total of $23 and $47 from the people of Granby as secretary and following ap Burial registrar of three years irst Baptist church of Cummington Cum mington Grange and Hillside Pomona Grange in all of which she had tak en an active part until recent years She was honorary president of the Miner association founded by herself and husband in 1909 which has held annual reunions since that date and secretary of the Willcutt association: also founded in 1909 holding annual meetings She was a woman of rare qualities and exceptionally ultics which she retained Visits Home of Rose Gal vagni on Merrill Road Who Is Summoned to Court Pittsfield eb 15 The police liquor squad in command of Sergt Richard Rock last night raided the home of Rose Galvagni 332 Merrill road and sonfiscated five quarts of mixed liquor 181 pint bottles of beer 18 quarts of bottled beer Rose was summoned into court on charges of Illegal nuisance Tony and Louis Guillani who were at her house were arrested on charges of driAikenness and being disorderly persons The home of Morris Metropole 83 Seymour street also was raided and eight quarts of mixed liquor were con fiscated Morris was arrested oh charges of keeping and nuisance He furnished $200 cash bail A nraver was offered at on Thursday by Rev A Dyer a cousin which was followed at 130 by a service at the Cummington Congre gatioanl church conducted hy the pastor Rev Sanger assisted by Mr Dyer The bearers were grand sons Marshall Clark of Springfield Ronald Burnett of Adams Harold Miner of Hinsdale and Raphael Milton A and Stebbins Howes of Swift River Burial was beside her husband in West Cummington ceme tery Holyoke startled the stein block at ly before 1 1 pilot light to the gas boiler too low and it went out The gas continued to filter in through the pilot light and resulting explosion niew on furnace doors The fire de was called by an alarm from but there was no fire An alarm from box 413 called the depart ment at 532 to the Adaskin Tilley company building at 57 Suffolk street The cleanout plate to the boiler had been accidentally left open and the smoke that should have gone up the chimney went through the store Some one seeing the smoke filled store turned in an alarm There was no tire Edward Spaulding Dies Edward Spalding 73 of Main street died today at Springfield hospital after an illness of several weeks born at Soutli Gardner Me been a resident of Palmer for 30 vears Previous to being he had been employed as janitor at the Palmer postoftlce Memorial hall and local business blocks and lodge rooms He leaves his sister Mrs Annie Perry of Brooklyn The flag at Memorial hall was flown at half staff today in tribute to the memory of the late Maj Gen Clarence Edwards commander of the 26th division in wartime Keen expressions of regret at Gen passing were voiced today by'local World war veterans who served under him in rance The ederated club will meet Wednesday night at the Methodist Episcopal church in Bondsville The pastor Rev Guptill will deliver a talk on his experiences as a "mis sionary in Africa Walter Dyl and Joseph Zaxvrotny of North Wilbraham who were arrested yesterday charged with assaulting and robbing rank Bednarz of Hudlow of $25 recently have been successful in raising bail of $1000 each Stanley Mazur of North Wilbraham a third defendant has been unable to secure bonds All three will be arraigned in district court tomorrow morning William McGrath of Walnut street is confined to his home by ill ness Elmer Thomas assistant treas urer of the Palmer Savings bank has returned to his home on Squi jr street after undergoing an operation for ap pendicitis at Springfield hospital The play "Publicity will be presented at a meeting of the American Legion auxiliary tomorrow night at 8 in Memorial hall Gas Pilot Light Goes Out Letting Gas Escape eb 15 An explosion tenants of the Max Ep 177 Sargeant street short today Some one left the unvral at funeral itTwt Tuesday at 7 tn will otiiciate Burial in sii tTield Mass city th rederick weighers Pease forest iire superintendent of streets The Holyoke League of Women Voters ofliccrs and members will meet Miss Louisa ast of Washington at Airs Townes Her topic Will World Economic Conference in 1927 anl American Economic SPANISH WAR VETERANS "REMEMBER THE will be will speak chairman Patriotic tne Memorial home