What Are Custom-Fit Teeth Whitening Trays? (2024)

A custom-fit teeth whitening tray is specially designed to perfectly fit your mouth, providing the safest and most effective home teeth whitening results.

Creating custom-fit whitening trays is a two-step process. Firstly, an impression (or imprint) of your mouth is made to ensure the tray fits well and protects your gums. Next, a mould of your top and bottom teeth is required to create an exact replica of your teeth and gums. Your dentist usually completes this for you or if you can’t make it to an appointment, you can take your own impressions in the comfort of your own home by using our custom-fit tray service. We offer one of Australia’s most comprehensive ranges of custom teeth whitening trays.

A dental model is created from your impressions (usually plaster). These dental models are then used to create your perfectly fitting custom-made whitening trays. The creation of your dental models and custom-fit trays are completed in a dental lab using special tools and equipment.

Custom-fit whitening trays are made from a thin, flexible plastic that holds the teeth whitening gel perfectly against your teeth and limits gel leakage onto your gums. They are more flexible than orthodontic retainers and aligners as they are designed to hold the gel in prefect position against your teeth.

Dental practitioners believe custom-fit whitening trays are the gold standard in providing the safest and most effective home teeth whitening treatments. They can be use with any teeth whitening gel, and although custom whitening trays initially cost more than over-the-counter alternatives, they are typically a one-time purchase that will last you for many years.

Why Custom-Fit Whitening Trays?

There are many teeth whitening trays, each with their own benefits. Although many options are classified as ‘whitening trays’, some are safer and more effective than others. Teeth whitening is not a one-size-fits-all, and your teeth whitening tray shouldn’t be either. So, when compared to other teeth whitening trays, custom whitening trays offer the following benefits:

What Are Custom-Fit Teeth Whitening Trays? (4)

Snug Fit

Custom whitening trays are different from other trays; they are created to fit your mouth perfectly. This can only be achieved by using a direct replica of your teeth and gums in the form of an imprint or dental impression. Although many whitening trays are available, custom-fit whitening trays are the only tray that can provide this level of fit and customisation.

All in all, the fit of any tray used for whitening should be snug and tight and not loose around the teeth or gums. The tray should stay on your teeth without assistance or needing to hold it with your fingers or through biting. A great fitting whitening tray should clearly show the shape of your teeth and gums.

Most over the counter trays (trays that can be purchased online or through chemists, supermarkets etc) are often bulky, hard to shape to your teeth (if at all) and can be uncomfortable to wear. In addition, these trays cannot provide the tight, snug fit a custom whitening tray does.

For trays which require warming and shaping to your mouth, it’s easy to make a mistake during this process, this can result in whitening gel leaking out of these trays and into your mouth during treatments. Depending on the whitening gel used this can lead to gum irritation, tooth sensitivity, mouth ulcers or chemical burns.

What Are Custom-Fit Teeth Whitening Trays? (5)

Best Results

When choosing and buying tooth whitening trays you want to ensure it provides the best possible results. There are variety of factors that affect how well your teeth whiten.

From a whitening tray point of view, ultimately, the fit of the tray and the whitening gel used will determine how well your teeth whiten. You can read more about selecting the correct type of whitening gel.

A well-fitted teeth whitening tray is essential as it determines how well the gel sits in place and against the teeth. An appropriately fitting tray will hold the whitening gel close to the tooth surface and allow it to cover the entire surface without unnecessarily leaking onto the gums. In turn, this ultimately provides the best whitening results as the gel remains evenly in contact with the whole tooth surface and for the correct amount of time. This also assists in conserving whitening gel, prevents leakage into your mouth and reduces the likelihood of gum irritation.

What Are Custom-Fit Teeth Whitening Trays? (6)

Better Value For Money

Custom-fit trays tend to cost more initially than other trays. This is mainly due to the two-step process involved in fabricating them. As this process is precise and intricate, it takes time. Although the upfront cost is usually higher, this is a once-off investment, and your trays often last many years.

Although over the counter trays are usually cheaper, they typically do not last anywhere near as long, meaning you will be regularly purchasing a new tray and needing to shape/fit these to your teeth with each new set – this can stack up in the long run.

Custom-fit trays also allow you to better control the usage of whitening gel i.e placing the gel precisely on each tooth and only about 1-2 drops of gel per tooth is required. In the long run, you won’t need to purchase whitening refills as regularly. In comparison, for a full upper and lower whitening treatment, custom-fit whitening trays use about 1/5 or 1/6 of a tooth whitening gel syringe when compared to an over-the-counter tray which would require 1/3 to ½ a syringe to complete the same treatment. Again, in the long run, this stacks up, mainly if you are a regular teeth whitener.

What Are Custom-Fit Teeth Whitening Trays? (7)

Better Safety

Safety is crucial and often overlooked with teeth whitening. Teeth whitening gel is designed to be used on your teeth and your teeth alone. The risks are relatively small if you ingest whitening gel or if it comes in contact with your gums. However, frequent ingestion or leakage onto your gums or soft tissues can cause significant irritation issues to your gums, mouth, and digestive system.

To best limit this risk, you should only use tight, snug-fitting custom-fit whitening trays. This applies no matter what whitening gel is used and is particularly important when using stronger whitening gels, usually dispensed only by a dental practitioner.

To further help, custom-fit trays are usually designed to contain tooth reservoirs that assist in correctly placing whitening gel onto each tooth. However, other whitening tray options do not include reservoirs meaning the gel is simply ‘squirted’ into the tray with limited control.

What Are Custom-Fit Teeth Whitening Trays? (8)

Are Custom Fit Teeth Whitening Trays Better? Are Custom Fit Whitening Trays Worth It?