tomorrow night the program to be given by pupils of the junior high school who will take part in an essay contest a prize of $250 to be given the winner Miss Gabrielle Lemaitre will be chairman of the meeting Walter Shea of Pleasant street Albert Hawley of Ross avenue and James ox of Prospect street will re port for duty as jurors at the eb ruary superior court session Northampton tomorrow Dr and Mrs Rbberson sons of Church street attended show at Boston Hih School Senior Victim of Pneumonia uneral Gai re Madsen select Thomas Quirk of at At here on riday men's night was charge of George K4 roesn i TllC tlTC Jinl mid thA smoke was bil ut iii large voiume when the 1 4 nil I A I einiak and their five children the second floor but routed out and made their es Prominent in raternal Or ders of City and Was Ma sonic Past Master Holyoke eb 15 James Auld 75 for 35 years a foreman at the Valley Paper company died today at his home 50 Laurel street after a short illness He was born in Edinburg Scotland November 18 1855 and came to Holyoke 4 8 years ago After his services at the Valley Paper company he retired in 1927 Besides his ewife Jeanie (Chalmers) Auld he leaves: ive sons Thomas of Holyoke John A of Lee Malcolm of art ford Alexander and Robert of Brooklyn also a sister Mrs Robert Smith in Scotland and four grandchildren He was a member and past master of Mt Tom lodge of Masons past high priest of Royal Arch chapter past president of the Holyoke Cale donian Benefit club and charter mem ber of the irst Presbyterian church The funeral will be held nt the home Tuesday afternoon at 230 RevJohn Alson willotiieiate and Mt Tom lodge Masons will read their burial service at the grave All the major offices have been spok en for already and as the lists now appear only three contests are slated one on the Republican ticket and two ofi the Democratic slate The Republican fight will be for a place on the school bo'rd for a pe riod of three years between Reynolds of Taylor street paper manufacturer and Walter Shultz of the Granby road prime mover in the recent program that is bringing a new $50000 schoolhouse to the plains section The two contests on the Democratic ticket will be for the offices of tax col lector and school board for three years rank Heyne the present tax collector and former chief of police is out for reelection He is opposed by Owen Larelle of Grant street who is employed by the Holyoke Street Railway company The Girl Scout troop will present a play at the Social Science clubhouse and a dance tomorrow night The Ware and Palmer Rotary clubs will have a joint it the town hall Thursday night with the Hampshire house serving the banquet Entertainers from New York city will give a program and Jimmy Parker's orchestra of Palmer will play during the banquet The com mittee in charge follows: Palmer club Shuttleworth of Warren chair man: Aubrey Ballantyne Benjamin Shaw Ware club Howard Sibley chairman: Carl Williams Thomas Prendergast Bernard Satz Capacity audiences attended the presentation of a musical comedy in five acts at White Eagle hall this afternoon and tonight the cast being directed by Rev Peter Jaworski The cast included many of the young people of St parish and the proceeds are for the benefit of the Polish alliance At ty George Storrs left today for Miami la where bis sister Mrs A Iberstioff and her husband Dr Ibershoff of Cleveland are passing the winter because of Dr poor health Automobile owners who have had their cars registered before today must have the machines inspected by some official inspection station and secure a certificai'b stating Che car is in suitable shape to be traveling the highways by March 1 Cars registered after this date are allowed 15 days before required to secure the certifi cate The music department of the so cial Science club will meet at the clubhouse Tuesday afternoon at 330 and the program will be a portrayal of an early Colonial singing school Gardner Lincoln of Church street will entertain the Study club at his home Wednesday night and the essuy Willram Dearden who on "The Canadian Liquor James Clark will be chairman of the New England region of Girl Scouts will speak George lagg of West Hartford Ct will speak at the regular dinner of the Rotary club at 'Hotel Northamp ton Monday night on "Old Maj Charles Rileywill speak on Panama The local club will meet with the Easthampton Ro tary cub at Easthampton Tuesday the 24th A card party will be held by the post of Spanish War Veterans and auxiliary Tuesday night at Hotel Northampton for the benefit of the unemployed The Annuiwiation dramatic club presented "Just a before a full house at Temperance hall riday night The cast comprised Nora Nagle Agnes Denn John Ida Sul livan John Crane Katherine McBride Lewis arrell Howard Meehan erdi nand Equi Maisie Cramer Eleanor and Lawrence Ryan Music was furnished by Miss Margaret and Edward Sbeehey vio linists and Airs Mouitis pianist Memorial hall was filled last night for the frolic of the American Legion There was music by the American Le gion band under the direction of Ed ward Tewhill and a program by Springfield entertainers including rankie inn the Buckleys and Rody and Jean Jordan magic by Walter Geisler and solos by Claude Emery A meeting of the Girl Scout Lead association will be held riday night at James house and a talk on astronomy will be given by Dr John A Houston A dinner meeting to organize a Northampton district committee of the Hampshire ranklin council of Boy Scouts xvill be held at Hotel North ampton Thursday night at 630 The speaker will be George elker deputy regional executive of New England The Northampton Salvation Army fund has reached a total of $1100 The objective 1s $2000 Engineer Brainerd has com pleted for the city planning board a zoning map of the city eight by four feet drawn to a scale of 400 feet to an inch The various uses of land and buildings are indicated by different colors Tlie map will be used by the planning board in revisions of the zoning ordinance The funeral of Ubald Mongeon was held yesterday funeral home of requiem at celebrated by pastor The Meeting of the Grauso Huntington eb 15 Officers Highland Grange filled the chairs Westfield on Thursday evening the regular meetin evening men's night was pb served in charge Of George ow ler Howard Cone gave an interesting talk on photography illustrated with a series of pictures An interesting talk on tree surgery was also delivered by Edwin Wise Musical selections were enjoyed after which a hash and bean supper was served Plans are under way for a Grange fair which it is planned will be held in August with the following committee in charge: Mrs Karl Nooney Mrs Oliver Dustin Ms Leon Woods Wilbert Moore Mr Whitaker and Thrasher Mr and Airs George owler will bo in charge of the decorations Selectmen Make Appointments The evening Timothy St Agnes Society to Sup St Agnes society of St Epis copal church will serve a supper at the parish house Tuesday night from 530 to 7 At 730 the riendly society will hear a talk on India illus trated with lantern slides Ash Wednesday there will be communion services in the morning at 6 and 9 and evening prayer and sermon at 730 The first children's service will be held Thursday afternoon at 415 The day of prayer for missions will be observed riday There will he a com munion service for women at 9 and in the afternoon at 330 an open meet ing will be held in which the women of the Northampton churches have been asked to join Mrs Arthur Gam mack will preside and Rev Janies Thayer Addison of the Episcopal The ological school at Cambridge speak There will be a church night sup per and Japanese program at the irst church Thursday night The club of the Edwards church will take supper at the church tomorrow night at 630 and will hear a talk by Mrs Oakes on "What Par ents Should Expect of the Public Rev rank Seymour of the North Amherst Congregational church will speak at the midweek service Thursday night There will be a supper and entertainment under the auspices of the Lyman class riday night at 630 Miss Aida Heine will speak on her recent trip to Iceland Rev James Larson preached at the Baptist church this morning for the pastor Rev Eaton reeman who is ill Rev Samuel preached at the morning A meeting of toricai society will be held Tuesday afternoon tho 24th at 315 at the Unitarian church and an address will be given by Rev James Henry Larson on "the Signing of the Kellogg Peace Pact as Observed by an Eye Wit ness" There will be organ music by Prof Wilson Moog and solos will be sung by Miss Helen Tea will be served in the public is invited Union Lenten services at the Protestant churches