Although custom-fit whitening trays are more expensive than other tray options, understanding their benefits is essential. We believe custom-fit trays are an excellent long-term investment in your smile and health – they provide safer results and help maintain the longevity of your bright white smile.

The Australian Dental Association believes custom whitening trays are the safer option when whitening teeth. They are effective at keeping the bleaching product exactly where it needs to be: on the patient’s teeth.

How much do custom-fit whitening trays cost?

Custom-fit whitening trays usually involve a higher upfront cost than other alternatives as they are traditionally hand crafted or fabricated using specialist dental equipment and by dental professionals. Dental practices often provide options that include packages with custom-fit trays and gel for anywhere between $300-$600.

The House of Mouth offers an innovative custom-fit tray service allowing you to take your own tooth impressions, send them back to us and we fabricate your trays in our dental lab, just as your dentist would. This avoids attending appointments and is a super simple three-step process. We have options starting at just $229.

So, is it even worth it?

Choosing take-home Custom Fit trays, are the best, professional teeth whitening choice for permanently whiter teeth. The fast, long-lasting results and increased comfortability make the higher cost worth it.

How to get Custom Fit Whitening Trays?

Custom-fit whitening trays can be arranged through your Dental Practice or online using The House of Mouth’s convenient custom-fit tray service. Simply, select your kit, take your impressions, and start whitening, its easy, simple, and fast. You can see How It Works by watching our video below:

All packages can be customised depending on whether you require upper or lower trays (or both), whitening gel and how quickly you would like your trays fabricated.

Teeth Whitening Tray Advice

As a professional team, The House of Mouth understands there is a lot to consider, and you may still have questions. So contact us today to speak to a whitening expert and have your questions answered.

What Are Custom-Fit Teeth Whitening Trays? (2024)


Are custom whitening trays better? ›

Teeth whitening treatments provided by dentists are a more effective and safer approach to improving the color of teeth than over-the-counter alternatives. These custom whitening trays are made from an impression of the patient's mouth, so they fit properly.

How long do custom teeth whitening trays last? ›

The results from take-home teeth whitening trays do not last as long as those from in-office teeth whitening. Take-home teeth whitening kits produce results that can last around six months. In-office whitening can last for well beyond a year if the patient cares for their teeth properly after treatment.

Do dental teeth whitening trays work? ›

Professional take-home teeth whitening trays are said to be one of the most effective ways to whiten teeth. The appliance is used to apply the bleaching product to the patient's teeth and it keeps them immersed in the product as it begins to remove stains from the inner and outer layers of their teeth.

How many days in a row can you use whitening trays? ›

For at-home use, your dentist will instruct you to place a small amount of the bleaching solution into the clear trays and wear the trays for up to four hours a day for one to two weeks.

What are the side effects of teeth whitening trays? ›

One of the most common side effects is tooth sensitivity, which can occur during or after treatment. Overuse or misuse of teeth whitening products can also lead to enamel damage, gum irritation, and discoloration. Additionally, some types of tooth discoloration may not respond well to teeth whitening treatments.

Are you supposed to sleep with whitening trays? ›

Every dentist is slightly different and therefore you should follow the instructions provided with regards to wearing your trays. However, in most cases the whitening trays are worn overnight for at least 7/8 hours. During this time, you should not eat, drink or smoke.

Do you brush your teeth after whitening trays? ›

Brushing quickly after whitening can help remove any residual gel or substance from your teeth, keeping it from remaining on the enamel and potentially causing irritation or damage. Brushing after whitening can also help eliminate any tiny stains or discolorations that were lifted during the whitening process.

Can you drink water with teeth whitening trays in? ›

You can use tissue or cotton buds to remove excess gel that flows out of the trays. After use keep the gels in the fridge. Do not eat, drink or smoke while wearing whitening trays. In case of any sensitivity – remove your trays.

Can I leave teeth whitening trays in all night? ›

Boutique by Night has several different protocols, all designed for a minimum of 4 hours' wear time, but best results will manifest from keeping the trays in overnight, so you can whiten as you sleep. Wearing for 6 hours or more at night will typically yield better results.

Can whitening trays move teeth? ›

Some have been proven to move your bite along with them. Whether or not you have had orthodontic work done, here's why you shouldn't buy at-home whitening trays without talking with your dentist.

How much does custom whitening trays cost? ›

The cost of teeth whitening trays in Canada can range anywhere from $100 to $500.

Which is better, whitening strips or trays? ›

Trays provide more coverage than some teeth whitening strips. May contain a higher concentration of hydrogen peroxide and other chemicals for near-immediate results. Permanently remove light and tough stains. Many kits come with enough gel for multiple, separate treatments, which saves on costs.

What is the safest teeth whitening method? ›

Custom-fitted trays and in-office treatments are the safest and most effective ways to whiten teeth. ADA-approved over-the-counter toothpastes, gels, and strips are more affordable and convenient options.

Is professional whitening better? ›

Whiter Teeth

Last but not least, in-office whitening is the most effective choice. Even though the treatment is quick, it is powerful. At-home kits and whitening toothpaste cannot compete with professional results.

Do whitening strips or trays work better? ›

While both methods can yield noticeable improvements, custom trays generally offer a more comprehensive and longer-lasting whitening effect compared to strips. However, the success of either method can be compromised by common application errors.

Is in-office teeth whitening better than at-home? ›

The main benefit of professional teeth whitening is that the whitening occurs much faster than the multiple kits often required to achieve and maintain whitening from at-home solutions. With at-home kits, you may also see inconsistent results depending on your teeth and oral health.

Are LED teeth whitening kits better? ›

While LED tooth whitening shows promise, some studies suggest that LED lights improve bleaching only slightly or not at all for some people. Short-term effects. If you enjoy coffee, tea, or wine, you may be unhappy with the long-term results of your tooth whitening.


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Name: Greg O'Connell

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.