Sunday nights as follows: The 22d St John's Episcopal church: March 15 Meth odist church 22 Edwards church 29 irst church Edwin Poppie through his con servator George Bean has filed suit in the federal court at Boston against the government on a claim for $10000 war risk insurance on grounds of total disability John Midura of Chicopee alls paid a fine of $15 in the district court yesterday for speeding at Hatfield William Schiffner of South Had ley alls pleaded nolo to a charge of promoting a lottery and was fined $100 rank Mahoney of this city is drawing plans for the home to be built at the county sanatorium A free lecture on Christian Science will be given tomorrow night at 8 at the high school hall by Judge red erick Hill of Clinton Ill The community service section of the Northampton club of which Mrs William Moore is chair man has arranged for the presenta tion of a play "Becoming a Girl at a general meeting of the club Thursday afternoon at 230 at Carnegie hall The play will be pre sented by Mrs Harold Alden Allen Leland and meml ers of troop 10 of the Girl Scouts Airs Joseph Alerritt started from an over in the National Photo the second floor he 14th Kd I at the home on the 'hi Goshun road Williamsburg at! isewen iwiierai ui selectmen organized riday at the town office with Kirby as chairman Heine as Walter Lyman The pointments were made: Henry voters for Leslie Gibbs town counsel Leon ard Hardy: town accountant for three years Alice Af Kyle inspectors of slaughtering rank AV Clark and George Smith agent of the board of health Dr John A Huffmire super intendent of gypsy moth work George Darr sealer of weights and measures Edward Ct rron special po lice Joseph Savoit measurers of wood and bark Chester 1 McKenney James A Rude and public Horace Kuby Thebodo: Raymond isk and caretaker of the town hall William Woodruff The oujing which was to have been held today under the auspices of the outing committee of the local Rod and Gun club was postponed owing to the thaw A valentine dance was given in Coles Opera house last evening tinder the auspices of the senior class of the high school The JlB roon and White Serenaders furnished music and the matrons were Airs Sidney Osborne and Airs rank Thebodo The Huntington High school basketball team defeated the West field Trade school in a game played in Huntington Thursday evening Had Lived for Many Years in armington Until Three Years Ago VV are eb 1 74 rfted at the home of daughter Pleasant lowing a in failing erts was and lived there until lie came here with his wife three years ago to make their home with Airs Washburn Mrs Roberts died two years ago He was a descendent of the early settlers in New Hampshire the Roberts fam ily locating in trmington 300 years ago He engaged in the shoe business in armington for many years and retired 10 yea ago Ho was a mem ber of the United Workmen and Knights of Pythias at armington Beside Mrs Washburn he leaves a sister Airs Julia Smith 93 who lives with her daughter Mrs Edward Springfield also another Mrs Charles Pearson and a nephew a i 9 riends invited XIA In iliis city 15th dr wife of rank Ol unvra smet uneral at lie 1 mion Streeter company 805 street Springfield Wednesday at Wltl an organ prelude at 130 ormer Boston Albany Trainman Dead at 83 Na tive of Vermont North Adams eb 15 BavM Welch 83 for G6 years a resident of North Adams died early Saturday morning at his' home 408 East Main street He had been failing in health for the past two years and for tne past weeK has been bedfast Previous to his retirement in 1915 he was em ployed for 40 years as trainman' for the Boston Albany railroad Born at Arlington Vt Mr Welcn received his education at that village He was a charter member of the Knights of Columbus a member of the brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen and a member of St rancis church Air Welch several nieces and nephews who are his nearer relatives The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at St rancis church Burial will follow in the family lot in Hill side cemetery constables rank Sullivan Herbert Peters At Soufiiwirk 14th James 'flkelly unci al at the lae residence Monday at 2 Burial In Hastings Hill cemetery Sutli Id tit Coojier Northampton eb 15 rederick Gardner Txtrd 19 son of Air and Mrs Edward Lord of 203 South street died suddenly in Dickinson hospital early this morning after a short ill ness of pneumonia He was a mem ber of the senior class at the North ampton High school a member of the Edwards Congregational church and was a teacher in the Congregational church school of Northampton lie was born in December 8 1911 survived by his brothers Harold Lord all at home who is an enlisted man in the 5th United States infantry The funeral will be held in the Ed wards church parlors at 2 Tuesday afternoon Rev James Newton Arm strong Jr pastor of Edwards church will officiate assisted by Rev John Wightman of lorence minister at large to the Congregational church es of Hampshire county Burial will be in Spring Grove cemetery lorence KL1) MEN POCAHONTAS MEET Quarterly Gatherings of Western Mas sachusetts Council of Councils Held Northampton eb 15 The quarter ly meetings cf the Western Alassa chusetts council of councils of the Red Alen and Degree of Pocahontas were held with the local tribe and chapter yesterday afternoon Great Sachem Herbert Brown of Marble head attended the council meeting of the men at hall and Great Pocahontas Airs Mary Whitcher of Chester attended the meeting of women at White Eagle hall William Roukey of Easthampton presided at hall and Mrs Belle Pruden of Springfield at White Eagle hall Supper was served at White Eagle hall for both organizations and was followed by a minstrel show provided by the Northampton tribe and chap ter and dancing Program Given at High School Auditorium Dillon Unable to Attend Holyoke eb 15 A program was given at the high school auditorium tonight under the auspices of the Nelson A Miles camp Spanish War Veterans in commemoration of the 33d anniversary of tlie sinking of the bat tleship Maine Comdr Samuell Was serman of the camp called the meet ing to order and introduced as the master of the ceremonies Maj William1 Crozier who captain of Co Holyoke's company at the time of the outbreak of the war with Spain Alay or Witham Dillon who was to have been one of the speakers was taken ill and could not eome There was mu sic by the Holyoke High school or chestra and the color guards present ed colors at the opening of the pro gram and retired them at the close The program was suspended at 915 for one minute in memory of the sink ingof the Maine and taps were sound ed by Camp Bugler Henry Lempke of vocal and instru and the ad ormer Mayor to Celebrate Birthday at Kansas City Mo With His Son North Adams eb 15 Deputy Sheriff Charles rink the mayor during 1910 1911 and the coun ty's best known resident will be 82 to morrow and will celebrate his anni versary at the home of his son Edgar rink of Kansas City Mo He left North Adams the 7th for his second trip within a year to the western Despite the length of the journey he is reported to have enjoyed the trip and to be in excellent health Born at Alontague Sheriff rin went to Greenfield to live with his grandfather and when a young man came to North Adams where he en tered the employ of the late Jasper Adams in the furniture business He was known as a painter and decorator and became skilled at his profession He was appointed deputy sheriff in 1887 and las lived in North Adams for the past 55 years During 1905 he was a candidate for county sheriff and in the next year received an appoint ment as deputy United States marshal It was with this authority that ho subpoenaed John Rockefeller when the latter was in this section ap parently trying to avoid being sum moned to appear before the Lmtea States district court to testify re8a ing formation of the Standard Ou company Others had failed in at tempts to locate the oil magnate but the sheriff made quick work of ting his His first election to the office ot At inifield 14th Mrs Mary Xuvcs 81 ividmv of John 3T uneul will be held at the home Turstlav at i morning at the Ahearn followed by high mass St Rev James Burke bearers were Victor Duplin of New Britain Ct Joseph Duplin of Haydenville Arthur Afon geon John and Ubar Chagnon and John Helms Burial was in St cemetery Leeds POLICE SQUAD INDS QUANTITY LIQUOR tion to Go Before Interna tional Body Holyoke eb The Eagle lodge of at its meeting tonight passed a resolution asking for a five day working week for papermakers which will be presented at the conven tio nof the International Brotherhood of Papermnkers in Montreal May7 International Vice President John Bailey of this city and also president of Eagle lodge will leave here the 23d to attend tho meeting of the exe cutive committee which will be previous to the convention At a later date the local lodge hold an open mooting at which business transacted at the convention will be made known to members SHERI RINK WILL BE 82 TODAY Alain Street Man Arrenteil barged With Shoe Lace Theft Holyoice eb Max (Kh ostein of 179 Main street was arrested today by Detective Sergeant Peter Alanning on a warrant charging tht larceny of 1227 gross of shoe laces valued at $1200 The warrant was sworn out by Monte einstein agent of the Amer ican Braiding company Goodstein will be arraigned district court to morrow morning Arthur Campbell Music between acts will be furnished by Ruth Kathleen letcher mill trim: ESTIMATES Colored Pins to Mark Loca tion of Accidents Reports to Be iled Holyoke eb Matters at Hie tratlie bureau under Lieut Dris coll are just rounding into shape The oluoprint maps have been re placed bv maps on white doth a larger one for central Holyoke some 10 or 12 feet square and a smaller one shoving all the Holyoke territory in cluding Smiths Terry and West Hol voke Colored pins are being placed on tho maps showing where automo bile ueidents occur 'these pins have diffeunt colorings showing whether the accident was fatal or not whether one more were injured and the like Benefits from Proceeds Large Affair eb 15 A large crowd for the valentine card par and Walter wert'i unenl Monday at 8i a tli 1 jiiiu Shea's funeral parlors Sol luul) nia a ot requiem Holy Crass eliurih cemetery John John McCabe Jame Spent Much of Her Life In Windsor ounded Miner Association Cummington eb 15 Airs Joseph ine '(Shaw) Miner died the 19th at the home of her son in law Al Howes with whom she has made her home since the death of her husband March 3 1912 Mrs Miner was born in Swift River" July 14 1848 the only daughter of Ebenezer and Alelinda (Willcutt) Shaw who moved to Wind sor when she was nine years of age She married Addison Aliner the youngest son of Marshall Aliner of that town on November 27 1865 and most of her married life was spent there at thhe Aliner homestead where the couple was prominent in the social civic and religious life Six children were born all of whom survive Miner of Dalton and A Aliner of Hinsdale Mrs ArmaneUa Clark of Bennington Vt Mrs Martha Steb bins of Alillers alls Airs Linda Bur nett of Adams and Airs Alary Howes of Swift River Mrs Miner also leaves 20 grandchil dren and 10 great grandchildren and three brothers Shaw of Wind sor A Shaw of Wilmington Vt snaw or rrunungron She was a member of the 30 of Jmjok of 51 Hosting15 a ni Solonin re lowing at Our Lady of riends invited Northampton the 15th red ixrd vson oi aim Lord of 2r3 South street in the Edwards Con ch parlors at 2 in Newell funeral director East Loncmeadow 1 3th i wife of William Ludwig hmifp of her daughter Mrs ranklm street East Iong day at 815 a rn Requiem St church at 9 citv 13th MrsMow of rat ick Richelieu street line high mass of hur at Burial ry BSron mavor was during 1910 He was again eiecieu 1909 he oerved as a member of the school committee While he has ed more than 43 years as deputy sh iff up to ebruary of 1930 he had also served for 40 vears as probation offi cer assocl*ted with the court of North Berkshire Hale and hearty on his 82d birth day anniversary Sheriff rink is ex Itrenielv active in his duties at tne I superior court at Pittsfield where he Ills considered an authority on ot irt 1 procedure More tnan six 5 Sheriff rink may be easily distin uished ar he goes from place to I place abov the city from his rooms I at the Wellington hotel He is not the kind to sleep until noon but nearly every day may be seen on Mam street some time between 630 and Lb as he goes out for his morning meal He is a charitable man and well in formed on state national and city af fairs His ability to keep in touch with what is going on is somewhat accounted for by a desire to read ex tensively He has been commitment officer to the state institut Northampton and during this tune has taken hundreds to the without mishap of any kind the son whom he is visiting Sheriff rink has two other sons Charles Jr of Bangor Ale and Dr Claude rink of New York city The funeral of Mrs Catherine Hj land 94 who died riday afternoon at her home 14 Spring stieet wil held at St ward tomorrow Airs Hylana wls one of the oldest residents and had lived here for years She was born at citv and was the widow of John land and mother of the late Charles Hyland DAVID WELCH SUCCUMBS ATER LONG SICKNESS The other contest is between former Assessor Stephen O'Donnell of Main street seeking membership on the school board for three years and AV alter Shultz who has filed papers for both nominations The complete list of candidates for the Republican caucus is as follows: Moderator Charles treasurer Martinus man (three vears) assessor (three years) Joseph Long school committee (three years) Well ington Reynolds and Waiter Schultz tax collector rank Heyne board of health (three years) Dr Henry Doonan municipal light board (three sears) loyd Graham constables rank Heyne John Sullivan James Peters Herbert Plante John McCabe Mitchell Bakas Jr and Clement Cun ningham: tree warden Vernon Bagg: park and playground commission (three years) Louis Lamb library trustees (three years) Agnes Lavalle Newton Russell and Allee The Democratic candidates are as follows: Moderator Charles O'Gara selectman (three years) Thomas Quirk assessor (three years) Joseph Ixmg town treasurer Martinus Madsen: school board (three years) Steuben Schultz tax collector rank Heyne and Owen Lavalle board of health (three years) Dr Henry Doonan municipal light board (three years) ioyds Graham Heyne Plante Michael Bakos Clement Cunningham: tree warden Vernon Bagg: trustees for library (three years) Agnes Lavalle and Alice Smith: park and playground commission (three years) Louis Lamb Who hud to lx CiUTied down put out alter a jew ire Snuffed After ew Min utes But Considerable Damage Done eb 15 The fire depart imnt cnlleil bv an alarm from box about 1045 tonight to a blaze in the W'MXlen rear of the old Corsertlr it 1 49 153 High street owned fiy Barney quite a lowing department 1jm ij A' 1 ii ev wcre were cane the The fire "as minutes' Work The heated ini stroved and till loss was estimated lit $Jo' 0 There was also considerable Selectmen Again: Name Ernest Lathrop Indors ing His Work Orange eb The board of se lectmen Jias organized with rank A Howe as chairman and Arthur Lundgren as clerk The board has re appointed Ernest Lothroy as town manager for another year Air Lothrtm has served In" this position since me town manager fprm ot government was adopted in Orange two years ago and he has shown conscientious at tention to the many duties in con nection with the office Air Lothrop has the full confidence qf the select men and they believe he is well quali fied to work out tho difficulties to which every community falls heir when a change in government is adopted The local town manager has had much experience not only as a town manager but in engineering ca pacities as well in this state and New York Snilth Huiitouii Wedding A certificate has been returned to the town office indicating the marriage the 12th in Athol of Alarlon uell la Smith 18 daughter of Mrs Carrie Smith of Orange and Hart land Westley Huntoon 36 of Athol The latter is a chauffeur and his wife has until recently been a student in the local high school The couple were married by Rev Wellington Pixler Under the present law a man over 70 does not have to pay for his sport ing license and up to Saturday morn ing no less than 17 of these licenses had been issued to local men They include George Hill 75 HH Ramsey 73 Elmer Whitney 71 red Al Bishop 72 Albert Henry 70 Hoyt Wakefield 73 John Roche 73 John Holston 80 rank Delva 71 Charles Cobb 73: red Morse 71: oster A Bartlett 70 Ar thur Cheney 75: Myron A Cas well 72 Martin Al McKenna 72: George Wikel 71 and Waldo Johnson 73 Brad Matkliam 78 formerly of Long service in Howard street Wednesday at Bui i tl in Brookside cemetery East th r'ickiiison Strefb'r rnm 4'7 Stalo street Springfield hi with an organ prelude at 2 I White Church cemetery West Springfield At Merry hospital 13th John Keough 7 Butler street uneral at the funeral parlors of pBrmiKhalU 394 Chestnut Monday at 545 a with solemn hiQh of requiem at Sacred Heart riirch nt 9 a nt Z'KERK I VcduG Hill? ikerr l' ot Ur of Advisory Board to Act Today bn Dr Meikle Discontinuance Rec ommendation' Aladison Wis eb was learned from an source tonight that the ory board of the University ot Wis consin intends upon suggestions of Dr Alexander Alelklejohn to recom mend tomorrow discontinuance of the experimental college Dr Alelkcljohn has directed the five year experiment The closing of the college Dr Alel said would: enable the faculty of the university to make a study of the results obtained After considera tio not the practical aspects of the ex periment Dr Alelklejohn suggested that the faculty either continue the college modify its scope or abandon all formal experimentation The establishment ot the experi mental college marked a radical de parture in tho field of education and was watched with interest by educa tors throughout the nation Dr Aleikle john set up the educational laboratory at the suggestio not Dr Glenn rank president of the university who in duced Dr Alelklejohn to join the fac ulty He was president of Amherst college from 1812 to 1924 The Experimental College In the Aleikeljohn cedure for dents Tho arate unit at the university They had their own class rooms and lived to gether in a dormitory To all prac tical viewpoints they were seculded from the academic life of the univer sity as a whole After two years in the experimental college the students became members of the regular junior class of the uni versity The college was founded on the tu toral system of education and instead of studying specific subjects students devoted their time to learning of civ ilizations The colleges curriculum was medoled on an "attempt to begin ac quaintance with an understanding of the human mind as it creates and fashions the in the midst of which men Dr Aleikle john said on one occasion 2 Monday It recta AllUIX'VroX' At Stisin I rriiiMton arrinirttn 84 Mrunn road the parl'tr pBUJ day at Ttl arip cabinet is very soon in wmen tne ords will be filed both on the loca tion the accident and tlie persons involv An fill er on a beat inves tigating an accident is to make a te pmt as veil as the special officer if a Special officer is sent up by tne traf fic bureau It IS expectd that Monday nt roll call the patrolmen will be directed touse the new blanks that have just ar rived which provide Wank spacesnamed l'r the information desired There room on the buck tor further infoimathil if oltained allowing for a deta'Iod running story AMILY IS DRIVEN OUT BY HIGH STREET BLAZE Harold Aiken Harold Aiken 37 of 91 Newton street died today at Providence hos pital Air Aiken had served for sev eral years in the 20th Engineers Unit ed states army and in Co 31st in fantry stationed at ort Ethan Allen serving two years with the atter com pany He had recently been honor ably discharged from the service He was born at Holyoke the son of Air and Airs John A Aiken who survive him with three brothers "William Of airview Alichael and James of Hol yoke and one dlster lorence The funeral will be hel i at the Blais funeral parlors SOUTHHADLEY Klngsl 'if 28 Cabot street liame Mondav at 1030 a Tnaas ot renturm nt rtarred Heart church at 11 a io Burial in Calvary cemetery IJISS A I At Chicopee alls 11th Mrs Celina I a sard 65 unoral Monday morn 'ing at l'Ui Main strcot followed by solemn Jiiah nias at St church nt 030 jebneral tangements in charge ot 1 Caron ft Sons Edward Curtiss of this city and Sheffield has filed in superior court notice of his exceptions to and appeal from the order of the court allowing the receiver $365 in the case of Miller of this city against the Dur fee Piano company of Pittsfield Air Curtiss who is an interested party also took exceptions to the order authorizing payment of $10 expense incurred by the receiver who was Atty LeRoy Shaw MASS AGRIL COLLEGE XODg I MhL I In 'uty 14th Anna Mellor ef 4i" i i' struct uneral from the luncidi of Sampson Sons 750 Sime Tuesday at 2 in at Thursday home 212 Oak street be WILL GIVE CO3IEDY ootlicht Club to Present Thing Called at Lanesboro Pittsfield eb The ocuight club will present Thing Called a three act comedy at Lanes boro town hall tomorrow night In the cast are John McCormick Al bert Barnes Jeannette Beers Car men Barber Herbert Buckley Aluriel Miller AHlton Afiller Rebecca Trego Arthur Campbell and Edna Hinman The play which is being given by spe cial arrangement with Samuel rench of New York has been coached by Mrs the and Tuesday.

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.